Wow, so this game's fucking boring!
Wow, so this game's fucking boring!
And unfinished
true. it's even worse than waggle zelda. absolute shit aesthetic and most boring gameplay in a main zelda to date.
Worst Zelda game.
it sure is
did you get the third pearl gifted to you yet?
>fetch quest the game
>braindead babby difficulty (yes, even on hero mode in WWHD)
>extremely slow combat
>vast, almost completely empty openworld
b-b-but you can get RUPEES from those islands!
and treasure charts! so you can sail around even MORE! for MORE rupees!
I just finished Forbidden Forest and I'm about to just give up on the game. I played it on release (GCN) and then once again a few years after that.
I want you guys to know this thread made me really sad
It was great back then, specially as a launch Zelda for the GC (well, not exactly a launch title but it arrived within a year)
I remember how everyone shat on it because of the cartoony art style, then it started scoring 9/10s and 10/10s from every reviewer website once released.
Truth is: Twilight Princess might not be as great as OoT and MM, but at least they delivered a finished game. What hurts WW is the extremely shallow exploration, the lack of dungeos and the extremely boring Triforce Quest by the end, which basically screams "we couldn't finish it in time so here's a fetch quest to make you think this game lasted long enough"
I like to say I'm a fan of the series, I've played all the main entries on release day since OoT.
I am insanely hype for BotW, that why I started playing WWHD yesterday, but it's such a fucking snorefest that I probably can't force myself to finish it.
Imo Wind Waker and Skyward Sword are the worst Zeldas.
Pretty crazy how an "unfinished" game can turn out to be the second best in the series though.
it doesnt even come close to the second best in the series
>getting upset because other anons have a different opinion
also zelda fans who think ww is the best are the most autistic of any of the zelda fans.
I remember liking it well enough back then, but I fiercely hated the art style, as did mostly everyone I talked to about it. I think it was because after OoT and MM we expected Zelda to continue moving towards that more realistic and (I hate using this word but you know what I mean) "mature" art style.
Top fucking kek my man. Post your Zelda ranking.
You're playing it with the wrong mindset. You need to slow down and get comfy and enjoy the beautiful world and scenery, not attempt to powergame and speedrun it like spme sort of ADHD ridden child. But I guess that's what playing modern games does to you.
Skyward Sword has enjoyable dungeons at least, but none of them is memorable enough to stand out when put next to other entries in the series.
SS should have been a day one title for the Wii. Then Motion Controls should have made sense. By the time SS arrived, no one was remotely interested into waving arms around, pretending they were wielding a Master Sword. We just wanted to sit down and enjoy a well-crafted game for once.
Gameplay-wise (taking away the forced Motion Plus shit), I ended up satisfied with SS. It introduced many interesting concepts and mechanics that will be further developed in BotW.
>attempt to speed run it
>even speed runs are 4-5 fucking hours because of all the shitty sailing
Kill yourself
>source: my personal opinion
>meanwhile, Skyward Sword deserved a 10/10 according to IGN
It's not even the second-best GC title to date bro, get real
I'd argue that it's probably not even top 5 best GCN games, but I have a hard time ranking my favourite ones on that console.
>Metroid Prime
>Metroid Prime 2
>Resident Evil 4 (not exclusive but it did release on gcn first right?)
>Eternal Darkness
Literally making me puke here.
>you're playing it wrong because you don't enjoy the mindless sailing they use only to pad the length of the game or the piss easy combat you can win by bashing your dick on the controller
wew, ww fans are cancer
it was fun until you get the boat.
>I have ADD: the thread
not an argument
"I can't enjoy games because I'm too impatient to enjoy anything that isn't constantly throwing action in my face" isn't an argument either.
I mean it's my least favourite 3D Mario but the secret levels are fun enough that it's more enjoyable than WW.
So you pretty much only liked the first 15-60 minutes of the game? Me too, barely.
>i will never get to play an actual 100% completed version of WW with all the content that was missing for whatever reason
>this is the level of WW fans arguments
dude nice
its not impatience to get sick of sailing the same boring ocean past the same boring islands 75 times
>You will never explore underwater Hyrule
What a cock tease.
>311 posts and 54 images omitted
Nintendo is lazy/jewish enough to never let it happen, I mean, they even had the assets for this crap, but decided to release an HD version without properly finishing the game.
Except there's nothing of interest or value on the Great Sea and the only thing that even got me excited was the cut scene showcasing Hyrule beneath its surface
...and none of that is explorable despite being infinitely more interesting than the empty fucking blue void
t. Wind Waker baby