Location of Elder Scrolls 6

My estimation

Very unlikely, even though a part of it might be accessible later through an add on

Very unlikely, even though a part of it might be accessible later through an add on

>High Rock
Not very likely, would be my personal favorite though. Lots of mountains, forests, castles and court intrigues.

>Summerset Isle
There is a good chance considering that Skyrim ended open towards the Thalmor and the upcoming war, we also don't know what the Thalmor want for sure

Possible, but my least favorite since, well, it's a fucking forest. A combination with the Summerset Isles would be possible to cover the entire Aldmeri Dominion

Would not rule it out yet, we might see the parts of it that aren't Vvardenfell, and even if the title isn't Morrowind again we might be able to go there as it is close to Black Marsh, if not in the vanilla version for sure in the expansion

I don't know, it's just desert, with nothing really there and everybody would be a cat

My favorite. Reasons: The quest with the Redguard hinted about some shit going down in Hammerfell, it's at the frontline of the war, it's a diverse country with different landscapes and noble houses. The only reason why they wouldn't do it is because it was already covered in the Redguard adventure game but on the other hand they could just build on that

>Black Marsh
Media seems to think this will be it and there are a lot of reasons why it would be likely. An argument against it would be that it's just swamp and the inhabitants are Lizards who are not really as fascinating as humans or elves and while it's nice to have the animal races arround, to have a whole game based arround them might be a bit too much

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You mean Skyrim 2?

I would take High Rock+Hammerfell with some Isle DLC or Valenwood+Elseweyr with Isle DLC

So Valenwood with out the summerset Isles because look at that tree you can clim it

This would be literal horror. There would be no landscape to discover; just a repetitive humongous forest and the only way to have a look at the scenery is to climb a fucking tree house

> the inhabitants are Lizards who are not really as fascinating as humans or elves

>the people who look and live like me are more fascinating than crazy animal people who live in a deadly jungle

I just realized that Hammerfell and High Rock are neighbours, kek.

I'd appreciate that, maybe build a storyline arround the orcs since they are located there.

No, Oblivion 3

Well the way Bethesda designed them it's surely not as interesting since they are both going all out with stereotypes on the Khajit and the Argonians.

It's not about being exotic. Dunmer are weirdos and Morrowind looks like an LSD trip and yet it's immersive. I just don't see that happening with the Argonians.

I do not want a game full of niggers inf cat id rather have another tes game set in shitty skyrim than niggerfell
Fuck niggers and the jews forcing diversity in games and movies

What if the Thalmor cut down some trees, empire moved in and kicked ass because fuck the Thalmor. Then you also got a pissed forest god?

This has nothing to do with diversity. They fucking live there. Are you blaming Africans for living in Africa?

I'm really just not into all this tree hugging shit, if the game forces me to side either with some genocidal Thalmor or some tree hugging Woodelf rebels i'd probably chose the Thalmor because fuck that shit.

>The only reason why they wouldn't do it is because it was already covered in the Redguard adventure game

If by "covered" you mean "took place on a single island off the coast of Hammerfall" then sure.

No one cares about Elder Shit games, fuck off faggot.

It came with a comic that included a tourist guide for Tamriel. It was pretty cool.

>le Sup Forums bogey man
Go back to plebbit

Dude what the fuck?

How is this the first post to point this out? OP sucks at math.

kek, I meant the chance for every location by itself

>niggers and jews ruin my movies and videogames
>somehow not Sup Forums

Because I think most of us understood that he was just trying to convey what he thought the chances of each happening were and decided to just continue on with the conversation at hand.

Plus, like most lizardmen, they are mesoamerican themed, which is a setting we desperately need vidya of

Third option, you get to fuck all the elfs with the Empire

There is a 206.01% chance that OP is a faggot.

It will be on Akaviri

So what are you saying, that there will definitely be more than one of those locations in the next one?

>>niggers and jews ruin my movies and videogames

you just described Sup Forums

Give Valenwood a fair chance. It has cool shit like giant walking tree fortresses and a bunch of migrant towns would be a cool mechanic. But that would require Bethesda to put effort and include all the cool stuff in the lore. Which they never do so you're likely right.

I just realized that all the cool stuff in Bethesda games happens offscreen in books and we just have to deal with references to it

I don't get it, is this for a Skyrim sequel or something?

That might make sense if we were somewhere where all conversations were cordial and on topic, but we're on Sup Forums.

Guys, I never played an Elder Scrolls game, so I decided to start today with Daggerfall.

I'm utterly lost. I understand that I have to talk with some royals for my mission given by the emperor, but I was hoping this was the kind of game that just let me do random adventures.

So far I only fast travel to dungeons (since I can walk for ten minutes out of a town and find nothing) and get disappointed when all I see are three rooms, a couple of rats and a thief. Is this as fun as the game gets without following the storyline?

For the record I made a breton monk fighting barehanded, so feel free to chew me up.

Where ever it takes place I'm sticking to the tried and true Breton master race.

Its gonna be Hammerfell because black is super in right now

and I have no problem with this

>always been a self-admitted TES fanboy. Just really love the series.
>know that I'll always buy the next one because I'm a weak person
>tfw I know Bethesda will never put in any effort into its animation of voice acting
>tfw Gamebryo will never die

Why do you assume it'll be just one location? Black Marsh or Elsweyr by themselves would be far too specialized. If anything, I would expect something like Elder Scrolls: Dominion with all of the Thalmorfag provinces tied together into one game.

Sometimes people can surprise you

It's just a really old game.

Try Redguard or Morrowind if you want to start the series without bothering with Daggerfall.

Daggerfall is a dungeon crawler. You level up by exploring dungeons (that's DUNGEONS, not family tombs. Join the Fighters Guild), so don't try and tackle any of the main quest until you're at least level 6.

>i meant the chance for every location by itself

what did you mean by this?

agree thatd be cool

Just play Morrowind with a handful of mods if you really want to start early in the series but can't get into the really old ones.

What is Skooma like?

I want it to be another province and one that's geographically very alien. I think all of the ones left satisfy this already.

I don't care about how massive the world is but I want details and densities and things to do. As many hand crafted dungeons as possible. All of their radiant shit and infinite shit sucks ass so just remove all of that.

I actually think the lip sync was alright in Skyrim for 2011.

People thought Skyrim is just going to be a boring snowball. Yet they came up with about 4 diverse regions, no matter what your opinion about Skyrim is.

I really want to play an RPG again, i dont want to play Morrowind, already played it tons of times, same as Oblivion but i skipped DLC.. is it worth to play just the DLCs ? Skyrim also skipped the DLCs, what do you guys recommend? IDK if i want to play daggerfall again seems super dated and i remember it was very confusing.


Todd reveals the game at E3 2018. It's WE WUZ Elder Scrolls to maximize sales. He explains the importance of getting cucked and we all buy it.

I just think everyone wasn't paying attention to the actual numbers

Oh thanks, gonna try that now

I have no problem with the oldness, just thought I hit some dead end and didn't "get it". The Daggerfall map size and content always seemed to be praised so I wanted to check it first.

Also is going barehanded mont viable or should I restart while I'm still not too deep?

>voice acting
Fucking Oblivion man. I played it in French on release as I was learning it at the time and thought why the fuck not.
I'm pretty sure they hired no more than 15 VAs for the whole game.
It was utterly depressing.

Yeah, I also don't give a shit about the size. It's ridiculous to cover more than one province. Hell, you can see the Whitegold Tower in Oblivion from almost every mountain and Cyrodiil was supposed to be the biggest province.

I'd be fine if they would just focus on a part of a province, like in Morrowind, and then fill it up properly. Dragonborn was actually more fun than the Skyrim vanilla because Solstheim was dense and compact.

Just to clarify, I meant to say "animation OR voice acting" but yeah, both your points still stand obviously.


Just like crack

To be fair, voice acting was just one thing out of many that ruined Oblivion

Bare handed isn't an actual option, since most monsters you encounter past level 5 are immune to weapons below a certain quality. Lategame enemies can only be harmed by the 3 strongest weapon types in the game. Some other general tips:

>Become a werewolf ASAP for free permanent stat boosts and minimal downsides
>Create a character who can use mysticism magic and take the 2x or 3x intelligence in magic perk, the Recall spell is your best friend when trying to get out of a dungeon
>Always keep multiple saves so you don't screw yourself over while doing a quest. Have separate saves for before you start a quest, before you enter a dungeon, and while you're in the dungeon
>Disease is the most dangerous thing in the game. Become a werewolf so you don't have to worry about it.
>Vampire Ancients will fuck your shit up. Just run.

How do I become a werewolf? Get bitten by one? I happen to have werewolf blood in my inventory as a random loot from a dungeon (or family grave I guess), maybe using it will make me turn?

It isn't ridiculous, some provinces combined are still smaller than cyrodil or skyrim.

I think the density in skyrim or oblivion is fine, they are still denser then most open world games.

At this point I honestly wouldn't be surprised.


In Skyrim it makes sense. In such a harsh climate population growth is usually rather small, see medieval Scandinavia. I liked how snowier the regions get, the less people live there.

Oblivion always felt really empty to me. Imperial City was a huge letdown and felt like a beta version. The pulsing heart of the Empire is THIS? A bunch of shops and a dock?

They improved that in Skyrim, Whiterun was always nicely populated, Solitude felt a bit empty, especially in the part behind that castle. Nobody seems to walk there ever.