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Look at that fucking quality
>17 FPS
Proper AA and FullHD makes so much of a difference, holy shit
Try silky smooth 60, bro
so cemu only emulated 2 shitty games?
Call me when XBCX and bayo2 are playable, literally the only decent wiiu games.
>Xenoblade X and Bayo 2 are pretty advanced and only require optimization and fixing some relatively minor issues
>Wonderful 101 is still just a black screen before crashing
There's some pretty nasty stutters in that video.
I wish I had a nice ass PC to run this.
Bayo 2 is playable aside from this shitty ear raping beeping. Have they fixed that yet for fucks sake?
Does online work? I'd love to get into mario maker
What are the system requirements?
Wait, does this work well?
Perhaps in an i5-3470 + gtx 970?
Would sell wiiu if I could still play bayonetta and Dong Kong
Nintendo shut down the servers a few days ago
no Linux support ;___;
Since I can't test it, how good does it work on Windows PCs? Whats the performance and so one?
Does Starfox Zero emulate well?
Why are there trees in the river?
Would look better on the PS4 Pro
How are both of them running at silky smooth 60 fps when the drop in fps is so obvious in the 4k mode? I mean, did someone tell you all it was running at 60 fps so you stopped using your eyes?
Just downloaded Cemu, where does one download the roms?
Someone please, tell me the minimum requirements to run at 1080p 60fps !!
what game
I7 and 6 series nvidia GPU
Don't bother with and crap
Nintendrones on suicide watch lmayonnaise xDDD
What? That game isnt even that old, what the fuck are those gooks doing?
>there are like four games worth emulating on the Wii U
Well, this seems like a wasted effort.
Any recommendations as to where I should get my ISOs?
You fly aircraft in it? Or is she just off screen
wew looks like I can run it
>Don't bother with and crap
what did you mean by this?
I have a hard time believing this shit because my i7 and 980 can't even run 3ds games on Citra at full speed.
Is the Wii U easier to emulate or some shit?
>Wii U has no power and shitty graphics
>Bump it up to 4k and an it looks amazing
Like. I could tell the actual assets were nice behind the low AA and low resolution. But it sickens me how much people shitpost that graphics are superior to art style when good art direction just scales so well.
make sure you have adblock
>Zelda BotW soon
Is there some way to buy the game and convert it so I can use it on PC?
The problems with cemu isn't performance, hell it's near flawless.
The problem with cemu is lighting bugs and ear rape
And would you rather pay for a WiiU and those 4 games and then let it collect dust or get all that for free and then you can delete/re-download at anytime.
>Wii U emulation is evolving at a rapid pace despite having almost no worthwhile games for it
>meanwhile 3DS emulation is a steaming pile of shit
Fuck this gay world.
Oh, I think you meant amd. I got Nvidia but it's a mobile GPU. It's a 960m though. I can play new games on it.
Niggas are getting 4k 60 on an old ass i5-750 and 970. You good.
what's the status on this? Should I sell my WiiU I never use?
Nah, you fight enemies on top of the jet in that scene.
Just buy a 3ds for practically nothing and hack it.
Preparing for the Switch launch. All WiiU online will be disabled by the summer.
Do it yourself then faggot.
You're not supposed to really emulate the handhelds.
You buy a console and then soft/hard mod it to play downloaded games.
A lot of people had to learn that the hard way with the Nintendo DS.
Citra improves noticeably with every new version. And they put out like two a day.
what happens if you hack your 3ds and then months later some new better version of the hack software comes out? Are you stuck with the old thing?
I tried bayo 2 and had loud as fuck BEEPS frame drops out the ass and overall 30-45 fps either 1080 or 4k.
I literally stopped the sound is completely fucked it was unbearable.
I have an i74790k and a 980 on the 1.7 version
cant find shit where you got that info from
can an i5 get me bayo 2 emulated? I don't even care if it's 480p 2bh.
Bullshit. A Google search shows nothing.
Bayo2 still has trouble on any hardware
I have one and was just running it fine
But the audio is fucked, anyone know if using uwizard to decrypt helps?
how big are the wii U games?
I might download it and give it a try.
Btw what's the magic behind this emulator? looks like the psp one that came out of nowhere.
The emulation has improved since then.
What most people are enjoying nowadays in emulation is Dolphin 5.0.
All the games run super well on it now, so I've been playing a lot of Wii and GCN. Maybe by the time 6.0 is tailored, CEMU will be bearable.
They stole a devkit
Also games go from 2gb to 20
Wii U is based on the Wii which is based on the GC
It's architecture that's been pretty well understood for well over a decade
It's not that powerful and it's also a for-profit project, which also helps a ton
Oh good, so they are just focusing on the actually good games.
I heard they were sold a dev kit by some studio. Makes sense, since I doubt any studio was making money developing Wii U games.
CEMU has been shilled so hard on Sup Forums lately, makes me thing something is fishy with the program. Must be full of keyloggers and bitcoin miners.
Why are you lying on the internet
I could program Pong so poorly that you couldn't run it with top of the equipment today if I were so inclined.
The fact that you can't run Citra has no bearing on CEMU you retard.
Is it possible to reboot your 3ds after hacking it as if you never did it
when i can play hyrule warriors with more death fodder on screen, then i will be impressed.
I will begin work on Switch emu 3rd may :')
>colors and graphics are improve
Yes don't know why you would though
I'm pretty sure you'd do this and just hack it again assuming you can get the right firmware on there
the cerrent version of a9LH needs no update, it is identical to the current look of a normal DS, but with more options. I believe you can update it, but why go through the effort when you can still pirate with older firmware?
They have a patreon running so they probably do this full-time
where do I download the isos?
>how big are the wii U games?
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Man the artstyle really took a drive down compared to the first one.
Why do you lie, user-sama?
shit thats pretty fuckin impressive
For real though, what is that?
Looks like Space Engine
good art direction, good graphics
I've been seeing a lot of CEMU posting lately. Does that mean games are finally at a playable state on it?
A lot are playable but still expect bugs
oh right, now i remember why Yooka Laylee was canceled for Wii U. thanks pc
>best wii u game still isn't playable at all
How did they have to learn it the hard way when DS emulation was a thing even while the DS was still recent? There is already lots of shit running on Citra and it will only get better over time. Give it 1-2 years until nintendo releases a new handheld and we'll be able to emulate 90-95% of all games on it.
some fully playable are
Mario 3D World
Captain Toad
Yoshi (I think)
Mario Kart 8
Its gettin there. A year from now I'm expecting it to be relatively solid for a recent system emulator.
I got a 3770k and 970. That good enough for 60fps at least?
Yeah man, more than enough. Look up how to push the resolution to 1080p. You can probably go to 4K just fine.
Just remember that outside of the games I mentioned, I can't guarantee anything.
A year? At this pace I'd give it six months before the Wii U must-plays (which aren't that many to be honest) are all fully playable.
Cool, will try it out this weekend. Looking forward to dat Mario.
If you go to the /vg/ hacking thread they have guides on how to set it up with minimal frustration. desu dropping updated hacks on it is easy, it's just the first time is a time consuming bitch if it's not the right firmware.