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Ehh, i'd fuck her.

Damn, this is my type. I romanced Jack in the other games.

This tbqh.
Right in her ass.

Manveer has a Manjaw fetish.

>I like my women like men
Just admit you're a faggot then

>i like woman
What? You said it yourself i like women. Also if this woman looks manlier than you, you're a freak lmao.

>tsundere at first
>ends up opening to you
>she's actually kind of sweet
>have sweet soft sex for the first time
>every single following banging she rides you like an animal in heat

Is that turian a female?



Why can't they design more human's with realistic looking faces like Sheploo and Jack?

Because 3DPD is shit.



Reminder that this is what a real woman looks like

why do western devs only do women with hairstyles like this?

what happened to long hair and cute faces? does this have to do with the whole tough empowered grrrl thing?

>tfw you like strong jawed women but are sick of them getting shoehorned into every western game as an excuse for "STRONG WOMYN"

Trying to push that women can either be strong or hot is stupid.

How are le nazi haircuts empowering?


The problem is not the hairstyle, it's the whole fucking model.

A man with 2 sticks of melted butter all over their face.

Thanks user! That really helped to rectify my problematic perception of women.

Apparently women being demure and feminine is sexist now and they all need to be short haired dykes or men in drag,

"Sir, I'd like to speak to your manager right now."

What's the point?
We know barely anything about the game at all and you already decided that she's le XTRONK WYMUNZIZ for no reason at all.

If you GTA SA nowadays and people here would go ''WE''.


Fuck off with these human """romances""", I want to bang alien chicks.

Jesus fucking Christ. This shitskin's background.

I'm not even white but when can we start the race war?

Thing is, we have you on one side, and obese Tumblrinas on the other.

People here consider anyone who isn't a cute and innocent anime waifu to be a bull-dyke who burps and drinks beer.
And Tumblrinas consider anyone who isn't an actual bull-dyke who burps and drinks beer to be objectified.

Kill yourselves.

Don't try and pretend that manjaw + sidecut can be characterized as anything but a "strong woman" That is like the go-to combo.

Ballmer was a fucking monster.

>No Vorcha Romance
>Trailer pretty much confirms its gonna be Dragon age origins 'Gather races to fight the big bad'


Game set in the future with fully functional androids. Wasting your time fucking disgusting humans.

I don't watch anime you fucking retard. But I know what women should and shouldn't look like.

>I'm not even white.
>Race war.
False flagging faggot.

>Mass Effect
>Fucking humans

Pick one

>Sup Forums
No, you don't.
You have an idealized image on your head that doesn't correspond with reality.
Why do you think ''3DPD'' became a meme?

a real 80 year old woman

But she looks like your average western woman.

He's your typical lefty Canuck. Did you really expect anything from these types of people. Bioware only exists today in name alone. It's no longer the company that made Jade Empire, KoToR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter etc.

>manjaw + sidecut
Is it?
Post some characters that combine this, so we can make a thesis.

>People who express their opinions on things are terrible and should kill themselves! Even if it's a moderate opinion, it's still extreme to me! There just two sides of the same coin!
>Why can't people just be passive like me and have no strong feelings about anything, just accepting what others tell me to?

>Shaved side chick

Why does every western game do this now? Way too overdone now.

Any word on alien men I can jam my dick into?

>Bioware only exists today in name alone. It's no longer the company that made Jade Empire, KoToR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter etc.
You seem to imply, that not only BioWare was at some point good, but that those games are anything but garbage.


Well, I think the core of the issue is that most of those 'bulldykes' don't even play the fucking games they harp on about. Yet, the faggots that cry about mai waifu's on here actually buy those games. So I say, from a purely business standpoint. Cater to your consumer and ignore the retards playing play pretend social activist.


>Shaved sides

>You seem to imply, that not only BioWare was at some point good, but that those games are anything but garbage.

Nice meme.

Yes you are, you should go to war, like you want, and kill each other.

>Why can't people just be passive like me and have no strong feelings about anything
Not passive, but modern society could use a huge injection of cynism and narcisim, seeing how everyone has become and oversensitive manchild everywhere.

Because trends and lack of creativity.

why are white males so fragile?

why is everything seen as an attack on them personally?

Why is Jay Leno's mother is Mass Effect

Not Sup Forums nor Tumblr are relevant markets.
You know which ones are?
Reddit, and social media.

>Cater to your consumer
Why would any Triple A game try to cater to Sup Forums?
This place is irrelevant.

Are you implying anyone in this industry has creativity?
An industry that considers talentless hacks like Hideo Kojima ''geniuses'', who built a story by ripping off countless media, from books and songs to movies, and other games?

I'd fuck her

what do we now about her personality?

Oh, one of those newfag Redditors who uses the word ''meme'' to refer to absolutely anything.
Not surprised from a BioWare apologist.


This is some powerful stuff....

Side cut = daddy issues.
Which means the moment the tip of your dick touches her she's going to impale herself on it and ride you like an animal.
Don't think personality will matter at that point.

Pretty women are the bane of western devs

>saggy tits
>no hips


>REEEEE people don't share my personal tastes

You are just like the cucked left

I love Jack, so this is gonna be fun

>modern society could use a huge injection of cynism and narcisim

You have to be trolling, this is all society has become. What are you, 15?

>Sup Forums isn't relevant
>Reddit is

The loud minority in Reddit is as irrelevant as the aspies on this Mongolian weaving board.

I'm talking about the normies that buy these games. Do they actually give three fucks about gay romances or 'objectifying women' enough to not buy the game. No, they want to play as Commander Sheppard the space marine/man whore extraordinaire. Yet places like social media and reddit are more worried about how 'problematic' a game like Witcher 3 is for not having any black characters.

She looks like a gender-swapped Milo Yiannopoulos.

looks good to me OP, maybe you're just not into women?


Had to google but lmao

But would you say no?

No, the opposite, it's full of oversensitive manchildren complaining about petty issues.
They need a dose of reality to stop complaining about crap like haircuts of videogame characters and whether mayonaisse is a gender.

Rest in Peace Youtube-mp3.org :(

western women are ugly and very feminist so there should be no surprise the males look better than females
this is also the reason why there are far more gays in the west than in the east

Yes, actually.
I'd rather put some effort into getting laid with someone who looks better, rather than settle with a free 6/10.

Found the contrarian.

I would never hire this guy. Like he has serious mental issues.

>milo hair

I prefer the term bisexual.

Would you consider Sup Forums to have mental issues?

What the fuck is wrong with Canada?
What the fuck is wrong with Quebec?

WOAH it's almost like the game is actually being developed by the western devs
really makes you think

Fuck Québec. Nothing but assholes.

Why is that bra doing nothing?

Not this time Biocucks




>muh Sup Forums boogie man

It's like you want to let everyone know you are a redditor. This isn't a fucking hugbox.

Not even the rest of us leafs like Quebec.

>/fit/ woman with a nice ass

I don't mind. She reminds me of Starbuck.

>this isn't a hugbox
>but i'm going to be triggered if you call me Sup Forums

>there's people that think this is what fighting racism looks like

Not calling you Sup Forums, i'm saying he does exactly what Sup Forums does, but he does it with white people.
Would you consider Sup Forums to have mental issues?
I personally do.
The right and the left need to die.
Sup Forums, SJWs and muslims need to be mowed down so that normal people can live in peace.

This guy gets it.

You are attracted to masculinity. You are a fag.


miss me yet?

a fucking poo leaf

I think she's pretty qt, much better than that ugly asari.