Thanks to this thing, more & more console only video games are coming to PC.
They had successfully delay PC piracy at least for a month/game. Because of this, more developers & publishers are confident to release their game to PC.
Thx Denuvo.
Ni No Kuni 2 coming to PC
William Reyes
Is it coming to PC as in the play store? Just a bit wired out by that windows 10 store logo.
Jaxson Russell
Honestly i agree
We will se more console games in beautiful ACTUAL 4k and 60fps
it's a good time to game
Hudson Hill
Name 1 (one) game that has denuvo and DIDN'T turn out to be shit.
Jack Gomez
>Implying the Master Race cares about game mechanics Being able to play at 4k 60fps is the only thing that matters.
Jack Davis
Ryan Price
While I agree. There hasnt been a worthwhile game for it yet. Most denuvo games are trash. I downloaded inside and it was trash. Happy I didn't spend those 20 bucks on it.
Austin Howard
Carson Johnson
>60 fps >master race
console plebs needs to update their shitposting charts, master race has made it a norm for PC games to at least run 120 fps
Nicholas Jones
Brody Phillips
144 actually
Brayden Perez
>at least
Kayden Scott
Watch Dogs 2 Dishonored 2 ROTTR Resident Evil 7
Charles Russell
where is the correlation?
most console only games that came to PC dont even have denuvo
Jeremiah Hill
Works for me. If people want the game they can buy it right away. Patient greedy fucks can just wait a month or two while playing other games. Meanwhile more and more games end up on PC.
It's win/win for everyone.
Dylan Jackson
Name one console only AAA games that come to pc that dont have denuvo.
Only 2016 & 2017 games please.
Eli Green
>numale praising drm
castrate yourself
Jaxson Wright
>only AAA games
Jacob Clark
>Bet you can't name one console only game that came to the pc. If it came to the pc it's not a console only game.
Ian Gonzalez
YAY: we will now be releasing the Denuvo cracks; coming in march.
Jacob Gonzalez
Eh, don't care either way.
Leo Sullivan
How is Ni No Kuni going to pc a good thing? It just makes it so more people can get scamed for that piece of shit like happened to the poor souls who spent money on the previous one form PS4
John Wilson
Doom had it and lost it, but didn't get better. It was good all along.
Michael Gray
Xavier Flores
UWP is even stronger DRM than Denuvo
Literally no single UWP game is properly cracked.
John Johnson
UWP goes too far and locks down a ton of shit that PC takes for granted. Denuvo is hard enough to crack that it takes even the tryhard groups a few months and guarantees devs will actually get some initial sales without having to resort to Steam sales and whatnot, yet isn't a complete clusterfuck. PCucks without any foresight can't see that without Denuvo-type DRM, UWP is the future. You can't rely on shitty Eastern European countries to start making good games forever.
David Gonzalez
Just mods
Oliver Martin
>Avoiding the question
What a poorfag.
Logan Jones
its just new im sure they will get it. and im sure if its done it will lead to a backdoor to Xbox one. Anyways my comment wasn't which one is stronger I was just wanting to know if the game coming out for PC as in a normal steam release or is it going to be a UWP