

xcom thread[/spoiler[

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ayys get off my board

I want to fuck aliens.

is there any porn of this or something?

XCOM? More like XCUM

>get grabbed by snek
>sword counterattack triggers and kills the snek
>character gets stuck in the grabbed animation for the rest of the map

you're overwatching snek and this gamma faggot comes up and slaps your ass, what do?


Thank god it's not the berserker

ravage his boipucci, because he's the biggest pushover compared to the berserker and archon

more snek please

ayy in hell

>Snek has bewbs

I fucking love venom sacs.

But that's a good thing.

A Muton's death scream sounds like a cyber cow

So how long until the inevitable XCOM2- Enemy Within (Equivalent) comes out and we get a resurgence of mods?

Do you really even nee to ask?

but is there high quality sfm?


Shit like this is retarded. I wish Overwatch would let me individually choose which soldier fires at specific enemies.

What happened is the muton spotted my concealed ranger, so she took the shot against the sectoids afterward.


do you even need to ask?

Yeah but the complaint still applies.


more snek

>Draw a woman in a dress
>Call it a snek

QT snek waifus wenn?


I completed Xcom 2 the other day, the best moment was when a Viper tried to grab a ranger with Bladestorm.
It succeeded and then he immediately got the kill when he got into range
I imagine he just pulled out his sword while the tongue was around him and pierced it's heart at like 60mph

>this will never happen to you
which deity do I have to kill like kratos, for this to become a reality?

I WANT TO FUCK THAT SNEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Draw a snek in a dress
>call it a woman

Have the aliens created a hivemind?


>she'll never block out your vision with her cobra head

really? where?
I did thorough search

No bully


Mutant shit



>you'll never be wrapped up tightly but gently in her lower body

I'd betray the shit out of the human race for some snek cloaca.

Rise of an empire of man when? I find it disgusting that filthy xenos defile terra within Xcom.


how does she leave the table and there would be no foot room for other people

pretty inconvenient

But its cold! Who would want such a thing.


she's a lithe snake, she can slither out
also she has no interest in sharing the table



What do sneks sound like?

My imagination is something like this, but with more 'sssss'



oh my fucking god

not him, but thanks viper


Disgusting xeno sympathizers.



>tfw was bitten by a sea snake
thank fuck it didn't inject its venom, I literally thought I was going to die right there in the ocean

Eat your burgers, Guilliman

holy fuck that is hard to read

just a nip

Dang, out of SFW pictures that aren't also fat

Viper king is good for raping.

But Vahlen already has that covered.

Whoever made this "font" should be fucking shot for being literally retarded.

post fat anyway

Xenos are retarded in nature so you shouldn't be too surprised.

Well, you could mod the coil to be a hug.
That might be a good idea to do actually.

>This is canon in LW2

>this whole thread

maybe you would have gotten superpowers

Do it.

fatsnek pls

this is special

i thought xcom was about ayyyliens, what the fuck happened?

>that webm where a snake coiled around a trooper and sucks her dick
holy shit


It still is, they're just hotter.

speak of the devil



>her dick
god damn it

When I said fat that may have been a slight understatement


Still too skinny

shit she must have eaten an entire village



>Win the war and get shitty human girls
>Lose and get cool snek girls
I see no problem with this.

They msde a mistske on adding tits to the alien snake. Big fucking mistake. Should have kept them all asexual looking as possible. Now furnigger and race traitor galactic coal burners tarnished Xcom.




>and race traitor galactic coal burners

Goddammit stop eating all the protein cubes.
