How the fuck did they fucked up the saga with this game?

How the fuck did they fucked up the saga with this game?
I know the Killzone saga wasn't something special but Killzone 2 and 3 were really cool. But this game is just fucking garbage.

>really cool
1 was okay, Liberation and 2 were great

3 was garbage

Can one only play 1, 2, and Liberation and just stop? Is there a decent ending?

1 and Liberation go together, since they're both set on Vekta

2 is set on Helghan and has a serious downer ending but it's a lot better in hindsight than what 3 gave us

How they fuck up?
Because they are dutch and you need to go to a video game collage to work for them

Brb looking up 3's ending and spoiling myself.

It's hot, steaming shit

3 was good, it was just more generic. I don't know how anyone can like KZ1.

I liked 2, the electric gun was so much fun to use.

Before i got the game I played with all the sounds low except voices and put the game on easy and started to mash melee because the screams were too funny

The Demo*

KZ3 is like cod.
if you like cod, play it.

and there isn't an ending.

it ends with helgen destroyed and all the remaining helgest forces converge on earth

some idiot in Guerrilla thought it will be a great idea to abandon everything that happens and jump 30 years into the future.

I find it funny how in Killzone 1 you can hear the enemies scream as if their where breathing down on your neck even when a mile away from distance.

Did your characters hacked their comms or somehing? shit was irritating.

Shadow Fall was the first one I didn't and the first one where I found the MP to be near unplayable. At least KZ3 MP was fun

Okay, back from spoiling myself. Does Killzone 1 has an okay ending?

Remember when Sonyponies were trumpeting this as being the GOTY and a worthy reason to get the PS4?

Killzone is a franchise that did not need most of its sequels. No, THIS game is not a reason to get a PS4.

You know what is? Looks up all PS4 games in existence, see how many you want to get. If the number of them is big enough, those games are the reason to get a PS4.

SF was better than 3 and the owl gimmick was fun

What? Yes Killzone 3 was worst than 2 but at least was enjoyable. SF is an awful game with one of the worst level design in a fps

I love how hilariously bad the story is in Shadow Fall

>Defeat the Helgans
>Allow them refuge on Vekta
>For absolutely no reason give them sovereignty over half the planet
>Abandon your own population to them too

Shadowfall was so bad I couldn't even bring myself to finish it. I fell in love with killzone 2 and then everything else had to be shit.

Gameplay was ok. The aesthetics of the Helgans are cool.
And that's about it.

I liked the opening rescue mission. But I cant play beyond that.

last I remember I romping around a orbital tether shipping yard turned totally-not-nazi-ghetto.

I'm assuming it was rushed since it was a launch title.

The Cold War-like conflict in Shadow Fall is interesting, but the reasoning behind this conflict even is kinda dumb.

I think what hurts the game's story the most is the fact that the timeskip is too long.

KZ2's multiplayer was fun as fuck. The rest of the series other than the PSP is garbage though.

Did Shadow fall kill the Series?

No one knows, now Guerrilla is making Horizon. But I hope they make a KZ4 or a remake of the second one, a game like the halo master chief collection would be great.