but the CTF is bad

I'd like if they kept it. It's not great, but it's a nice change of pace from doing the same shit over and over.

Bring back that PvE mode too. Just imagine how great that would have been of they actually gave you XP for it

it isn't balanced

If they kept CTF you would hate it because it would be solved. It would just be all winston, junk rats, tracers, meis, rein.

You think you want it

But you don't

Blizzard was actually right way back when they said ctf wouldn't work in Overwatch.

>Caring about balance in a time waste arcade mode
It's just something to do to when you get sick of moving payloads and shit.

>Blizzard adds new game modes and PVE to seasonal events
>All that trouble to create and code new modes, and even a new UI for PVE
>They never come back again
>Still have to go back to TF2 for class based PVE

CTF is fucking garbage. You set up a Bastion/Symmetra/Torbjorn (Pick two or fuck it pick three) and no one caps the fucking flag. Why do you need to stand there for 5 seconds to cap the flag? Also

>Zenyatta grabs flag
>Ults and moonwalks out

Play No Limits. Defense literally just stacks all Symmetra or all Torb and wins every time. That's what happens when game modes aren't balanced. It's not fun.

>Why do you need to stand there for 5 seconds to cap the flag?
They actually talked about it in the dev update. Before they implemented that, Tracers would use all three blinks to grab the flag and then recall to take it with them.

you're just shit. All you have to do is go Pharah and she can take them out no problem

I want the, to get even stricter with placement matches. No fucking way 90% of the players I'm teamed with are diamond

it's nonsensical

There's no excuse for being able to cap while your flag is gone.

That's why it's in arcade mode, because it's not important. Neither is CTF. But it's something different. It's a waste to make new dangerous game types and scrap them after a couple weeks, like that defend the wall mode.

>there were people who were upset about taking no limits out of quick play
I'm so glad they did

>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults

Don't say a word. Just post your face when.

Couldn't a 2 rein, dva, ana, 2 76 blast through an all torb?

And an all monkey dick team should tear up an all pajeet one.

They botched every possible aspect. I've never ever seen an engaging frenzied chase for the flagbearer once he's skedaddled with the damn thing. You might as well give them the point the moment they sit on the pad for 5 seconds.


They just need some sort of map choosing/strike in comps and it fixes most things. Fuck Eichenwald

ctf sucks, it's either a draw or a roll either way.
Either you have a sym, torb, bastion guarding the point or nobody at all. I don't know how many caps I've gotten as Zen because nobody was fucking back there, everybody just wants death match

just like everything else


This. I think the problem stems from the flag being up toward the front of whatever you could call your "base" rather than nested somewhere in the middle/back. Just to further shittify the already awful maps they picked


I seriously want CTF to be good.
But there needs to be ways to make the game quicker, and to make it either completely not a turtle-fest, or to make it less one-sided. Or for it to not be so easy to fall into meta.
As it is, if you don't have Dva, Winston, two supports and two others, you're not gonna win.

>And an all monkey dick team should tear up an all pajeet one
They're shield generators stack so you'll have Symettras with 625 health running around melting people

What's wrong with this?

You're blaming Overwatch's braindead playerbase for a gamemode that actually requires some thought

Neck yourself, this is why we can't have good games anymore.

>their shield generators stack

>shield generators stack


Fighting 6 Symmetras would be a complete and total nightmare dude.

no, fuck you
its STILL NOT BALANCED even as a casual mode


they will listen to casuals though, so, no matter

>kill yourself because other people are retards
How about you kill yourself, this is why we can't have nice threads anymore


>they will never attempt to actually fix this ctf mode because its blatantly obvious they made it as bad as possible just to shut people up about it

I refuse to believe anyone at Blizzard is this lost on why this CTF mode is total bullshit.

It had to have been made this bad on purpose.

You want to remove a gamemode because ;-; waaaaahhhh it's 2 hard

There is no end to your logical flaws.

>tfw you will never play a good ctf mode in a good and thriving game ever again

>change it so you have to hold down a button to pick up the flag
>getting shot doesnt reset the pick timer
>characters cant use abilities when theyre holding the flag

Done. CTF is now playable.

I never said it was too hard, it's shitty and poorly slapped together for a half assed holiday event
It'll be removed either way faggot so go shill your shitty threads on the official forums I'm sure they value your opinions there

Well fuck. Maybe 3 PharMercys?

How to fix OW CtF

>Flag pickup is instant
>Picking up the flag gives the same effects as being hacked by Sombra, meaning basic weapon fire only, no abilities or ultimates

And there you go, suddenly the game mode works.

You left out something important.

>cant cap while your flag isnt at base
>cant attack while holding the flag
>can pass the flag off to someone else manually

These are 100% mandatory.

If they ever do fix this shitheap of a mode and prevent abilities for the flag bearer, they also have to prevent the flag bearer from lucio's speedboost.

Otherwise Lucio is 100% mandatory in the mode no matter what.

quake 3 is still thriving
UT99 would be too, if people weren't shit at it from all the OW they play

These are good, what the fuck was Blizzard thinking?

>couldn't even make up an original holiday game mode
Are they doomed?

Make it so Tracer drops the flag upon recall then?

What I want to know:
What the fuck did Blizzard learn after running Warsong Gulch since JUNE OF 2005.
They've been running a game that has CTF for eleven fucking years. They should be world experts on making excellent CTF modes.

But Overwatch CTF is garbage.
Mind you, WoW CTF is fucking cancer. But it at least moves faster than OW CTF.
The fuck, Blizz?

Like I said here

This shit was done on purpose.

What's wrong with McCree?

You should be able to basic attack only while holding the flag, but no abilities.

I think a good ctf needs maps designed for ctf or removal of movement abilities when you have the flag

Ow does neither

Only if they banned semestra and torborn being on the same team.

because they made it intentionally shitty so that the players would hate it and the dev team wouldn't have to make new maps for a new gamemode, because they already take so fucking long to make maps for existing gamemodes

>your team 3-0 stomps a tryhard faggot team using torb, symmetra, and bastion


McCree has become irrelevant, just like Reaper. Hardly see them anymore in comp.

They said they had a version that dropped the flag on mobility abilities, but they didn't like it because it "Didn't feel like overwatch", so they decided they'd rather a poorly balanced arcade mode than one that doesn't feel like Overwatch.

He's trash compared to Soldier 76.


>ult is a global taunt
>never gets it off
>exposes himself
>walks slow
>stands there trying to line up a bunch of kills
>gets killed
Every time
>mid-range character that requires sniper like shot placement
>stun grenades are too short of a range
>combat roll is perhaps useful in too many ways, players can be confused on when to use it
That's the list of reasons why I don't personally like McCree as a character.
>If you're playing McCree, you're not playing a tank and tanks are life
Why would they intentionally make it shit? CTF would add another game mode. Which would add more long term sales. Adding CTF and CTF maps would be great.
I think you're on to something. People have suggested you get to use no abilities while carrying the flag. I think that could work.

The director is too far gone up his own asshole. In the video he insists that they wanna make it work with abilities or the player wont feel like a hero.

Nope. No attacks for the flag bearer. He has to drop it to attack, and then he gains his abilities again.

The flagbearer should be dead weight and fearing for his fucking life every single second he has that flag.

It's the same with Hanzo's hitbox. Apparently Blizzard was right about a lot of things.

Every overwatch update has been the same. just with different graphics.
Prove me wrong.


>log on for the first time after a long time
>play CTF
>ult as roadhog when my team has the flag
>free cap everytime as their entire team is pinned down

??? This was pretty easy, didnt I read somewhere that this map always ends in draws?

They could have just done it for recall, especially since she's literally just reversing time and has no reason to keep it.

Why is blizzard so dumb. The had a lot of good ideas for gamemodes but they were less than half assed and then scrapped again. Why not make 1 or 2 fucking permanent modes and flesh them out? Why are they so insanely stupid nobody likes arcady shit, show me one guy who like s any of that and I show you a faggot without any taste or background in fps.

How many times have you successfully done this exact scenario?

Honestly, I wish No Limits was just the base game mode of Overwatch.

It's a lot more fun.

3v3 should have more maps

I've honestly forgotten I'm even a hero at this point. I just feel like a merc doing merc stuff.

Are you crazy that wozuld mean they have to actually flesh the mode out, you can't expect them to do that now can you? I mean it would be easy to balance abilities around ctf but, again, come on ain't nobody got time for that.

Man I hate that fucking ugly snow map.

Snow landscape is the more boring, lazy shit ever.

stop playing soldier then

I like this. It's a team game. The team should have to protect and escort the flag bearer on the return. Though I feel like it'd work better on maps constructed for the mode.

Flag bearer should have a melee though. I love bashing heads in with a flag

Why can't you queue up for specific brawls, I'm sick of constnatly getting those roadhog/lucio and phara/mercy maps

Im hoping that the PvE and CTF was just tests for a more robust ones later that are permanent
>PvE- unique maps, all classes, more enemy varieties
>CTF- unique maps and more balanced maps, possibly retooled flag pick up (the meter resetting every time you get hit is pretty terrible)

it wont happen.

So hold on... You're telling me that games... Have a meta...

Seriously it's not like you'd see any less variety than you see in ranked. Some people will only play meta heroes, some people will only play whatever random shit they wanna play. All that happens is they change which heroes the meta pickers choose.

>A game mode where Winston and Junkrat are actually viable
All the more reason to keep it

>Winston is still weak as fuck

Winston does not need buffed. He's in a great spot for a character that requires no skill to execute plays.

It sucks that blizz half assed this, as it is it's pretty fun already.

I definitely enjoy having a good alternative to payload and control point.

part of the problem is CTF shouldn't be on CP maps. they need to be custom made to balance a bit

These cool modes will NEVER be permanent parts of the game. Just like how the Diablo 1 mode for D3 will only come once a year. Blizzard is uses puts these in every once in awhile just so you keep coming back.

As someone who plays Junkrat, it's broken as fuck

>Throw a bear trap on the base of the flag
>Fags have no choice but to step on it
>Blow them up
>Rinse and repeat
>End the match with 15 - 25 traps

They should just make a 6v6 deathmatch, an infection variant, and bring back soccer.

He need an adjustment to the barrier cooldown, it's way to long.
A damage boost when he tickles a single target wouldn't hurt too.

And maybe a second less of cooldown for his jump.

>diablo 1 mode
WHERE THE FUCK WAS I WHEN THIS HAPPEND? I got the game for free and dropped it 2 weeks later, and this is coming from someone who put more hours into D1 and D2+ then I care to admit.

its not as good as you think it is. they make the graphics all blurry and ugly, and make it so you can only move in 8 directions and they make it a church level thats been in the game already. it was quite dissapointing really

>implying junkrat is only viable in ctf
Nah, you just cant play him. Cry more

His barier is the only thing that could be in need of adjustment, his damage is fine he kills squishies in a reasonably quick time.

Reminder that if you don't have this achievement, you're literally shit.

It still baffles me that symm melts him.

>Why would they intentionally make it shit? CTF would add another game mode. Which would add more long term sales. Adding CTF and CTF maps would be great.

They've already said before this that CTF won't work.
Now they made it shit so they could give us a "told you so". And have to put in less work.

But she doesn't unless she built charge on someone else. Assuming they both start damaging each other at the same time then Winston wins every time, that's excluding use of his barrier or damage from jump.

It's the worst game mode they've released. The china map has ridiculous choke points that make hanamura looks like an open mall. Yet no one liked oasis. I am the 1% of gaming.

>Got it on the first match I played
>The entire match all I did was junkrat trap the flag

Have fun in bronze friendo

This guy gets it.

>They will never fix imbalance between ults
What does this even mean?

symm always is around her turrets and her gun instalocks you while winston can miss, dealing less than maximum damage and his barrier doesn't protect shit against symm.