I wanna get into Zelda before I get BOTW. Which games should I play?

I wanna get into Zelda before I get BOTW. Which games should I play?

Note: I already know the lore

Start with ALTTP and OoT and go from there.

WW, TP and SS.

OoT has terribly clunky gameplay.


>Clunky gameplay

Escuse you?

>OoT has terribly clunky gameplay.

T. Arin Hanson

Play the last three 3D games to see how bad the series is nowadays.

Play Link to the past and ocarina of time and you pretty much know what you can expect from every zelda game ever.
I would also recommend majoras mask for how different it is.

Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD if you have Wii U

OoT 3D and Majoras Mask 3D if you have 3DS

id really suggest these since they are up to todays standarts control-wise, also they look prettier imo. After OoT3D i couldnt go back to the Virtual Console version.

ALttP if you want to play a 2D one, if you liked that continue with Minish Cap

New'ish to Zelda here and was wondering: Are there really 3 ganondorfs? Blue pig one with triforce, twilight princess one and wind waker/toon?

I read that Ganondorf has the memory of all the previous ones but a video I watched said there was three.

Whats the lore there?

the lore is more complicated then what im going to say but its basically this:

Ganon(dorf) is reborn over and over again, Zelda too (she is a reincarnation of the godess hylia), Link gets reborn too to defeat ganon

>t. posters
I want memelords to leave or acquire a brain of their own.

Ok cause I had hoped the Ganondorf you fought in OoT et al would be the same as in TP. Gives him a lot more substance and lethality knowing you are fighting an enemy with that much experience. Also pretty sick.

You're offering an incorrect opinion though.

I'm not the guy the t. poster replied to though, and I didn't give my opinion about the subject of oot either.

He still has the soul/curse of Demise or something like that.

It's actually very tight and holds up even today.
The only part that was clunky was menu navigation to equip and remove certain items.
The core mechanics are all very polished even today.

Do not listen to this neo nintendoer

I have been disappointed from all zeldas after WW
besides albw
The ghost mechanic and the fact you had to change it to hero mode to have fun with the slow enemies and the slow movement of link in the game

Here is a true list of how to get into the game from a true golden era nintendo fan

Play one of those
then play one fo these
Then play
Binding of isaac=Masterquest=romhacks=unreal engine 4 OOT=4 swords adventure =zelda 2= 4 swords adventure

skip the rest besides albw it will save you from mediocrity in the games

BOTW looks good but i will not hold my breath
I am having enough fun with BOI

TP is a bad game you should never tell people to play bad games


Skyward Sword is an endurance test. Awful game play with interesting characters and great story.

Ocarina of Time is Alright. Pretty traditional and easy to understand, unless you're a game grump.

Majora's Mask takes your sense of entitlement and throws you in an uncaring world where nobody remembers you helped them. Incredibly enjoyable.

Twilight princess is f u n with sad links to previous events. Almost as if the magic in the world has gone.

Windwaker is great. Lots to explore and do early.

Oracle series & Link's awaken are really fun and straight forward with dungeons of staggering difficulty.

>almost as if magic is gone from the world
Mostly because they removed it as a mechanic.
TP's biggest problem was EVERYTHING outside of the dungeons.
The dungeons were top notch, but you had to slog through forced side missions with characters no one could care about and the story was all over the place often.
Dungeons were memorable and well planned, but everything else could have just as easily been left out.


He is the same guy, think Dracula from Castlevania.

The guy you replied to is incorrect all ganondorfs are the same person from ocarina of time.
He gets sealed. In adult timeline.
Same thing in child but way earlier.
And he's in pig form in downfall cuz he defeated the hero and took that form.

I always thought the Ganon we see throughout history is always the same guy, never reborn.

Fuck off let him form his own opinions on games. He wants a starting point. Not a fucking play/avoid list.

I thought the dungeons were really damn fun in SS and i played that shit on my wiiu gamepad.

That's cuz it is he's wrong.

A Link to the Past
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess (Even though I hate it)
The Original (you don't have to beat it, just play it for a few hours to understand what the fuss is about)

Hell, I'd recommend any of them except Skyward Sword and Ocarica of Time. SS is so heavily on rails it's infuriating and Ocarina has not aged well at all.

That is the starting point
because what I do not talk about is dogshit.

There is only one Ganondorf. Except possibly one other in the Seasons games but I don't know much about them

>Ocarina has not aged well at all.
You're funny. Also, who here gets the Kokiri Emerald last? For some reason it's the only way I play now.

Yet you recommend RNG riddled trash like Binding of Isaac?

plz no shit games like tp

oot was played with me and my friends every year up till like 2006 and we still fuckin play it

its more zelda than neo nintendo zelda that is for sure.

I spent so many hours on binding of isaac trying to unlock things and figure out what everything does it is pretty much a zelda game where you get one weapon and the one weapon expands infinitely and does little tiny niche things

You should play:
Legend of Zelda
Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
Minish Cap
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
A Link Between Worlds
Faces of Evil
Wand of Gamelon
Zelda's Adventure
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword

As far as required playing goes, I recommend A Link to the Past, Wand of Gamelon, and Ocarina of Time, as those games have the most influence on others in the series. Depending on which of those you like best I can recommend more.


it is pretty much 2d zeldas without puzzles a huge world

it cuts down to my favorite part of the game
I prefer the 2d dungeons more as well.

With the afterbirth plus expansion LUA programmers could add puzzles eazy from LOZ

I have a ton of ideas I am going to be working on

>Faces of Evil
Wand of Gamelon
Zelda's Adventure
>No Crossbow Training

Order of release until OoT.
Then you play TP and Minish Cap.

A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker

Those are the top Zelda games.

>CDi games


Play them on release order. Or you can play the best timeline: Play Ocarina, the end doesnt matter and you lose agaisnt Ganon, play link to the past, the oracle games, Links Awaking. 2d Zeldas are the best Zeldas.

Your enjoyment of Binding of Isaac depends entirely on what items spawn. Not good game design.

>I already know the lore but I've never played a game

You should play:
Legend of Zelda
Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
A Link Between Worlds
Zelda's Adventure
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Wind Waker
Binding of Isaac

I saved you op from bad games

Not necessarily
For oldschool zelda fans sometimes I will do a whole run with the basic tears and just get health ups bomb ups and key ups to make it authentic

You can also do the same run over and over and master it

No you didn't, Wind Waker is still there

Look Ma another Twilight Princess contrarian

The CD-i games had an extremely positive reception upon their release. You underage teenagers who only know the game from le funni youtoobie poop maymays are idiots.

Why do people hate Twilight Princess so much?

The only thing I didn't like was the wolf gimmick and the AWFUL facial animation.

Good one.

Everything outside of the dungeons is a fucking root canal.

>people in this thread lumping BoI in with Zelda games
What the fuck am I looking at?

Can you be more specific?

Those games, animations aside, were easily 8/10 or higher in their time. I played them upon release. I suppose you can't help having been born after 1999.

lets be real

When I heard about twilight princess
I was excited
I saw the videos for the game
im like

wait till its released
boot it up
20 minutes
turn into wolf
ok this is weird

i shut the game off and said wtf is this dumb shit

I played it like 2 months later got 5 dungeons and saw the rest and im like fuck it nintendo i will never buy your shit again.

TP is a 3/10 for me
garbage game

I was a fan of zelda since 91 so when I know i like something I WILL like it
And when i do not like something I am not going to sugar coat it
I will say fuck the game and fuck the fans who like the game who are to afraid to criticize bad game design.

You're really doubling down, huh

The wolf segments are awful and way too long. They're padding. The 4 hour intro is awful, the world just ain't that special. Villages/sidequests are a bore .Traveling is a bore. The dungeons, however, are good.

Link to the past
Then Ocarina of Time
Then Majora's Mask
Then Wind Waker
Then Twilight Princess
Then Skyward Sword

>Time for a new area!
>Fucking cool, look at this shit, can't wait to explore it
>No, stop, you're a dog
>Find these fucking bugs asshole, and also deal with these shitheads with the dreads
>Yeah I know it's not hard, but we made sure to make it tedious as fuck

All of them except 4 Swords unless you have friends to make it less boring. 4 Swords Adventures is good enough alone, though. Zelda II is also optional, but worth it in the end.

Play the first one

You think I'm fucking with you? Those games deserve much more recognition. They're at least on the level of ALTTP.

>You think I'm fucking with you?

Play all of the 3D Zeldas except Skyward Sword

hey man

fuck you

no fuck you neo nintendoer
you got fucked