When is he gonna die?
When is he gonna die?
He's already dead, the cancer just became sentient and is puppeting is body like a gross tea stained marionette.
He's the embodiment of PC gaming: highly cancerous but refuses to die.
I was browsing Twitch and saw his gay ass "podcast" stream briefly. He had splotches all over his face and his eyebrows looked drawn on. If he's not dying, I'd think he'd be better off dead.
I hope he gets better.
When are you
Probably skin damage from all the chemo.
The dude's a fighter, you've gotta give him that.
End your life
Chemo is hell.
They surgically install nozzles in your side so you can inject poison.
When his heart stops pumping oxygenated blood to his brain.
Ten years from now when they discover cancer somewhere else.
Hopefully soon, so there are less eceleb threads.
>people around here actually take the time to type this shit out
Metal as fuck
>Has cancer
>Still making videos
He'll be fine
It's DSP we should pray for, he has gout.
He was ALWAYS lying about being in danger of dying. ALWAYS. He does this shit to manipulate people because people kept making fun of him claiming to have a 200 IQ and he can't handle the banter.
>being this edgy
I think I've finally outgrown Sup Forums. Fuck all of you.
Even if people here don't like him, you got to admit his resilience is pretty amazing.
How the fuck do you get Gout in 2017?
Is he retarded?
Nope, won't admit that, he's a faggot
Don't let the door hit you on the way out you eceleb worshipping faggot.
By being a lazy piece of shit.
His daily life consists of getting up, drinking soda and eating food + fast food
he's rich, he doesn't die until he stops paying to live.
I thought you couldn't get repeating digits on Sup Forums
No deal!
I've noticed that whenever someone here says someone is gonna die they never fucking do
Boogie and TB have been kicking for so long I'm starting to think the secret to immortality is getting Sup Forums to hate you
Diet. It's more common now than ever.
Must be the work of an enemy mod
hows being early 20?
You can get triple zeros and up.
only dubs are prevented excluding 00 I think
we really do need dubs back
Kek wills it.
he'll die when he's dead.
I literally haven't been on Sup Forums in over a year too busy shitposting on Sup Forums so I decide to check-in
>TotalBiscuit has cancer
nothings changed
These people...every time someone stops feeling sorry for them they fucking go overboard with the emotional manipulation tactics so they can maintain their criticism armor.
Total Biscuit is not going to die. He's going to live until he dies of heart disease at 65.
Boogie is going to die in 5-10 years, not tomorrow. Regardless of him pretending to always have one foot in the grave.
>mods leave Sup Forums
>Sup Forums starts policing itself by derailing shit threads
>mods put an end to dubs to try to stop us from doing that, then promptly leave again
Just a reminder before this thread is deleted 200 posts in, if that
yeah fuck you to asshole
>Let's go.
What did he mean by this cringe?
>Sup Forums starts policing itself by derailing shit threads
is that really the only thing you retards could think of to self-moderate the board? How does that help at all? it just keeps bumping the shit threads to the top.
If I remove that tumor, will you die?
The only people who make fun of his recovery are those who have never had a family member go through cancer or have had cancer themselves.
You just feel big because you think it won't happen to you.
>wife put in all the effort to slim down and make herself look good so she can find a new husband
>he's not even going to fucking die
>she's stuck with bald and bitchtits forever
poor woman
It never happened to my gramps when he was alive....
Does Boogie have nicer b00bies than Bain?
not before your dumbass that's for sure
Nah I don't hate the guy but I do hate how he purposefully uses his condition to emotionally manipulate people.
>one foot in the grave
Is that because he lost the other one to diabeehtus?
But joking aside TB can be an asshole and yes unlikable, not that i've watched him much, but I hope he recovers.
It's sad to wish ill on others(well maybe in extreme cases), but hell I don't even wish ill to the ones that have hurt me.
People saying they hope he dies need to grow up.
>user gets 82
>user who replies to him got 82
>Mfw I get 82 too
dumb nigger.
And even if people used sage, a random shitposter will still bump the thread like a dick. The mods only delete threads that are slightly off-topic even if there's something about video games.
He makes like one video a month at this point (aside from that shitty podcast)
Me too
But I also hope he leaves the game industry, his opinions suck
I'd shorten my life by ten years to take his life now.
Fucking faggot.
just get the surgery fatties
>This... is my curse
Yeah I don't wish cancer upon anyone except people who do truly evil shit like rape/murder others. I find TB to be extremely arrogant and obnoxious but I hope he does recover.
He's siphoning the cancer into his wife. TB will live.
Not covered under my insurance
>Everything Sup Forums loves turns to shit or dies
>Everything Sup Forums hates becomes stronger
Makes you think.
>Was literally dying
>Somehow survives
>Made more videos every month than Spoony makes in a whole year
I think we know who the real cancer is.
Are you joking, cunt?
nipple transplant?
It would be extremely Bainful.
after he crashes a plane with no survivors
What the actual fuck went wrong in the development of your neural pathways that resulted in you, at the age of 38 in your Aunt's basement, typing this out with what I can only assume was a face contorted in pain from your belabored breathing.
Uh, no?
I couldn't care less if I got cancer, unless I live through it.
That would suck.
Well based on this Twitter screencap his cancer might be cured soon so probably not for quite a while.
I wouldn't even get chemo.
My mother has failing kidneys and several cancers.
TB is still a faggot.
Hearty chuckle
Shut the fuck up.
Dirty little imp slut.
Then go kill him. You'd lose a nice 10 years of your life.
I don't feel like going back to jail.
Plus, I'm not allowed to leave Canada. It'd be a pain jumping the border.
then eat less shit and do more chest workouts
How about you suck my dick like a good little girl?
I could kill him, but he's not worth the trouble.
Do you have to wear a bra like George's dad?
Threadly reminder.
i'll never forget his post election meltdown
Reminder he was jokingly referencing himself
I just wear a jacket to hide them
>TB is so cancerous that his own native cancer is killing off the invasive cancer
>Current year
>bringing up shit someone said once Six (6) years ago
user, go to bed.
I don't even hate TB but this is funny