What does Sup Forums think of Nino?
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I want to unload my hot white fudge into her brownie cave
Not worth babysitting so she can be useful.
I was too attached to Erk to ditch him.
Lute is better. She's Nino except you get her at the start of the game.
I love this FE artist's style, but aren't her legs a bit too long?
You can level her to 20/10 on that side chapter after you get her. I usually do it every playthrough since I don't need the exp for my other units at that point.
Nino feets!
She felt too op everytime I used on a playthrough. I think her only weakness is defense, but since she has good speed growth she usually dodges most things up until endgame.
Fire Emblem was Legs Emblem until right after Radiant Dawn.
better than erk, that piece of shit
I like her character wise
Friends with Rebecca
Cute design too. Reminds me of Saria
can't say i always use her though.
just not really worth it aside from adding a bit of extra challenge to raise her
Lute is my favorite mage because she's an autistic, arrogant prick that can actually back up her shit talk.
She's only fourteen years old...
Her Skill is pretty shit but her Magic, Speed, and Luck are so ridiculous that it won't matter if she misses sometimes.
And fertile enough for twins.
you ain't shit if you don't grind her up on night of farewells and force her to put down her family
In retreospect, adding women into FE was a grievous mistake.
>FE was a mistake from day one
What did he mean by this?
means he's a homo, pay him no mind. He'll be sent to the shockcamps soon.
Really what did adding women do besides attracting autism? Was their inclusion REALLY needed or just something mandated by suits to get more cash.
Sheeda is mai waifu. Delete This
>Sheeda is mai waifu
never. She is already claimed
Marth get off Sup Forums
>That feel when the most canon stuff is that Jaffar stuffed Nino's hebe cunny wiith his big cunt stabber
Her voice in Heroes is kind of bad.
But at least not Lilina-tier bad.
I almost never use Ests and I tried using her one run.
She didn't end up that great.
Still got her that A rank with Jaffar though.
Did somebody say NINOOOOOO?
Can't wait to hear Serra, Florina, Clarine, and Hector.
>his big cunt stabber
I thought he never attacked Mathew though
Really good but acquired too late in the game.
>Can't wait to hear Serra, Florina, Clarine, and Hector.
oh yes. the will be interesting to hear.
would be funny if Clarine and Narshen have some special dialogue or something
>When you're waifu whores herself out for character recruits
Got fucked hard enough to give birth to twins.
It's gonna be interesting hearing what all of these characters I've known will suddenly sound like with English voices. I'm curious how Eirika and Ephraim will sound too whenever they get around to being added with the rest of Sacred Stones' cast. And then there's Jugdral's cast, hoo boy.
I'm also a Puyo Puyo fan so this is happening with two series I really like at the same time.
Holy shit good one !
>tfw really wanna replay FE7
>My DS lite is dead even when I charge it
>Only way to play it now is through emulation
>Not her mum
>hebrew it
I can't. I'd need to buy an SD Card loader for my PC, and I'm not going to do that.
Get some cheapo sd usb adapter.
You dont even need a reader.
Holy shit
what do
Difficult is not even hard but do warever you want
She's responsible for around half your cast recruits.
we can only hope they don't sound too terrible
I don't wanna have to buy anything to hack it tho.
I might vote for her.
Give her Afa's drops then grind. She will carry the whole game alone. Literally Rydia
Oh hey, Nino and Lilina.
LutexKyle > LutexArtur
>Cucking Artur
I think I fapped to those legs and hips when the game first came out. That players guide was good shit.
Tagalong kid who is a pain in the rear to actually use even if she's semi-story important. At least you could safely ignore Iwan.
Though, I'm not going to lie, it gets me tingly when I gather all of FE 8's possible sages and use them to nuke the map- optimization be damned.
Ahhh... I sure love Lute's most generic and painfuly boring support!
She's 14 you sick fuck.
>Not cucking Artur that turns Lute into the most obedient cockslave for veggie head.
I actually like LutexRoss because it's probably her at her absolute most dickish. I just kind of wanted to talk about Lute.
And she gave birth to twins.
Now I'm imagining that Leon/Ashley image with Jaffar/Nino.
>Now I'm imagining that Leon/Ashley image with Jaffar/Nino.
I think i will request that on the drawfag thread later, unless someone in this thread feels like doing it?
that support started with with a modest Lute
I kind of wish I was Lute, a quality poster of profound genius.
The epitome of a prancing lala homoman
Are there any NTR doujin? There has to be. Please let there be.
Go right ahead. I have poor luck with drawthreads.
I'm really happy with her placing as highly as she did with this poll.
>I'm really happy with her placing as highly as she did with this poll.
did not expect it. good to see though.
I did vote for her
Well, made the request. It is unlikely someone will take it, but you never know.
best girl by far.
>she looks nice, I want to play her game.
>fire emblem sacred stones.
Sacred Stones is fun
I'd fuck her.
I never got why people classify Nino as an Est. Farina is an Est.
Nino, along with Ewan from Sacred Stones, are their own archetype, they come super weak but end up being unparalleled gods if you train them up. They're a rare case of stat caps in older games mattering, because they'll hit them very often, sometimes before 20/20.
One of my first waifus. Was cool to see her again in the phone game.
Shit character. Get her way too late. Not worth leveling. I make a point of intentionally getting her killed in any playthrough.
Why didn't Cynthia come back for Fates?
Because people have shit taste and liked Severa better for some reason.
But Severa is Cynthia's friend!
To be fair, he probably was too.
Did anyone ever notice that Lute is cute?
Severa is a shit.
best post in the thread
Just use Canas, Pent and Lucius as your magic users. Serra too if you heal grinded her in Lyn Mode as technically those heal grinds don't count in Eliwood and Hector mode turn count.
That's not what Cynthia believes!
Is she for fuck?
Cynthia is not a lesbo!
She's Bi.
How old is she?