This is Lucario's failed replacement. Say something nice!
This is Lucario's failed replacement. Say something nice!
infinitely better designed than blue plastic fox man
I want to fuck her
Nintendo should have pushed Zoroark instead.
i never got into pokemon too deeply, was zoroark ever actually good or was it just fur bait?
I bet there's a nice rack hiding under all that plumage there
It has an unique ability which had a lot of potential(disguises itself as last Pokémon in party) but ruined it in the same generation by allowing everyone to see what team you're using prior to the match.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______
he has nice were-diaper porn
I want to fuck that fox thing
The bigger problem Zoroark has is that it's super squishy.
Zorark is one of my favorite pokemon actually.
>ywn have a zoroark gf(male) that has body image issues and uses it's ability to cover up
It comes from a much better generation than Lucario. Also a quality assist trophy
If the preview didn't exist it could still be great despite it's squishiness since you would be able to bait a Psychc attack when it's disguised as a Poison or Fighting type but now the ruse is way too obvious.
This plus Shedinja fucks the AI up something fierce.
imo, it's stat spread is better than Lucario's but yeah team preview hurt it. Also, being event only for no reason was dumb. Really hope they give it more abilities or remove team preview in the future.
>first Gen V pokémon revealed
>event-only, you must ask one on the GTS
>team preview mechanic completely ruins it's new ability
>shit stats
>the japanese live-action show tried to push it and the kids begged them to make it go away
>literally "sent on a mission in North Pole, never heard of again"
looks like something crownsfag would shit out
I unironically like Zoroark
He's total furfag bait and looks like a Tails Gets Trolled character drawn unironically but fuck i kinda feel bad for the guy.
Is this like if Shadow wasn't massive popular and instead Big had his own game?
>setup with as many nasty plots as I can fit in until loss of illusion
>won't die in one hit when illusioned correctly
>fucking destroy enemy teams because zoroark usually outspeeds everything that isn't top ou/uber
Won so many games with it during gen6.
I like her design more than Lucario's, honestly.
By whose account?
I want to marry her
>Is this like if Shadow wasn't massive popular and instead Big had his own game?
That's an interesting way to put it.
The fact that it barely shows up in anything now where as Lucario literally got a giant statue of it in 6th gen
>literally furry raditz
they're both garbage, don't kid yourself
>Was stupid hard to get legally until BW2
>Then an uncommon wild encounter in XY
This thread makes me want to play a pokemon game again, even though I think they're horrible messes for the most part. Which one?
I've already played FR, Emerald, DPPt, Black, and X.
BW2 maybe?
That leaves out Johto and Aloha. Consider giving either HGSS or SM a try.
Right, I forgot about that one. Played a bit and got like halfway through but never finished it.
I sold my 3DS. HGSS it is. A fine idea.
>They literally shipped her to Moscow because the kids wanted Lucario back
Being Zoroark is suffering.
His illusion mechanic was cool.
So is Zoroark a boy or a girl?
The one from the movie and the live show were female. N's is male.
The ones we saw was a girl. Zorua was a boy.
The one that makes you happy.
post yfw when you realized zoro failed to replace lucario
Still gets plenty of porn, at least.
>Greninja becomes Gen 6 Lucario
>everything is turning out great, Ash's ace, gets into Smash, Protean, loads of porn
>becomes Ash-Greninja and jobs horribly while also getting a hideous color scheme
Sometimes being popular is a bad thing...
I'd stick it in her ass.
The only problem with Ash-Greninja is they didn't do Serena-Delphox and Clemont-Chesnaught too for the games.
I am surprised Greninja was tossed aside.
>This is Lucario's failed replacement.
wrong. that's my second favorite pokemon, and he's pretty decent.
A girl.
>you'll never hug a Zoroark gf
Good. Why would I want a Zoroark gf over a bf?
It's irrelevant anyways, supposedly zoroark illusions can even force sensation
What happens if Zoroark turns back into a bf while you have your benis in his vagina?
we need zoroark porn up in here pronto
Zoroark was the best Mewtwo since Deoxys, and up until Greninja
Extreme sounding
didn't she sue someone for copying her "angel dragon" design?
What sparkledog is this?
Top pokewaifu
You ask Zoroark on a date. What illusion do you choose.
>wanting Zoroark to change. Pleb.
No illusions.
If team preview hasn't been implemented you'd be Top Tier easily.
i want no illusions
i want to rub her fox ears and explore her long snout
It has amazing hips.
It was nice that they advertised her as female over the male one.
a pizza
May as well look at something fuckable.
They're fine as-is.
Then why not Charizard?
what a cutie
Or bettter yet, Blaziken?
I'd rather fuck a real Charizard.
Blaziken is shit.
You a shit.
>picking hotwings over a one-fox fuck machine
What the hell is wrong with you?
I want to do both user.
enjoy your house fires
/trash/ dump when?
do you mean /trump/
Soon I hope.
Hope you're banging a Swampert on the side.
Some time in the near future I assume
Well I just realized my lewd Zoroark folder is the biggest Pokemon one I have, so maybe later in the day. Could use some more cute shit, too.
the smut where a kid gets attacked by one and then uses hypnosis to giver herself titties and ass so he can fuck her was pretty cool
Give me a decent showdown build
going to need a source user
Why not Kirlia, or Meloetta, or any other similar pokemon?
>in your mind, it can be what you're happy with
>depending on your preferences, it can be shortstack or loli
Zoroark is for hugs not fugs.
random pastebin link that I never saved, I doubt you'll ever find it unless someone else in this thread has it
Meant for