Ok guys, I have a legitimate question for you Yakuza fans

Ok guys, I have a legitimate question for you Yakuza fans.

Why do you even enjoy this series or consider yourselves to be fans of it?

I have seen countless threads popping up as Yakuza 0 came closer to releasing in the west and it seems like people only actually enjoyed 0 and 2. People say 1 is clunky but shows potential and 2 is where the series hits its stride but then when 3 is brought up, people start calling it an awful mess. I don't see anybody really talk about 4 or Ishin at all and everybody calls 5, 6, and Kiwami hot garbage.

I get the arguments behind 5, 6, and Kiwami. Two of them are late entries to the series and that'd generally when stories go full retard or try new things that don't work and Kiwami is a remake so of course people are going to start complaining about canon and I get it.

But still, how do you people say you enjoy a series when you don't like the majority of the games in that series?

I ask because I played and loved 3 (had to watch the recap videos first) and 4 was pretty enjoyable (though they never gave you enough time with each character to make progression with them feel meaningful outside of moving the plot) and now I'm playing 0 and loving it. Why do people only seem to like 2 and 0 but every other game is ignored or shit on?

Other urls found in this thread:


People have different opinions over different entries of the series, it's common

Also if you think that's bad you should see threads about general Zelda series, it's an absolute disaster

Somehow Japanese games are not rated the same way as western games. They still have cache and people think it's unique etc etc..
But generally speaking it's not that good.

>Kiwami is a remake so of course people are going to start complaining about canon and I get it.
It's not even about canon alone, it's about the fact that it's a complete cash grab. If you bought Yakuza 0, you already pretty much bought Kiwami but a better version of it.

Yakuza 3 overall gets shat on because it throws 2 out of the window and has awful plot twist after another.

I like and enjoy all of them. I dont care what anyone says. I will buy 6, too.

Nobody should deny you your right to play more videogames. i'm getting 6 too because I actually enjoyed the jp demo and enjoyed 1 and 3 when I marathoned all the not imported games.

I have not seen anyone lately have the genuine opinion that Yakuza 3,4,5 is bad.

You should learn to filter shitposters words from legit opinions.

As for the series.

Yakuza 1- is clunky but story+atmosphere+minigames(for the time)
Yakuza 2 does everything the first did but better(story is subjective)
Yakuza 3 improved the combat a whole lot, had a great ost and boss fights, and started the red heat mode, minigames might have been good, gets shat on due to cut content which was restored in 4, and BRACKU MONDAY

Yakuza 4 gave us multiple play styles in the form of characters, restored 3 minigames,RUBBER BULLETS

Yakuza 5 gave us a new play style while removing the parry type from the previous(who cares), hostesses are actually hot since yakuza 2 now and fun tot alk too, kareoke has more buttons to press, Kiryu really feels good in this, also introduces devil trigger for kiryu, there are others too but its been a while, oh and you do dance matches as haruka to bring in the waifu fags

Basically most people didnt like the retarded plot twists in 3, never hearkorean double katsuki from yakuza 2 mentioned, if anything 3 is a fun wild ride, same with 4 plot, 5 plot is great if you take chapter 1-4 as their own thing before chapter 5damn kiryu was depressing in that game

As for Kiwami it is literally zero's gameplay minus lodsofemone and leveling up works the same way as ishin, otherwise with the addition of regenerating bosses(you can defeat that though with a heat move from one of the styles corresponding to the coulor the boss is glowing), some insight to nishkis betrayal, it is Yakuza 1 plot.


It's japanese so it's good
It doesn't need to have fun gameplay

No im pretty sure its Katsuki

Korean double is a likely thing, though. There are lookalikes all around the world.

A twin brother never mentioned that works for CIA? That's just bullshit.

>Yakuza 5 hostesses are hot

>5's plot is great
Literal fanboyism at this point desu.

If you really love this series, pretend 5 is the end of the timeline.

If this is a thinly veiled Yakuza 0 thread...

How do I get good at the phone dating?

Rotating that right analogue stick is a bloody hassle

Yakuza hostesses are hot. And the indicidual chapter plots for 5 I thought were good(well at least kiryus and that baseball guys)

I don't get the love for Yakuza 2 myself. I revisited it and it wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being. Having said that, the series does go more into full retard after that, but I think the additions in each game outweigh the overall plots getting dumber.

>If this is a thinly veiled Yakuza 0 thread
It is now.

Where is the phone thing for kiryu?
Im on chapter 6.

Also does that glitch to get a shitload of money from Mr Shakedown still work?

What's up with Japanese games having extremely detailed food models these days?

>hot garbage
5 was the best game in the series before 0.

What a literal fuck.

0>5>4>2>1>Dead Souls>3

Kiwami should be between Dead Souls and 3.

didnt played it yet. cant tell.

It's a rushed cash grab to fund 6. The only reason I think it's better than 3 is because of the final fight in the updated engine and Majima's new side missions.


isnt it Yakuza 1 with 0 combat?

how can it be bad?


Just set difficulty to easy and rinse and repeat

Should find the phone place pretty easily if you just check your map senpai

The minigame on the other hand...


It's not good being a stubborn ass, user





But 5's ending wasn't really good.

You can rotate the analog stick 90% of the way and just hold it there. Then you barely have to move it when you want to shoot.


And six is even worse.



Upscaled garbage


>A twin brother never mentioned that works for CIA? That's just bullshit.
Ok, yeah, that was pretty fucking stupid, even from somebody who never played 1 and 2 and had to get it all through recap videos and wikis. That one was a pretty clear asspull but besides that, it was still a pretty ridiculous and fun ride.

god dammit why did they fuck this up

10 years in Sup Forums MADE YOU A FUCKING PUSSY

Who the fuck says 4 and 5 are bad? OP must not be paying attention to the threads or just wants to start shit.

never played a yakuza game here, saw some stuff about 0. It looks cool, but do I need to play the others to get this one? What exactly does the game play like

I love the games, but 3 is just the weakest for several reasons, and the people shitting on 6 are just mad that Haruka got poked.

>had to watch the recap videos first


I just got to champter 3. Its fun so far. Although im probably wasting too much time on side stuff.

It's like GTA without cars

emulate 1 and 2 or just jump in zero and enjoy ass whopping

This. 4 and 5 have some flaws, but they're not inherently bad and I enjoyed them immensely.

How about you fuck off. Not like I chose to have the PS4 upscale while it's hooked up to my 4K monitor that I got for my PC.

You can enjoy a series even if it has a few stinkers. 0 is really good, 2 is good, 4 is good, 5 is okay.

This reminds me of the steak that never got eaten in RE6.

gave me a giggle, mate.

>tfw still on chapter 5 because I only just unlocked Legend style
>irked that rush combos into throws take up heat and that the Komaki parry feels gimped

I know it's still "unrefined" in 0, but going from 5's powerhouse to this takes some getting used to.

This fucking dance battle with Ogita.

Get a proper monitor for 1080p then or continue to hear the detail obsessed rants of picky faggots like myself you wishy washy mega homo!

>Get a proper monitor for 1080p
No thanks. I'm fine with my 4K.

Then live with your curse you SHALL!

>not practicing the songs beforehand on all difficulties for precious CP as well so you can smash Ogita on the dance floor
And then do it 24 years later as Akiyama


Sometimes I worry if these games' developers are under genuine threat from the real Yakuza for bothering their complete lack of humour about their depiction in media.

Posted in other Yakuza thread but I'll just fucking do it here too.


How do I retry hooking up with the good girls from the the telephone dating game? I fucked up on the meetup where you have to choose between two girls twice. I got one right. I'd like to retry the other two but I feel like they don't show up on the telephone dating game anymore. I just get a constant rotation of the bad girls.

>he doesn't know
user, the lead director IS Yakuza.

>I dont know what a yakuza is
okay user

He's not yakuza but that's literally what they tend to look like these days. They just tend to wear suits and not all of them have retarded hair.

When does this picture happen? I was kind of disappointed you didn't get to see the food in burger joints and shit

>filename vs sign


How do you dash/sprint while roaming outside of combat? I got one of the Gotta Go Fast CP abilities.

no ps4 and i don't know if i want to get one just for two games

Hold X

Seriously? Is this how gamers are now?

intense spoon feeding has cause them to slowly lose the ability to adapt and overcome

Is this the Yakuza 0 general?

I didn't think there was a sprint until I saw that video, idiots. And I can't really turn on PS4 and click around while at work.

i don't give a fuck about your situation user better chill the fuck out and get back to work


Fucking lol - at the time I was like "whoa so - okay - okay cool I guess" but in retrospect I'm like "that's retarded but fine"

They are one of the twists which are so dumb I kind of warp back around to liking just for how dumb it is.



I agree with your argument but I think Yakuza are good but not great games.

X is worst, then triangle, circle is good and double circle great.

This. Zeldafags hate all but like two games in the whole series and yet won't shut up about the fucking series.

>everybody calls 5, 6, and Kiwami hot garbage
On what planet?
Honestly I've really not known any fan who hasn't enjoyed every Yakuza game they've played. And most I've met like the latest ones the best, meaning 5 and 6.
I've also never heard 3 called an "awful mess". I've heard it called the weakest entry but never straight up bad.

They got an interview with actual Yakuza members playing 3:

They seemed cool with it for the most part.

Jp version still doesn't allow screenshots and streaming. I was hoping they would have patched it since the western editions allow it.

So as someone wanting to jump into the series should I just emulate 1 or wait for Kiwami? I see everyone shitting on Kiwami but if I'm brand new does it matter?

play zero if that's what you want to play

Emulate 1, it's not even that long. Then you can get Kiwami.

People are shitting on kiwami because it's a straight remake of 1 with some new stuff added in Zero's engine so you are missing multiple cities and more fighting styles from Zero, It's still MILES better than 1 just by the fact the combat system was refined for over a decade and no load screens for battles and street transitions.
You can start with Zero and go to Kiwami next since that was pretty much Sega's strategy to get new fans into the series in japan.

>Masochist man joins your real estate group and asks you to work him so hard he'll squeal

>disposable cartridge garbage

Real men throughout history have shaved with straight razors, even when they were sailing across the uncharted seas in rocking wooden ships on the way to conquer new continents and shitskins who hadn't even discovered the wheel.

>no thanks, i'd rather play everything at 20 fps

Awesome, thanks for the clarification. So I won't be completely lost if I start with 0?

That's because disposable razors didn't exist back then.

Get with the times gramps.

Yes, its fine to start with zero.

Are any of the PS3 yakuza game any good? I've felt like OP too to be honest

They are all good besides Dead Souls which is forever broken until they port it somewhere else never

Would it be impossible though?

Like, it have to be a huge fluke but its plausible I say.

How fucking long will this game take if I'm the kind to do every sidequest I could possibly get my hands on? Been playing since release and I haven't even seen Majima yet.


According to this interview, the response of Japanese players was like this:

3 - mixed
4 - positive (Akiyama was someone they wanted to include for a long time)
5 - mixed
6 - mixed
0 - positive

They know that they produce some games that will have mixed opinions according to the interview. They like that tough, they say it's boring if you just do what's gonna be well received.

I hope somebody will translate this interview sometime.

Every numbered game in the series is good, though I haven't played 6 so I can't say on that. The stories vary and the gameplay improves pretty linearly over time, but they're all fun.

I loved the first two games and enjoyed the third, though I could tell it wasn't all that good. Lost motivation to continue after playing it to be honest.

I also loved the spin-offs I did play, Kurohyou 1&2 and Kenzan.

Because IRL yakuza are human. This games yakuza are more like 1 IRL human for every 1000 retards horny for fight.