What is the Pink Season of video games?
What is the Pink Season of video games?
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probably some indie game that was hyped but turned out to not be that good after all
>indie game
no mans sky
Anyone that didn't see that shitshow coming deserved exactly what they got.
If you're talking about disappointing sequels, Metroid Prime 2
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Sup Forums sucks
Everybody called me a faggot
Do you mean meme shit?
Play Borderlands 2 if you wanna play meme shit, user.
Pokemon Go
>Both Pink Season and Borderlands 2 are good
Really makes you think. And since I'm going out I'll leave this here for you predictable fucks;
>Not an argument.
Pokémon Go
Shadow the hedgehog
pink hour
>All these assmad weebs hating on 2017's best album.
we fall again
Straight up ironic trash with a couple actually funny things in it?
Borderlands series seems to fit pretty good.
dont give a fuck what you guys say, dora the explorer is gold
Lets me use her bo dy
>You have to be a weeb to hate normal frank
Being over 12 also works.
Pink Season sucked. The first album was way better.
What is the point of being ironic trash played for comedic effect when you do nothing to separate yourself from the thing you are satirizing. Pink sesaon is the same deal, he makes songs about having a big dick, fucking chicks and driving cars like the pop rap trash he is mocking but im supposed to find it funny because ??? I never understood this even on Sup Forums, back in the dark days when people would ironic shitpost to the max with memes and emojis, its just annoying.
What's the mouth moods of video games?
borderlands series, fn@f, and undertale.
i am not kidding.
Ring ring? Sex please!
This. You don't need to be weeb to hate his obnoxious shtick. I wish him, h3, Idubbz, and max would fuck off.
the album doesnt do enough to separate itself from the music it's supposed to be satire of, the only really good track is i will get a vasectomy
It would have been better if most tracks were actually well done but they seem lazy on purpose to push the ironic vibe. His food raps are the only things with any actual effort put into them.
Irony is popular with youtube teens nowadays, in fact there is even a track on pink season addressing it, which is even more bizzare.
Why are pop-up headlights so aesthetic, /o/?
>Frank used to be some retard making videos in house with a few of his non youtuber friends
>Now there's like a Youtube Clique of people doing edgy humor and they constantly show up in each other's videos
I don't know if it's something I can put into words but this really strikes me the wrong way and I don't really like Frank's new stuff as much as his old stuff even though there is still some really good shit
>Irony is popular with youtube teens nowadays
Makes sense. Being able to act like a retard and project your emo depression stage of life without the blow back you'd normally get had it not been from hiding behind irony sounds like the perfect formula to exploit. George is a smart dude.
As many kids in the comments say, his entire shtick is being ironic and edgy then he chastises his audience for liking that sort of "humor" while asking them to buy the album.
To say its a mixed, ineffective message is the least you can do.
He knows his audience, at the very least.
>somebody actually owns the least cool 90s sports car in 2017
Joji music is great
Especially the Ronald McDonald one
it reminds us of better, less compicated times without memes. That's why.
Don't make me get his damn MP3 player.
Don't make me play Fighting Dreamers again. Go to sleep.
I sort of know what you mean. Can't really put my finger on it though.
>not cool af
get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. Are you going to ACTUALLY try and argue that the Stealth/GTO is less cool than a Mazda MX-6??
Mitsubishi was GOAT in the 90's
unfunny reddit garbage? probably borderlands or something
Hey the MX6 had a pretty cool engine
its kinda like his friends aren't as committed to what he does so they aren't as willing to take a big backlash so they just do pseudo edgy shit
It feels good to know I'm not alone,Haven't really heard any one else say that. I still watch but there's some type of charm missing.
Friend is writing a review of pink season for my campus' newspaper
Being able to publish whatever you like is great.
Like where it was just Filthy having fun with his friends and now it's more like he's doing this for more than just fun because he's moving up and palling with other big youtubers?
Yeah, that sounds about right. He's kind of got a bit of a format now too where as he just used to post random shit from his room. I still think it's funny he started that whole Harlem Shake shit
What is the Dinosaur Jr. of video games?
>embraces the memes
>tight gameplay to back it up
It's sort of like he's becoming elitist in a way
My best guess would be one of those joke ironic walking simulators where you shoot shrek jpgs on a copypasted enviroment, kinda like the fantabulous game.
Endearing the first time but no real reason to replay and revisit it.
Rice Balls is the only song I've found to be good on this album so far. Haven't heard the whole thing yet but what I've heard so far has been nothing but memes.
What is the Blackstar of video games?
I knew they were overselling it but DAMN.
that's about all it had, just like Foxbody mustangs and F-body Camaros/Firebirds.
I miss the old Frank.