Does anyone else hate the meme that games have to be 500 hours long now so they're filled with tons of useless filler...

Does anyone else hate the meme that games have to be 500 hours long now so they're filled with tons of useless filler and padding instead of being like 10 hours of a really good concentrated experience

Fucking poorfags ruined this medium man

Same here. I know that feel. 10 hours is fine.
Last year I was going nearly every weekend to the cinema with some friends. One movie goes like 90 minutes and we payed like 40€ for every visit. go count that up idiots. 43 movies.
we fucking payed a lot. I don't care if a 40bucks game goes only 10 hours. That is enough for me.

No but I hate the meme where I bust my nut but your mom keeps nagging me to let her climax

kek re7 shill
>8 hours
>S I X T Y
i can just watch garbage games that short on youtube and buy pizza instead

I want to sexually assault Aoba.

But also, yep.

Sorry you're retarded

Aoba is for pure.

I agree. I have a life. A wife and 2 kids and a 40 hour job. Video games longer than 10 hours drag on too long.

I want to ram my erect penis into Aoba's little vagina!

I'll ram ny erect penis into your eye socket if you do.

Poorfags don't realize they're killing the gaming industry with their unrealistic demands of gaming should be free, Get a job you fucking NEET stop having mommy and daddy pay for everything

$60 isn't a lot
$10 for paid online subscription isn't a lot

Fuck, I'm in the same boat. Used to enjoy rpgs but now I Just get frustrated and play something Short instead or Just Sims.

10 years ago we were having the exact opposite threads, where OPs constantly bitched about how (then) recent games were only 6-12 hours long.

The only thing that's remained the same all these years is the fact that OP is a faggot

Sorry, user. That was mean.


I recently finished Dragon Quest VII, and I think dozens of hours could be shaved off the game without random encounters every two steps. Also, there is fuck to do in the overworld, you're mostly fighting until you get to the next town to continue the story.

Nothing wrong with lengthy games as long as most of the content isn't bland, and repetitive.

Thanks m8.


What the fuck was you going to watch?

There was probably like 5 decent movies released last year

The problem is that "bland, and repetitive" is exactly what the devs will fill the game with just to make it 75 hours long so some sperg will feel like he didn't waste his allowance on that new game.

JRPGs have always been zero substance but padded length: the game.

Just repetitive 80 hour experiences filled with cutscenes, dialogue, and random encounters.

pull your head out of your ass for a second

>not wanting the gaming industry to crash

>xbox has subscription for online multilayer
>ps2 and gamecube have free online for people with the peripheral
>xbots get laughed at

>xbox360 has an even more expensive multiplayer subscription
>wii and ps3 have free multiplayer
>360 also has a fucking $100 wifi adapter while wii and ps3 have them built in
>xbots get laughed at even harder

>xbone has online sub
>ps4 has online sub
>switch has online sub
>"it's fine, stop being entitled. what are you poor?"

>Sup Forums says game is x hours long.
>Takes me about 3x hours to comfortably play through it.
Do you faggots try to speedrun everything on the first playthrough so you can complain later about how short it is?

"Get a job" is the unrealistic demand given the current state of the global economy.

>Sup Forums says game is x hours long
>completed 2 playthroughs in 0.75x hours
it's weird

i think it depends on who you're talking to. Someone who wants to say nice things will say it's longer than it is and people who want to shitpost will find the shortest time possible and say that's how long it is

>gives no examples
How are we supposed to reply to this.

It's always the opposite for me. I generally take longer to complete games, and then get people saying they beat it in half the time.

Thanks for your apology. I promise not to have sex with Aoba.

Only if it's some bullshit like an open world survival WRPG where things are clearly padded like hell. RE7 could be longer since that's obviously what you're getting at.

And you could play infinite hours of WoW for 15 bucks. Such fun.

Maybe he goes to watch movies he is interested in and not base it off what random people on the net thinks?

if you're really enjoying a game it's nice if it lasts a while. this is why postgame is a thing, so you can get the closure of a real ending and then continue doing some more shit if the core gameplay is still enjoyable for you. also why unlockables, extra game modes, difficulty options, etc. that add replay value are nice

>2 kids

Good job faggot, you fell for the meme

>i want games to have less content

My game times generally come under people on HLTB by quite a way. I'm not big on exploration

Depends on the game and the price point.

Thanks, user.

Go to bed, Hifumin,

I am in bed with my wife Aoba.

I like my games at least 50 hours long.

Fuck normalfags with their lives, jobs and families. If you don't have the time or passion for your hobby go do something else.



This. Why do people think that developers should design their games based around what wagekeks have time for? There's no artistic merit in making compromises for people who aren't dedicated. Developers should make long games, and then if you only have time to play 20 hours because you're so busy with your job and social life, just play it for 20 hours.

I fully agree OP. Padded games are hell for people that play many games a year but you have you keep in mind the target audience is also casuals (kids, poorfags that don't pirate) that want a game to last for weeks or months. Besides, "a gorillion hours of content" makes for good marketing material.

I'm already at the point where the words sandbox or open world are the best way to turn me away from a game.

Hifumin is so cute. I want Aoba to molest her.

Retards that glorify long games are the normal fags though, you aren't much better than a normie Skyrim player

They make cute consensual love, no molesting.

Hifumi fantasizes about mischievous Aoba way too often, though. You know she likes it rough.

Reminds me of those people who go to special prepared fishing ponds were they can catch a bass guaranteed in under an hour.

JRPGs are long deal with it. That's why I don't mind paying full price for them.

Most people don't even finish their games. You should look at the achievement stats sometimes. We live in an age of casuals and ADD.

Where do you live to have a cinema visit be so expensive? It's only 10-15 here, depending on whether you're being memed with 3D bullshit.


I don't like short games. I like a game that keeps me immersed for a long time. Now fuck off and take your shitty meme anime with you.

no its not you faggot go roof a house