Is there a more hardcore, teeth grinding gaming experience than playing rust solo on a high pop server?
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Yeah, I know the community is aids and the game is not finished, but the concept of your character being there sleeping while people are trying to kill you and get your shit is fucking amazing.
is this worth picking up? is it possible to have a world where it's just me and a bunch of friends or is it only public servers?
>worth picking up
It's a shooter with survival aspects, if you like this genre sure.
You could rent a server for your friends or make one, but what's the fun in that? Pick up a low pop server and play with them.
i do like the genre and i guess that's part of the thrill. i'm too lazy to look but what is the price for it right now user? how long has this game been out? is Forest a better title or are they essentially the same thing? somethign similar i've played is 7 days to die and that was pretty fun but the community was pretty non-existing.
It goes for U$19,99 @ steam if I'm not mistaken.
Rust and the forest are different games. Forest is a pve game while rust is pure pvp.
The game was released in 2013.
Whoa U$4.27?
is it just me or is it literally impossible to make a house that cant be C4d ? I think I recall reading a negative review about they changing it so you cant build a safe house and will always get looted.
This has been my experience of rust everytime even with gigantic buildings with tons of doors and confusing layouts
Yeah, it's impossible. You just "honeycomb" your base to make it not worth the trouble and resources to blow it up. Also you should stay away from big bases and groups.
Its shit, don't bother
can you build a base underground?
that really ruins the game for me, whats the point of spending hours and hours farming and finally building a house and forge and all dat shit to make guns and everything then go to sleep and wake up next day to it all being gone?
Its a really shite game imo
can you log out with supplies and valuable items on your person? if possible can you make mules that can hold those items?
Well, that's what makes it fun. Not knowing if you'll survive or not. With time you learn how to build secure bases, defending your house from a raid is really fun.
You'll keep your stuff on you till somebody kills you.
i figured that much but what i was asking was why not keep valuable things on you after you log out to not worry about players looting them from your base after you log out.
When you log out your character stays right there sleeping. You just don't disappear.
oh shit really?! dude that's fucken nuts. can you dig a hole and hide your shit that way? like bury and make a map or something? that intrigues the fuck out of me.
you can have stashes yeah that works
thanks user. i think that's enough to keep my boredom at bay for a little bit.
Nope. You can hide in small stashes but that's pretty much it. If you make a map it'll be on your character, if people find out they'll get your stuff.
>survival game
>the only significant obstacle to survival are the other players
Getting real sick of this shit.
fuck that i'll make a hard copy physical map for myself fampai.
But user, surviving other people would be the major problem in a post apocalipse scenario.
Plus, the game gets pretty intense:
Jump to 9:00 to see some good action.
People trapped, dying by starvation and being raided.
But in rust its practically the only problem.
Food and water aren't a problem.
There isn't any weather system.
The animals are only a problem when they clip though your walls.
The only thing that anyone really has to worry about is the helicopter that pops up on occasion, and you can just hide in a building if it flies by.
>le whacky zany yelling into the mic video xDDD
But that feeling that you could lose everything in a matter of seconds, that you can't trust anyone, maybe day z could get close to that but if you just log out you're safe.
Its better than the lazy excuse of 'enemies' like zombies in dayz which turned into absolute nonfactors
I'd rather games cut the fat off rather than include that boring shit
DayZ is a lazy excuse of a game but that doesn't excuse rust.
>The game was released in 2013.
Yet it's still in Early Access status. Fun fact: there was only a few days between the "release" of RUST and Day-Z. I wonder if the final product ever comes out, though I really doubt it.
Every "rust experience" comes down to
>a group of friends roughly 2-4 people log in and raid everyones shit while they're asleep
This got immediately boring the second time.
Playing old rust solo on a high pop server
>respawn in 2 seconds
>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO every three seconds
this game looks wack.
The game is a social experiment so if you just want some happy friends environment when the big bullies can't hurt you then stay away. The thrill comes from surviving against the odds.
>if you just want some happy friends environment when the big bullies can't hurt you
You want to point out where anyone said anything close to this?
pointless when you just respawn in 2 seconds
Naked, with a rock.