Here's your Mass Effect crew. . .
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Proportioned like an 80's action figure only connected at the shoulder and hip joints.
Are they still gonna reuse the same animation for both male and female. I always hated how female characters in Mass effect games move around like gorillas.
She looks like a fucking granny trying to be hip with that haircut
>Blue Shrek
I would breed with her
ugh, a black guy and a hair cut cunt?? fuckn hell
looks like they're really doubling down on that diversity. This game looks like its gonna be hot garbage. Hot garbage that'll sell well cause "Muh Mass Effect. Muh Dragon Age. Muh Bioware."
I will buy this game
3 different hairstyles and all of them look awful
This game looks horrible.
I was about to start Mass Effect Trilogy. Andromeda sinked my will to play.
I know the hate for the ending, but knowing that is shit I think it will be less painfull.
So, ME1, 2 and 3, good game?
They force this SJW agenda and horrible animations too?
Oh look its another pol manchildren gets triggered by a black and a female character in a video game and cant stop whining about it episode
muh sjw muh sjw boohoo
Neck yourself
>the Ryder twins are only 22
The fuck is this a jrpg
looks like misaligned lego hair
Holy shit those are some broad shoulders
>The obligatory alien
>The black guy
>The most generic Nathan Drake clone white guy
>The feminist
>The whatever the fuck that thing even is in the far right
So progressive.
Like mass effect 1 2 3 I'll ditch the humans for aliens squadmate.
>mfw thane/garrus/shepard snipers team wrecking everything
Nah, I am cool.
I almost never use this term, but you saw this game? It's Bioware, mate.
You think TLOU2 will be "sjwboohoo" too?
If so, you are dumb.
seeing this makes me want to puke bro i've had it with this shit this is why i voted for trump so this shit would be at an end. every fucking sjw and leftie needs to be arrested or thrown the fuck out for this crap.
get them the fuck out of my vidya
>I don't need an army
>I got a krogan
Didn't expect this to sound like the avengers
>no Turian
I'm done.
She even looks like a plastic action figure. Why can't bioware into shaders?
poopee and barbarian krogan i think
I think they try to compete with bethesda as the worst dev ever.
Can't tell if srs
>no matter how hard they try, it will never be as good as The Witcher 3
>no matter how much they pander towards their fan base, deep down they know that they're a sub-par studio at best that can only make sales off of fan-service for their increasingly toxic fanbase
>they will never be able to make another masterpiece again because all their best staff left
On the one hand I feel sad because I still enjoy their games but know they could do so much better, but on the other hand I feel a certain sense of schadenfreude every time I see Biodrones try and defend their mediocre titles.
I don't know man...what fucks me, is the design that transpire SJW. Hence, the history and dialogues will be too.
There is a black guy in the previous ME, right? He's ok for me, it's just another person on the crew, not being there for his color, his color doesn't matter. You can be lesbo and gay too, and the characters don't look like a trans.
This game will be horrible, not only for this, I think.
Well so far they're winning
Who the hell even uses the human squadmates in mass effect?
Blonde one is modelled after a tranny
>>no matter how hard they try, it will never be as good as The Witcher 3
lol to late user it's already better Witcher 3 was shit
Not exactly my first thought but I guess you're the expert.
neo-bioware doesnt have a single original thought
>No Batarian squadmate
>No Hanar Blasto squadmate
You blew it!
I'll (you) you simply because this bait is so low effort that it becomes funny again.
So how many squadmates are actually, y'know, a NEW species?
Also missing Vetra the female Turian.
Do people forgot about Jack when complaining about ?
imagine being upset that a black guy and short haired girl are in a video game you weren't going to buy anyways
then vet and krogan
how do you go from this...
the facial proportions dont look like shit
Reminder for everyone who wanted alien squadmates:
It would never happen solely because Bioware is lazy as FUCK and making new animations for non human looking character would be too much work for them.
That's also why the new aliens we get will most likely look just like hyoomans. They are just lazy.
or Jakob?
>the game looks horrible
Bioware still hasn't shown jack shit of the game to judge it. Seriously for a game coming out in 2 months, we have seen like a grand total of 7 minutes of gameplay.
jack has an edgy hair cut but her face is fine. the thing in the op looks like a tranny.
to this?
They probably will buy it and even enjoy it and hate themselves for it and pretend like they didn't on Sup Forums
DLC with a little quarian boy who hid in cargo
Bioware said they wanted younger heroes. Shepard was already a seasoned hero before we even used him in the first game. The Ryder twins are basically rookies that have never done shit.
is she the very first ugly Asari?
Actually she's cuter in the initiative briefing.
Does this chick have a big hook nose that I can't see because it's the front? If not then this looks nothing like girl Ryder.
There is a turian female squad mate.
Kanye west
play 1 and 2 and 3 with modded ending, WAY better
>filtered pic of a real women caked in makup followed by an in-game rendering of a woman
>every character needs to be waifu bait
fucking weebs
Yeah, first thing I noticed. A womans shoulders shouldn't be wider then hips.
At least the protagonist is a white male
So do you think we will finally be able to fuck Crogan and Salarians (also new species)?
She has a very distinct face, good design and nice implementation graphically. Andromeda just looks like a generic pudgy blob and graphically speaking has more in common with pic related.
Look at this man.
He looks like he was forced into the game just to pander? I don't think so.
>Bioware still hasn't shown jack shit of the game
You gotta a point there. For a massive game, it's nothing.
> to judge it
I don't agree with this part. What they have already shown, it looks like a bad game.
Of course, my opinion.
Thank you, user. Saddly I will play on PS3, but if the games are good, then it's ok.
Let's see what we got here:
>The mandatory Turian, Asari, and Krogna teammates
>The quippy black best friend
>The gruff military girl with a sensitive side
>The N7 main hero
>And the silly pilot
Why do I get the feeling this has been done before...
>implying that some retard would send a hot chick in another galaxy
>bioware turned a 7 or 8/10 into a 4/10
truly the work of masters
your vote changed nothing in this game, instead you voted for a corporate sellout who'll take your healthcare, outsource your jobs and probably start Iraq 2.0.
Great job.
wew I wonder why its that
Is his big toe in a dudes butthole?
Someone post the video please
Are you implying modern bioware is ripping off prequels JJ Abrams style because they have no creativity and disguising their bullshit as "doing it for the fans"?
You couldn't possibly be insinuating that
I would also like to point out that Biowere pandered to ANYONE in the past ME games, this is nothing new.
>All those fucking gay romance in 3
Come on
Asari use other races to reproduce so they look sexy to those other races. However, humans will only approach those who are of similar sexiness because that's what they can get.
Shes the best you could do/10
Is there any way you can completely ditch a cancerous fanbase without destroying your company? Like when old rock bands used to intentionally release a weird album just so they'd lose 50% of their geeky fans?
If they make an all white clean cut cast then say "fuck you all this is our artistic vision" would that actually work?
>i voted for trump so this shit would be at an end
I don't know who modeled Jack but it's the one motherfucker at Bioshit who can do it, they need to give that motherfucker OT.
did they steal the design from some random youtuber again?
source is geekremix
You can't have your twin as a squadmate
Why tho
>I don't need an army, I have a krogan
Wasn't this a Shepard quote, or I'm remembering it wrong?
It's NOT cinematic
>both recruits from the alliance
>meaning they're fucking greenies who got pulled onto this mission because their daddy has stars
>main character of the game
Nepotism Simulator
This is what happens when others fuck your hobby up.
>black dude
>and a girl
wow just like all the previous mass effects what exactly are you trying to point out Sup Forumstard?|
For me it just needs to be unique and interesting with at least a semblance of decent design even if it's not meant to be a pretty character.
Sera looks like an ugly goblin but I'd honestly take a character like that any day over this bland shit.
>"we want the diversity crowd!"
>token black guy
>Turian squadmate doesn't sound like a Turian
I've killed plenty of Krogans, not much of an army.
>Meet new species in a fucking different galaxy
>They speak english
Have not seen such an ugly and unappealing group of characters since Inquisition. Whoever is in charge for their art direction needs to be fired immediately and forever from the the industry.
It was a Marvel quote
>I have an army
>We have a Hulk
>Sup Forums will buy this shit