Tekken and BlazBlue are on Sunday.
Would you say EVO is taking steps in the right direction?
Tekken and BlazBlue are on Sunday.
Would you say EVO is taking steps in the right direction?
replace melee with PM
replace smash 4 with USF4
replace tekken with skullgirls
replace Injustice with JJBA
swap kof14 for pretty much any other kof
If they made it one title per dev, it would be better. Tell me this list isn't perfect
Tekken 7
Revelator 2
Injustice 2
Not when Smash 4 is also on Sunday.
If Tekken was switched with injustice it would be perfect; all the good games would be on saturday.
Lesser of the 2 evils.
Smash 4 fans aren't as arrogant, autistic, or obnoxious.
>Make GG Sunday instead of BB
>Remove both Smash games
>Replace them with Marvel and Skullgirls
I don't think responding to fanbases instead of the game itself is very useful (unless you're going to be there in person, in which case ok). I just don't like watching Smash is all, I don't care who likes either game.
>Nintendo paying for fucking ARMS
Jesus fucking christ. And everyone thought Pokken last year was embarrassing enough.
>those 3 people who want nidhogg
ARMS? really?
Sm4sh was a mistake
Blazblue does not deserve to be on Sunday, especially when GG is back. But if people enjoy watching carl mirrors, then be my guest.
I don't see how BlazBlue even made it past the need for player's choice. I would've thought KI or Marvel would've made it in before a second ArcSys game.
Memorable moment Guilty Gear has given at EVO: Woshige popping off too early.
Memorable moment BlazBlue has given at EVO: Garireo's come back against Dogura.
BlazBlue deserves it more.
Fuck, pls no.
I really want Marvel 3 to win. One last ride before MvCI.
He and Geoff haven't donated yet despite saying they would, but it's not like Marvel would have trouble coughing up 5k in the next like 10 days.
Marvel is so boring though, I wish anything would win besides it or Pokken.
I play BlazBlue in my fun! so fun game!
Both are better than MKX at least.
>Meleefags this butthurt
Apparently Maximillian Dood is about to donate 10k too.
I agree what you said about Marvel but it needs a proper send-off when a new installment is around the corner plus the fact it's gonna be 15th year anniversary of MvC being featured at EVO.
Pokken is arguably worse than MKX. It's such a slow fucking game.
Good point, I forgot MKX was even there. I'm almost surprised Sonic Fox didn't get his furry legion to vote that in so he can double his winnings with two NRS games
Max already donated 500 I think. I don't know if you can donate more once you already have. And Marvel already got a pretty good send off last year with Chris G finally winning, plus Infinite is next year so it's not like the community is going anywhere or in peril either
Infinite is THIS year, user.
I mean at Evo, Capcom Cup, etc since it's a winter release.
Literally no one gives a fuck about KoFXIV it's pathetic. No one even shows up to play the game at WNF
You have to think of the event itself as well. Evo is e-sports now. The worst thing some of those other games can show are gay furries that wear a hat and fat annoying dough balls from vietnam.
The best of melee is the worst of everyone else.
But user, think about it. It's just weird.
-MvC game has been at EVO since the very beginning, never skipped a year.
-A new MvC game is releasing this year
Yet despite both facts, MvC3 might skip EVO this year? MvC3 has to be on the stage one last time.
>people asking for GG on Sunday
BBCF is the last game in the franchise, having it on Sunday is fine. GG can have Sunday for like the next 3 years or whatever, but taking this away from BB would just be cruel.
Guess i'll just have to go to japan to play him now that our one chance is gone, thanks you greedy fucks
Fair enough actually. Also >Memorable moment BlazBlue has given at EVO: Garireo's come back against Dogura.
this, BB has in fact earned it this year. God speed.
I've watched some Tekken before and I found it really boring.
Can't wait for another year where Melee (A 15 year old game) gets more viewers than SFV
>The best of melee is the worst of everyone else.
>Implying gay furries and fatties with leg rot is an improvement over anything.
FGCucks sure are degenerates.
>Can't wait for another year where Melee (A 15 year old game) gets more viewers than SFV
That didn't happen last year and Melee has never outdone Street Fighter.
It did though, SFV had to resort to combining ESPN2 and stream numbers. Melee had way more watching the stream though.
KOF is here to stay Capcuck. The reason no one isn't streaming it because Romance screwed up with his stream. If KOF is backed by Steam due to world presence I'm sure a lot of people would give a fuck.
>no MvC
how is Arms even on the list? is it just a demo?
worst line up yet
would be improved if everything was just replaced with windjammers
>had to
Oh, look. This delusional straw-grasping again.
People decided to get off stream to watch the ESPN broadcast. If there was no ESPN broadcast, the stream count would still surpass Melee.
>The best of melee is the worst of everyone else
I doubt that.
>Mr Wizard referred to BBCF and KoFXIV as curve balls when revealing them
I always knew they were coming. I mean, come on, they are new games.
>still repeating this meme
It was only slow because the meta was zoner heavy at the time. Machamp and Charizard can litterally kill in exactly 3 grabs and nothing against the right characters, for instance. At worlds there was a match that lasted under 30 seconds because machamp just got in and went to work and ended each round almost instantly
Oh so it's just a kusoge now? It definitely does not deserve to be at evo then.
ARMS is set to release in May, I think.
>Pokken shouldn't be at EVO because strong grapplers can end a round instantly.
>But infinites in MvC3, oh that's perfectly okay then.
But this is a different BlazBlue. Like user said before, if they dont patch the game before EVO, prepare for Carl mirrors top 8.
Not quite, because machamp has an extremely hard time getting in and actually captalizing on his absurd damage output. Charziard meanwhile only has 1 grab that's that absurd unlike machamp's 4, and downstancing automatically avoids it and it's pretty readable.
The game's just in general more balanced now, every character is viable. Matches aren't constntly keepaway.
Tier list for any naysayers
Can EVO even afford an AES system?
There's likely not going to be more than like 2 Carls in Top 8. Most of the presence is going to depend on what international players come, but I'm still expecting like 2-3 americans in it.
Also everyone who says this seems to have forgotten what the meta was in 2014 when talking.
When did S-tier become a meaningless category in tier lists?
it shouldnt be at evo because its boring to watch, boring to play, and went hours over schedule.
one of these days windjammers will win and it will be the best EVO ever
>Injustice 2
A different tier list from a good US player
Will there be a smell bouncer in Smash to prevent "Stinky Time"?
BBCF EVO top 8 prediction:
Yoshiki's Nu
Kaqn's Naoto
Fenrich's Jin
SKD's Izayoi
Tetsuwo's Rachel
Fumi's Nine
Dogura's Azrael
Ryuusei's Carl
>Blazblue getting a Sunday spot when it's a fucking mess in balance terms.
God I wish that cancer would just go away already, I don't know how the fuck it got to be how big it is but it's dead competitevly now guys. Seriously, it's done. Over and it's been over since CP was released and gave almost everyone a fucking ToD combo.
High-Tiers have a massive fucking power gap over anyone else and low tiers are literal fucking trash that is basically unplayable.
Fucking Hazama, Noel and Susano'o are just straight up useless to put any time in because they all do piss poor damage and take an incredible amount of effort to get rolling meanwhile you have fucking Izanami, Nine and Carl who can press 2 buttons and perform 3 specials and end up doing almost half your fucking healthbar.
In the case of Izanami I can't help but laugh at how stupid her fucking ribcage gimmick is. Who in the right fucking mind thought that giving a character a shield that basically made them immune to almost all aspects of the game was a good idea?
I'm just so fucking pissed off at Central Fiction's fucking balancing. I was hyped for it since it was announced and not even 2 weeks after I bought it I ended up selling it without even finishing to story because of how fucking bad it was. Holy fucking shit I am still fucking angry.
I could say the exact same thing SFV when it appeared at last year's EVO but you don't hear me bitching about it getting in another year in a row.
Top 8 was especially bad, R.Mika got hit by censorship, a flood of Chunners and Alex players, everyone was riding that one dude's dick simply because he was the only American in an ocean of yellow, not to mention how it was mostly literally who's since McWizard fucked up the seed and all the recognizable players got knocked out early during pools.
I hope this year's SFV tournament is better but holy shit, last year's only saving grace was ESPN2 and it still got cucked out of a highlight reel for that week by Hbox's performance in melee.
Dont worry, we get to watch the same old marvel matches instead.
Or more fucking boring ass pokken
The low-tiers are extremely few in CF, the number of viable characters are vastly more. You're talking about a cast of 36 characters so considering that, it's a surprise so many are viable.
You don't see them at top level for a reason, which is that previously in BB you could only main top-tiers, so none of the top players except a few like Kaqn and N-O are particularly loyal to their character, so when the top-tiers are known they'll just switch to them. The balancing is fine in that regard, and I far fucking prefer this compared to shit like CPE where 80% of the cast was gutted and boring as shit to play. In CF they at least went all-out with making most characters be able to do a ton of shit.
BB was a mess in terms of balancing in 2014, now is absolutely nothing compared to that. BB is on the final game right now, so having it on Sunday to show it off once again after an amazing Top 8 in 2014 is completely warranted.
>Injustice 2 is guaranteed a spot but not KI
What is this bullshit?
>People don't want Marvel
Injustice 2 is a new game.
So how did Pokken's meta even turn out? I didn't play it because only retards bought a PiiU.
Was is shallow babyshit like I expected?
>there were people that called Braixen shit-tier on launch
Just because something has been around doesn't mean that said something is good
Smash is proof of this
>Windjammers' donation actually reached quadruple digits
Good Lord do some people have a lot of money to spare.
MvC3 should've died years ago. It's only been kept around because nobody had the balls to take it out behind the shed and shoot it old yeller style once it basically came down to infinites and X-Factor abuse.
>blaz blue over mkxl or KI or UMVC3
what the fuck?
The developers have yet to make a good game
Who cares? It's Marvel's LAST year. I'd say the exact same if I knew that the shitpile that is Melee was about to be ditched forever
Not at all
It's a new game that's just been released on consoles last season.
>muh traditions
Your game is privileged enough to get a sequel coming out later this year made DIRECTLY from Capcom themselves, meaning they will make sure not to make the same mistakes they did with SFV.
You nerds can take a break from one (1) summer tournament.
>Blazblue instead of Guilty Gear on Sunday
This is terrible, fuck you.
This time it's more than just tradition. It's a send-off.
The final chapter before MvCI release which will mark a new era.
I agree fellow guilty gear bro.
>Not giving an evo veteran the swan song it deserves
neck yourself.
>better than fucking Mortal kombat
Being a staple doesn't change the fact it went from the best spectator experience to the worst in the span of two years
>He thinks that CF didn't outright nerf the entire middle-tier by making the High-tiers literal fucking gods.
At this point in Blazblue it's arguable to say that there isn't even a middle ground anymore. If you're not playing a high-tier against a Carl or Izanami good fucking luck doing any fucking damage whatsoever and I hope to good that you're somehow good enough to not be pressured into a fucking corner from mid screen by giant fucking hitboxes and setplays.
Some people complain that GG is a lot of setplay and nothing else, I wouldn't know since I don't play it but if that's the case then BB is 10x worst than that now.
Mechanics favor the winning side and there's very little comeback mechanics now.
If I burst out of a combo that's going to rip my health to shreds against a Carl then I just wasted my OD which is infinitely better than the burst and on top of that I'm probably going to be thrown into another fucking combo again because literally everything Carl does can lead into a fucking 50/50.
If I OD on an Izanami I better have her opened already because then I just wasted my OD since all she'll fucking do is crouch ripcage anything I throw out at her and punish with a combo that deals about 40% of my health from mid screen to the corner.
Nine's setplay and buttons are so fucking retardedly good that despite the fact that I've been a Ragna main for fucking years I consistently lose to people who just picked her up because she's - on almost everything she has and fucking Kuzanite is the most dumbest fucking shit I have ever fucking had the displeasure of playing against holy god damn hell she needs to be deleted.
I think literally the ONLY character that isn't high-tier and can still stand her ground against them is Nu and Lambda and that's IT. Every other non-high-tier character just get's absolutely shat on because the amount of fucking effort it takes to open them up is just stupid.
All those 8 years of enduring you and your kind's "HURRR DURRR GO PLAY THE SUPERIOR GULTY GEAR INSTEAD OF PLAYING THIS BLAZBLUE TRASH, FAGGOTS!" shitposting finally paid off.
Karma's a bitch, eh?
I don't believe you
Marvel got its swan song last year though. And the year before that all the pros said they were done anyways after KBR won.
That doesn't change the fact that we owe it a real send off
I mean who else has a chance of winning marvel? every top player has won evo at least once
An MvC game skipping EVO the same year a new installment is coming out just sounds downright bullshit, user.
>Marvel got its swan song last year though.
Obviously not
If Melee wasn't ditched when Sm4sh came out, it's not likely going to be ditched anytime soon, especially when it brings in such good numbers for participants and viewers.
In either case, we won't know if it's Marvel's last year until the voting is over and we see who won. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Pokken won simply due to the fact that pokemon is such a huge fanbase.
>meleebaby gets triggered by a metaphor
You don't belong at Evo. Fuck off. Take the Poketrash away with you.
>So how did Pokken's meta even turn out? I didn't play it because only retards bought a PiiU.
>Was is shallow babyshit like I expected?
It wasn't babyshit, it turned out to be plenty competitive, but the intial meta was very zoner heavy.
Things have stabilized and pretty much every character is viable now.
Believe what you want but that's the truth
Capcom would advertise Infinite regardless of 3 being there or not.
Obviously it was, Chris G who made and broke that game, finally won. That's the end of the UMv3 chapter. There's literally nothing else going for marvel 3 at evo besides someone getting bragging rights for winning twice.
>gets triggered by facts
>accuses others of being triggered
Only people w/ taste desu
It'd be infinitely more entertaining then every other option at the very least
They should have put lethal league or wand wars instead of nidhogg so i could have 2 games to feel disappointed about not making it