Console exclusivity is anti-consumer.
Console exclusivity is anti-consumer
Consoles are anti-consumer.
>Cheaper alternative to PC
Not really.
Consoles are inherently anti-consumer because they are sold based on the ignorance of their target audience.
Gamers are indoctrinated from a very young age to suck corporate dick and defend shitty practices.
Look at all the fucking retards that are shilling that Switch Bomberman by Konami. Even if you hate Kojima and shit on MGS, trusting that company with your money, $60 at that, after the way they treated consumers is insane. But they can't help it because muh nostalgia.
but they're not cheaper when you factor in A) the fact that most people own a pc anyway and B) all the charges that come along with a console
There's nothing wrong with buying a good game.
>When you factor in
No. You buy a console for less money than a PC of equal power. It's cheaper.
but that's just false
How is it? Explain further.
Not when you factor in all the issues pcs have.
>Forcing people to buy an entire system if they want to play specific games
It's like forcing you to buy a special brand of BluRay players if you want to watch a certain movie. Absolutely retarded.
What issues?
such as?
a lot of shit (including this) is incredibly anti-consumer in modern capitalist society. Doesn't mean people are going to stop doing and supporting it though.
In all honesty, there should really only be one console(PS4) for people who want a cheaper, simpler PC. That's all we need.
I'm guessing he's mostly referring to drivers.
PC elitism is anti-gamer.
I literally never had a problem with drivers.
That's a bad analogy because it's frequently not true though?
Many exclusives only exist because manufacturers flip the bill for development costs up front.
This in essence makes the manufacturer a producer to development of the exclusive title.
It is if you build your PC yourself you dick.
>b-but I don't know how
get good scrub
Gamers are retarded, so being anti-gamer is a good thing.
Me neither, but that's my best guess when someone is talking about nebulous pc "issues"
Yeah sure if you're fucking technology illiterate
After witnessing sonyggers and their constant FROMgarbage shilling, I'm sure that feminists and sjw's are less damaging to the hobby.
I'm a PC player but consolewar shit like this is retarded, and so are you.
Consoles have the advantage over PC of being single-purpose machines designed for a specific thing.
A console that can play games at a certain spec with certain graphics settings will be cheaper than a PC that can get the same performance, and on top of that because consoles always have the same hardware it's easier for devs to optimize for them. They also have the advantage of """it just works""", whereas depending on your hardware configuration a PC might run into compatibility issues or weird driver errors with specific games.
I'm not saying that consoles are better than PCs (or that PCs are better than consoles), just that they're *different*.
You can play games on a thing without being a retard tribalistic "MY TEAM is the best and everyone else is shit" poster.
>You will never be this unbelievably salty.
fuck off normie
Kill yourself. Nintendo has been holding the industry back for decades.
Consoles are dragging the medium down the shitter though. It's irrefutable.
>All Restaurants should all have the same menu, having different menus or services to entice people to go to one restaurant over the other is anti-consumer
sounds retarded huh
Food analogies usually do
It's a business analogy actually.
You could easily replace the word restaurant.
>All business should all have the same products, having different products or services to entice people to go to one restaurant over the other is anti-consumer
No but if you go to the local fish market and pay them lots of $$$ to specifically withhold salmon from the other restaurants so that you're the only one selling it, that *is* anticompetitive and anticonsumer.
Basically games that are exclusive because indiedev doesn't have time/money to port them are ok
games that are exclusive because MS or Sony cut the dev a fat check to stay exclusive are shitty and anti-consumer
But that's not how exclusives work you stupid faggot.
What does golf have to do with this
That still doesn't make sense. Different businesses deal with different industries. This is the video game industry. One medium.
You're still retarded for even thinking that food analogy was clever.
You're not entitled to a game until you pay for it. If a developer/publisher wants to make a game exclusive to a platform they can, it's their IP and they can do whatever they want with it.
And it's anti-consumer.
Please don't cuss user
Then don't play the game. Don't watch the movie. That kind of thing is a luxury, not a basic human need. As I said, you're not entitled to it until you pay for it.
not everyone owns a pc that can run console level games though
I would pay for it, if it was available on the best system.
there would be virtually no medium without consoles faggot
Probably because they wasted their money buying a console
>Being this much of a youngfag.
This. Nintendo invented the concept of exclusivity. If you were a third party developer working for Nintendo, you couldn't even develop your games for Sega or NEC without suffering some sort of consequences. The only exception who took the risk of supporting the competition were big companies like Namco and EA. Capcom had to license their stuff to Sega before they could become a proper third-party developer on the Genesis.
You're not entitled to pro-consumer practices, yes. The argument is that console exclusivity is anti-consumer. I may not be entitled to not have it, but having it is still anti-consumer.
>Just don't do it
What an argument.
PC is the cheaper option if you own a shit PC for work/internet browsing (99.999999999999999999999999 percent of people do)
If you play online (5 years = $300) and buy a lot of games PC is almost half the price
Sure thing reddit
You're right but I don't care.
It is, but companies do have every right to do it. Platform exclusivity isn't something new. TV channels and streaming services have exclusive shows. iPhone was exclusive to AT&T at one point. The point is that complaining about it is pointless because it will never change because of the rights of producers, so you might as well not care. Unless you took away producer rights, but then you start sounding like some Media Communist.