Why does this game get swept under the rug so much? About to finish my first 100% of it, and it's been a blast so far...

Why does this game get swept under the rug so much? About to finish my first 100% of it, and it's been a blast so far. I would put up there with Super Mario World and a bit better than Super Mario Bros. 3. Did no one give it a chance because of the art style?

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I haven't played the expansion, but I found the base game to just be okay.

>Did no one give it a chance because of the art style?
Yep. As far as Sup Forums is concerned, it starts with the word new so it's a shovelware rehash

man its just "its mario" its not bad, they hardly ever are, but its just so bland and unmemorable

Expansion makes the game much harder and faster, it made the game for me

>Wii U

NSLU is probably the best official 2D Mario we've gotten in a while

>better than Super Mario Bros. 3

Yeah, it's top-tier 2D Mario alongside 3 and World.

is it really worth like $20 for the expansion alone, though?

The expansion is almost as big as the entire game.

It's because it's part of the New series so people shit on it by default. Which it can be understandable.

If New was only composed by DS and WiiU it would have been liked more.

>Did no one give it a chance because of the art style?
yup. I pirated the game because I've heard many good things about it, but I just can't get over how ugly it is.

It was the best game of a tired series. I've been meaning to replay it. I somehow liked it more than 3D World. 3D World had god tier music tho.

Probably because 3D World was a bad game.

Except it wasn't.

Its the best of the "New" series but the constant reused assets and music water down the experience a bit.

>nsmb ds
kinda fun but too easy. seeing mario 64 abilties in 2d was neat though
>nsmb wii
the levels are too spaced out because multiplayer and its even easier than ds
>nsmb 2
level design is less spaced out now but it gives me coins out the ass
>nsmb u
i'm not even sure if i beat this. i think i did but nothing stands out because the 3 games before it
>nsmb luigi
why is this a thing? i think the gimmick was that every level is harder and rush themed. i'll beat it eventually but whatever

I'm gonna be perfectly honest here, I fucking LOVED the underwater theme in NSMBU. It's so relaxing and mellow. I'd actually put it up there with Dire Dire Docks.

Also I think it has the best rendition of the SMB3 airship theme.

but yeah aside from a few songs, the rest of the soundtrack is still garbage.

It wasn't bad. Just dull.

It's a great game but people are understandably tired of the rehashed and lazy art style/music/worlds. If this game had a new style I think it would get a lot more praise. Came packed in with my Wii U and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.

The level design was meh at best, and the movement in the game feels really fucking awful.

new super mario brothers tainted any iteration of this series of games for me. it was absolutely the most bland shit, and the music was just not good.
maybe i was expecting the wrong thing from it. and why could you choose worlds? didn't make sense to me why you'd make an entire world worth of levels and then just make it a fork in the road.

>3D World had god tier music tho
That Ghost house was the best ghost music in the series


Aesthetically speaking it was very plain, with only a few different scenery changes, zero new music worth remembering and the most bland/standard character designs imaginable.

It's a shame because the levels themselves are usually fun as fuck, and mission mode absolutely needs to come back.

I played the whole game with one more person. That's how the game trully shines.
I had moments where I was literally crying because of the multiplayer.
I agree some parts were kinda meh, but still, that's true for every game out there.

Pretty much every game is enjoyable as a coop experience (when coop is supported). I'm not saying there are *no* redeemable qualities, I just did not like it very much. Nintendo seemed to do everything possible to make the wrong decision whenever presented with one. I'm still salty about the fucking 8-way movement lock.

Pretty much all NSMB games are garbage. Platforming physics just feels wrong

it doesn't work with cemu yet so Sup Forums poorfags dont play it

This song is the BEST thing to come out of NSMB. It's one of the coolest songs in a Super Mario game in my opinion.


I've just played enough 2d mario for one lifetime. I have no desire to play more

SMB3 isn't that great. Too many bite sized stages and a lot of stages don't really have a challenge based theme.

Because it's the forth one. If it was the only one, it be a lot better received. Shame as out of the four it's easily the strongest and does some cool things.

The challenges where one person has to use the Gamepad to put down platforms are 100% perfection and this game's true flaw is that there was a very short list of them and it wasn't a major gameplay mode.

It was 30% off a few weeks ago so I bought it. I might give it a try in February.

Its not really that good of a game. Sup Forums only likes it because its on Wii U.

Pretty good, the spin mechanics in mid-air really change how Super Mario works a lot.