Will this be as good as Bloodborne?

Will this be as good as Bloodborne?

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i'd say yes. story and art direction arent quite as good in my opinion but the gameplay is better. we'll see how good the bosses are though.

Based on the demo? Better. And this is coming from someone that liked Bloodborne.

I'm really excited for it but I doubt it'll reach the heights of Bloodborne. I'm expecting something more in-line with DeS or DS1.

Possibly, the gameplay is great but the level design so far hasn't impressed me

bloodborne had no forced in blackies

Maybe, concerned about the level design though.

God no, nothing will ever surpass Bloodborne.

I don't even care desu. Considering that I put 15 hours into the last beta that only included one real level and 2 bosses. The fact that I still wanted more by the end of it says a lot.

It's already better unless they already blew their load in the alpha and beta.

Threadly reminder to buy Nioh just to show that there's still a market for Sengoku fantasy action games!

You do miss games like Onimusha, Otogi, Genji and Blood Will Tell, right Sup Forums?



He's based on a historical figure like everyone else in the game.

Yea probably. I fucking live Souls and loved Bloodborne but this is the first game in years to make polearms not complete shit.

Also bear spirit confirmed.

What do you expect from demos?

I think the core gameplay is better, how you interact with enemies and the depth of mechanics for each weapon are vastly superior to anything Souls has accomplished.

However, an interesting world, good storytelling (ie barely any direct story), great music/tone, good level design, these may be points that the game will not excel at.

I mean the demo has fairly small areas as cut up missions, and a hub world map. I didn't really like how Bloodborne split up some of its areas, but a lot of them were interconnected, so the map hub is kind of a down point to me, especially considering some of the shortcuts and bigger path unlocks made the world in Bloodborne/Souls feel big and cohesive while not taking forever to traverse.

So I think it'll be different. Better in some points, but less ambitious in others.

No. I played the demo and it sucked. The combat had no weight and the level design was half-assed at best.

No this game is horridly bland and boring.
The only positive trait is that it's challenging and the combat isn't basic


not really that similar of games, but yeah it seems pretty great from the demos

>The combat had no weight
unlike you haha

probably not but it'll still be a solid 8.5/10 at least


>picking stages
>not shitty level design
Doesn't feel like the world is connected, it's straight up fucking lazy.

Eilee's voice actor is black.

Nah, I'm going to buy it because it has great mechanics and it's fun. I don't give two shits about any of the games you posted.

what is the highest rarity of items? greens?

already better

Reposting in this thread since i didn't see a nioh thread was up already.

Honestly the biggest disappointment for me currently is the lack of enemy variety


A whole new level posted on Playstation Access and i've seen EVERY enemy here already besides the boss not to mention the level design has been "meh" since Nue. I sincerely hope it's just that because it's early levels but even then it's a bit lacking. I guess you can say (well it's their first game) but even Demon's Souls made an attempt to switch things up.

Oh neat, where is this from?

Shit taste tbqh family

Purple previously, but it's looking like it might be green.

It's following the diablo color method to a T

I think the rarest thing people have found is green, but considering the similarity to Diablo, there might be orange items with unique modifiers that just weren't in the demo, since green items are set items.

As it stands purple is roughly where orange would've been in Diablo 2, but purple stuff don't seem as unique as they could be, though I've never found stuff like lifesteal on Low from anything but purples, so it might just be that many bonuses can only spawn at purple rarity.

>guys forced in blackies!!!!
yeah but i don't wanna play as a white samurai
>why are people so racist? he was a real "person"

that's two positive traits, and they both sound pretty significant

>these demo levels aren't connected
well slap my ass and call me grass you've gotta be the genius of the smart clan

No, but it is still great

Different experiences. Nioh is more about combat depth and William's story than exploration or atmosphere.


ding ding

>20 guardian spirits confirmed

It allowed you to make good looking black characters though, for once

goddamnit i need this game to be out right now
nothing else is fun to me because i only want to play Nioh

so far the ones we know are Wolf, Hawk, Shark, Bull, Puppy, Dragon, Bear, Bunny, Tiger, Turtle, Raven, Deer, and Bat.

what will be the last 7?

Better than DkS3

Post those motherfuckin Williams, I never got a chance to play the last chance trial

And say what kind of build you going for first playthrough

>all those complains about level design in this thread
did you guys only play LCT?

I can't see anything wrong with the alpha and beta's levels.

No, Bloodborne was top tier world design and influence. Nioh could be really good, but I doubt it'll top the "eldtritch alien" twist when people went in expecting werewolves and vampires

The gameplay is far more challenging and much more rewarding, so yes.

Going for a standard, headcanon build where William is a pure 1kat user who rarely/never uses Guardian Spirits or Magic until he gets back Saoirse. And the Youngblood set is just for the appearance like he has on the cover.

>Lack of Enemy Variety

In one level alone there were: Oni, an umbrella, a mimic, water blobs, tongue demons, fire faces, fire wheels, tengu, onroki, zombies, skeletons, big skeletons and people armed with different armor and weapons. What the fuck are you talking about lack of variety you retard?


>level 56 with 349 attack on the standard katana

why would you cheat for a beta

ds2 > ds3 aka sterile boring trash

I didn't though, I refashioned Shiggy's sword to better fit with the armor set.

I don't think it will be as good as BB but definitely up there and thats saying a lot because BB is literally my favorite game from the last few years


Except Armored Core

No. It's really dull to look at and there is a really really small range of enemies and the combat looks and feels something akin to Dynasty Warriors.

Why do people defend this game so hard? Why do people talk like its a personal insult to them if someone thinks the demo was shit?

>ds2 fans calling anything sterile

weird question, but does Nioh have actual PvP or is it strictly revenants?

pvp will be added in as a free update.

PvP is going to get patched in later. I can only imagine what kind of shitshow it'll be.

at least ds2 attempted to make changes instead of everything being copypaste

real pvp has been confirmed to be in a free update after release. not sure what sort of structure it'll use like arenas or invasions or what

Guessing it will follow White for common, Yellow for uncommon, Blue for Rare, Purple for Legendary, Green for Set, Orange(or possibly Gold or Red) for Unique.

not even close
nioh is clunky as shit

Its an exclusive, if this was a multiplat Sup Forums would be far more critical.

how is for honor btw? i was thinking of picking up nioh and for honor if it turned out good

Isonade is sated, at least for now.


How old are you, senpai?

that guy's based. too bad he didn't kill any negroids

post your glamourai

What are the chances of something like the dragon stones being in Nioh so we can become Onis?

I'm in the closed Beta right now playing exclusively jap characters. There are some class balance issues and the title plays like a fighting game with weird controls. Not good, not bad. Just average.





This one is going to be on PC, so no

