I've never gotten into it competitively but I'm planning to now. Any tips?

I've never gotten into it competitively but I'm planning to now. Any tips?

save your 2nd jump for getting back on the stage, don't be predictable, stop rolling so much

This. Particularly saving your jump. Still my biggest issue with Captain Falcon, I wanna land those sweet knees, but at what cost?

Which game, user?

Which fucking Smash are you talking about? 4 or the good one?

Project M for now. I've ordered melee online and I'll see if I like it more than Project M.
I'm thinking of playing both.

Know and play every character. I don't mean practice and git gud with every character, but play them enough to get a feel for their weaknesses and strengths. Well, at least every tourney viable character. Even then, having a good grasp on the whole cast and how they work is, I feel, an often overlooked aspect of fightan.

melee, right? RIGHT?

Personally I prefer Melee. It just feels smoother, can't even really put my finger on why. Also, some characters just feel off on PM, Fox is one of them.

That being said, Ivysaur is my nigga.

Join us tomorrow.

smash is a fucking baby game you man child

If you're not L-Cancelling you're playing the game wrong.

Unless it's Wii U, if it is, literally only roll as your form of movrment.

Lmao a bunch of autistic middle schoolers that think they know shit about the easiest game of the bunch. No thanks

suit yourself loser

Is maining Samus ok for Project m? I heard the game was really balanced.

Another thing worth asking, how good are you?

Can you wave dash? Do you know about Wave-Landing? Do you know about dash dancing? Do you know about crouch cancelling? Do you know how DI really works? Do you know about L-Cancelling? Can you consistently short hop? Can you up tilt consistently without Jumping (this is more for Melee)? Do you know character specific tech?

Mind you, some character specific shit, like Multi-shining, is 20XX shit that no one can do well.

I've learned to wave dash and L cancel, but pretty poorly. I'm working on it now.
I wish I had friends to practise with other than bots.

Do bots ever wave-dance shine-land cancel-crouch-dash-L-command?

I wonder

I'm gonna be real fucking blunt, but if you don't play with people you're not going to get good. Either emulate the games and play online, or go to local.

That being said, tech grinding is still important. Just keep practicing and researching. Practice until your fingers fuse with the remote. People talk shit about Smash, but it's by far the most mechanically and input intensive fighting game.

Watch your opponent's character, not yours. You should already know what you're doing.

This is all good advice

>I'm gonna be real fucking blunt, but if you don't play with people you're not going to get good.


But honestly online will give you bad habits

The only way to get good is to play with people better than you, preferably in person. Go to locals and get shit on in friendlies for a while.

>But honestly online will give you bad habits
You know, for all those times you play Pugwest IRL at the parties you attend every weekend.

Should I practise before going to a local tournament first or just go in while being shit?

>but it's by far the most mechanically and input intensive fighting game


smash autist has never played a snk game i see. How one autust can be so ignorant and delusional is beyond me

If it's Smash 4, don't be too predictable with your Air Dodges. If someone pops you up into the air, your first instinct might be to spam Air Dodge in order to avoid a follow-up, but a skilled player will read this like a book and you'll be in an even worse situation.

Also, don't be afraid to try a lot of characters! Tier Lists are there for a reason, sure, but don't be afraid to try someone new for a unique counter-pick situation. I main Zelda, not because she has great matchups but because nobody knows how to fight against a decent Zelda.

Good luck and have fun!

Find a good group of people at a tourney, or a con who are both better than you and also patient enough with you to tell you what you're doing wrong. Practice is good, but if you're practicing BAD HABITS without knowing it then that's just going to hurt you even worse.

SNK is some shit, but I'm strictly talking controller inputs.

Remember to take showers.

I play the game regular IRL with local players and on a semi-monthly basis at larger tournaments with bigger names

Just go, no amount of preperation will make you not shit at your first tournament unless you're playing with Mango every fucking day or something, tournament nerves WILL and I mean WILL fuck you up your first time, only way to get rid of that is to enter tournaments.

Okay thanks.

Play a real FG instead of a babby party game

umvc3 is on the same level as you tards but has more skill involved, more hype, and instead of smelly autists we have niggers who beat people up

>niggers who beat people up


Stop trying to take MvC2's glory, MvC3.

Sup Forumskeend is probably the best community on this shithole. We run weekly crews and we are just bros to each other. Have fun being a lonely autistic retard who plays a dead meme mod or a dated game that only elitist assholes play though.

I'm only 23, so wasn't around for mvc2 hayday. Though was there anyone like Noel "fuck this bitch" Brown" in that scene?

I remember someone getting knifed in the parking lot


Learn the basics and practice daily. Also, do hand warmers and take breaks, you should protect those hands.

This, though if you do, pick the braindead top tier of the game.

Dude wants to play Melee. The only thing that really fits that is Sheik

what is this gif and how have I not seen it before? there's more right?

Space bairs, stop rolling

Alright, thanks for the advice, lads. I've ordered a USB gamecube controller to try Netplay out.

Roll all the time
People say that it is a scrub tactic but they just say that to discourage people who play against them from doing it so they don't feel bad for not being able to punish you

Don't listen to melee cucks.

Buy a Wii U and play the most recent Smash brothers installment