Two humans

>two humans
>Krogan is male AGAIN

Better be able to fuck that Turian chick.

>all these dyke hairstyles
Jesus, they're aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Aren't asari supposed to be beautiful to every species out there? Why is this asari so hideous?

Why do they all look like a mutant sardine is raping their souls?

beauty is subjective ;)

Where's the Turian (male)?

>literally recycled some npc from dragon age as a main character

will this game feature time travel and can i dye my hair?

dyke hairstyles are easier to render

Relax, there are non-combat crewmates you can interact with.
One of them is a female Krogan.

>oh, trans effect
>watch combat trailer
>scene about disarming enemy during dialogue is the worst thing I ever saw
>combat is as fun as drinking bleach

>Pathfinder, meet our most revered special forces.
>They utilize their psionic powers to affect the bodies of their enemies.
>In your language they would be called "Blood Mages".

*urge to purge intensifies*

>Weapon clipping through nigger arm

Why don't they make a mass effect where you play as an alien?

Fuck the humans are more relatable bullshit. Go sci fi or go home

playing as a human wouldn't be to bad if you had some truly alien teammates

closest ME has come was during 2 with Legion and look how they screwed that up during 3

Even though they will deny it till thenlardwhales come home, Tumblrites love power fantasies too

>An entire new galaxy
>Endless possibilities for new races
>lel no lets just use the old ones

Creative bankruptcy is real holy shit

There a new race in the trailer tho.

Why is dyke captain marvel in the team?

>bioware realizes that their female audience loves emotional, british men
>adds someone who looks like he might be another Jacob, boring and so unpopular as a romance, he litterally cheats on you because they thought no one would mind

I hope he's at least is like Vega, so he can bro it up, but I really wonder why they made him like that and not follow the trend.

Why does this shit look Doom 3 tier?

Well, after what they did to Inquisition that was expected.

They outright said that players would be unable to relate to a non-human protagonist. That it only worked in Dragon Age because dwarves are just short people and elves just have weird ears. But players can't form any kind of emotional connection with an alien, which is bullshit since everybody loves characters like Garrus/Wrex/Tali. It's the same reason why the new alien races they're showing off for Andromeda are the safest most humanoid looking things possible, because they didn't want them to be too strange. They said something like a non-bipedal humanoid alien just wouldn't be possible to take seriously.

>That it only worked in Dragon Age because dwarves are just short people and elves just have weird ears.

This is truthful though. The vast majority of people who played DA:O/DA:I chose human, with the runner-up being elf.

I don't blame them for not wanting to waste resources on a feature only 1/4 of the players with use.

>nig nog
>blue trap
>Xer Krogan
Bioshit it's not even trying anymore.

This game is normiecore, it's gonna take zero risk and push the coastal liberal narrative to the max.

>They outright said
Oh, must be true then. Everyone knows Bioware are tops of the field and brimming with infallible genius.

all I hear is
>"Our writers are incapable of even the slightest bit of creativity and can only write from real life experience, they should not come within 100 yards of any scifi work but due to nepotism they're in charge of our AAA space rpg"

Watership Down's characters were more alien than anything in mass effect, and that book doesn't even feature aliens.

remember these are the devs that didn't let you play as a droid or a wookiee in a star wars game because "people couldn't relate to them"

>Having a fro in the military
>In space where you're constantly having to wear helmets
And once again the black guy is portrayed as a fucking mental case, wow Bioware, good job.

What do you expect of a company that hires writers like hepler?

She wrote 2 shitty female power fantasies that sold like shit and I wouldnt be surprised if the current ones arent much different

They haven't tried to hide it since Inquisition

Looks more like some dumb scifi stock or maybe his armor. I can't tell.

I'm more concerned with the Krogan not knowing how that gun works. Look at it. He's just kind of holding it at an angle but the eyes don't line up with the sights because it isn't shouldered.

you forgot to mention the monkey

>non-bipedal humanoid alien just wouldn't be possible to take seriously.
This is true though. All your examples are bipeds with well defined limbs and faces, which means it's just humans with one or two twists.
Only degenerates would play with faceless tentacle monsters, and even then only to mess around.

can't sell a game where all the characters shave their heads now can we?

Is andromeda initiative a military organization though? They looks more like a private organization.

All the talent went to cdprojekt a long time ago


even then the sheer amount of time they'd spend in space suits and general zero-g environments would make most haircuts completely unwieldy

don't see a lot of civilian astronauts with long hair do you?


the fucking morons

>villain with a deep voice that wants us to surrender or die

Kind of irrelevant, having this wacky stylized haircut in a job where you'll generally have a helmet on and be out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere you wouldn't be running around with some full retard coupe. Style over substance is a fact here for both the aesthetics of the game as well as the mindset of the characters, how the fuck can you take someone like that seriously? They might as well have put him in clown shoes.

>a new race
For an entire galaxy, unless it plays into a narrative where one race has genocided every other race in the galaxy, that's pretty much worth fuck all.

You assuming that the revealed aliens are the only ones there are. They're likely keeping the other ones as a surprise.

>They add token black guy, dyke alien and dyke human for diversity
>They refuse to add faceless tentacle monsters

I thought they battled for equality?

so what are the chances there's going to be some heavy handed refugee crisis analogy with the humans looking for a home, being refused and basically the main character looking towards the screen and saying "Doesn't this remind you of something"

>Stronk femul soulja
>Most generic white male looking like he wants to shoot his degenerate comrades
>Hideous Asari, cant even fap to her with that shitty face
>Typical tank character

No thanks

And then I'd be thinking to myself "Yea, why the fuck did you faggots fly to Andromeda again?"

Literally 0.
Bioware can only write shitty ancient evil has awoken plot.

oh no, not saying it would be the main plot
just saying someone is gonna shove it in, in the most hamfisted way possible

I'd expect more colonization themes if anything.

>Bioware try to pull the "Geralt winking at the camera" thing
>insert some political agenda bullshit


At least the dyke girl and jamal somewhat fit the military style. The white guy looks like a low rank recruit, he may as well be a tv show host.

That was never canon.

I'm gonna miss the Elcor, Volus, and Hanar. I probably wouldn't choose to play as one, but their presence was a great addition to the ME universe.

"[But] we definitely had to put clothing on these guys," MacMillan goes on, "we needed to dress them up, because as much as we wanted to make them look new or different or alien, you're always going to want to associate with them in some way. There's a really odd disconnect with trying to associate with an alien that's completely naked in front of you. You're standing there and 'hey I'm in clothes - why aren't you in clothes?' So it was definitely the right choice to make to clothe these guys."

so you play as a fucking homo, and your team consists of a black guy about to say "I can't take your shit no more man", some permanently angry dyke, a krogan trying to shoot the cameraman with the gun he's holding with the appendages I can't even see properly on this pic, and the asari that doesn't even wanna be in the same picture with this retarded ass circus. Looks great.

PeeBee is just waiting for the next chance to burst into dance

Why would their armor have random holes in them? if a species has some armor why the fuck would they leave some parts exposed?

First time Bioware actually uses the "cutting edge" technology of mocap that's about 17 years old and they fuck it up bad enough to wish they stuck to their wooden robot animations. At least they had an excuse back then.

it was canon that asari can use mind altering effects on any species to make them appear attractive to them though. as you play as a human they should be an attractive human.

What the fuck are you on about?

Maybe this is just the starting cast and we can recruit more as we go through the game

As usual, Bioware makes the only normal girl very plain looking. She's either going to be a middle aged soccer mom, or "captain marvel" rip-off lesbian.

No it wasn't. Please stop taking literally anything an NPC says at face value.

That looks really difficult to put on.

That's how you know it's alien clothing

The asari doesn't look like shrek anymore, so that's a bit of an improvement. They need to get rid of the charcoal-smear over her eyes. It makes no god damn sense. Does she wear a mask like batman and needs it to fill in the darkness around the eyeholes? Is she from Mad Max? It looks like shit.