Daily Risk of Rain thread

Daily Risk of Rain thread.

Daily Risk of Rain bump

Just waiting for the thread to pick up some traction....

>that feel when you did all you could to host but the continental distances fucks you over

We've had aussie hosts before, lag isnt something we cant deal with.

Hosting EU



works, get in here










where everyone at?

I'm playing the new Ace Attorney, sorry.

we're dying becasue of u


Dont worry I'm at the last case, I'll be done by tomorrow

im still hosting on

Can't get in !

in game, hold on we'll be dead soon


Why is she so CUTE



is this game only fun for multiplayer or am I playing it wrong

Single player can be fun for practice or challenge runs too I guess


Ryuujou is tall!


Open again

9 ips including mine why did this amazing game died can we get steam group or discord and all that shit

wait for me

hunting high and low for a host

10 ips*
All steam and discord attempts have resulted in failure.
Plus we had a 100+ thread yesterday, it's not that dead

how do i get the samurai guy?

I'm surprised that RoR doesn't have general.

There's not much to discuss, each thread would just be host begging 24/7.

it died

Kill provy 5 times


I just find myself exploiting the AI more than anything


Steam group sounds baller tho

New classes when?

New content when??


Soooo like multiplayer too?

All will come once Risk of Rain 2 comes out soon™

They could at least give us workshop support or some shit

who is provy


its like 1 dood that makes the game

I'm going to host in 10-15 minutes. keep the thread alive


Teleporting Sword Man of Nothing Personnel Kid

What's his problem anyways?


somebody host

Bad case of anime

He's a hippy getting in the way of glorious capitalism

EU is open again, scroll up for IP

It's implied the Contact Light raided the planet for all the items and that you are a soulless monster bent on genocide.

kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

hurry up faggot


How long does it take to start getting good and enjoying this game? It looks pretty relentless for a new player but I'm still tempted to get it.

>workshop support
>Game Maker
the best thing that could happen is someone reverse-engineering the game and releasing the source code

I dunno, depends on what settings you play on.
For Sup Forums settings I'd say like a week


I thought they were just flying by it with a bunch of cargo, when he just went up and decided to be a dick

Nice, as long as there's no unfair bs you have to deal with that's fine

>as long as there's no unfair bs you have to deal with that's fine

12 hours playtime here, I was useful after 5 or so games with v

Finish your No Taste Attorney game already metrid.

Sorry Dess, I''m enjoying myself way too much. I think I'm gonna take my time with this one.

o shit I guess i'll understand that pic soon enough then


>open RoR thread
>get urge to fap
God damn it

>he doesnt know
Godspeed user, best of luck.

By the way, are any hosts active?

>15 minutes

We're open



cunt who even changes port ffs

>tfw you get a good sniper run going which is not reliant on a cloud of drones
>loop 3x
>get to the point where every hit crits and you can oneshot massive groups by spamming your basic attack since you have drill x4 + behemoth
why do people avoid this class again


Tell me if this works.


Fuck, here's the info.

infinite loading screen

Finish your No Taste Attorney game already!

Im afraid you were TOO SLOW

No, I'm just getting to the good part!

get in HERE

Get in niggers, currently 3 folks in

Don't worry, they all just finish the game already. Wait, why are you still reading this Metrid?

froze my game