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Do you enjoy spamming the same stale meme ad nauseam?







seems more caribbean than african

WE doesn't apply here

haha wat a funny new meme x)

Are you fucking retarded?


are you?

No. We haven't had sex.

Fucking SJWs putting blacks in video games.

>inb4 we save him from a spaceprison

Doesnt this meme not work if it is the future?


Hey, if he didn't want to do the spacetime, he shouldn't have done the spacecrime.

He even has an Irish first name.

You think they know history?

When has that ever been true?

Do you think carribeans spawned in the last century? They're the descendants of african slaves.


why can't he have more attractive facial features?

might have to download some mod fix for this ugly thing

ROFL this game just gets worse and worse with every trailer

haha epic meme simply epic

a part of them yes
the other parts are creole, which also have slaves ancestry but have others mixed into it too

I have cancelled my preorder because there's a black guy in this game. I don't play SJW shit.

Why do they always choose THE absolute most niggerest looking negroid for this stuff? Same with Ooba Booga in Star Wars. Are there no black actors who look human?

Ooga booga was the best written character desu.
Even though they removed him from the chinese movie posters he has a following going on there.


Sure. Space kings count.

I won't dispute that but John Jiggaboo looks like he came out of Jim Crow era drawing, it's like they were almost baiting for racist responses



You fell for Jew Jew's trap you dumbass goyim

Is that the guy that had his helmet on when they first showed footege of this shit? ROFL. Then we hava another ugly looking blonde bitch too. (((They))) just cant help themselves.


>it's like they were almost baiting for racist responses
Well they kinda are, I mean they're shoving these happenings down our throat. Slightly offtopic but did you honestly believe the people behind the women-ghostbusters would think it be a office hit?

I mean there are plenty of good nignogs being ignored because they want to shove agenda with the most primal motherfucking looking zulu nigger

I thought he was alright desu.

Krogan looks like he might be wrex tier and mr. black man at least looks less boring than the other token human sidekicks in every previous game.

Maybe this game will hit that "exploring space and kicking ass with your bros" itch. although the trailer felt a little too action movie for me, I would've preferred more Star Trek.

little by little they try to force the most savage people on earth. first they start with mulattos who were given free college and act human. now they have ooga boogas with dreadlocks in space. next they'll have australian aborigines with didgeridoos commanding galactic spaceships through tribal music.

>being bros with a nigger
I want Garrus back.

>not knowing the difference between a black man and a nigger
Lurk more.

This looks every bit like a nigger though. The kind you'd see roaming a favela in Brasil with a knife.


>ooga boogaloo hairstyle
>we wuz space
Fuck off give me alien crewmates and not the shitty SJW Asari

And? Anderson was based as fuck and acted like a real man. This guy looks like a typical token nigger character who will talk like he's from Chicago and probably have a really violent temper

glad we agree on that

jesus how did even the graphics deteriorate over the course of the games

They literally look like wooden marionettes

I don't know who's worse, Shrek or Tyrone.

Having nappy hair doesn't automatically make him a nigger. I guarantee you Jacob is more of a nigger than this guy is, and Jacob had a more properly professional haircut.

Do we think blondie is going to be a whiny tumblrina just because she has a shitty sidecut?


Anderson is a black man. This space thug in the new me, looks like ur average nigger

Judging from the trailer that isn't true at all. Voice wise at least.

Yes, 100%. She's going to be a bitchy whiny "grrrrrl power" character.
