What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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he was a serial killer that had horrible mind experiments done on him

Wasn't a fan of that time he tried to cut my cock off.

Other than that he seemed nice.

He seemed pretty artistic at least

>realize he's the guy shouting rape at the beginning
>find his file
why'd this game have to make me feel bad for him

Feed me
Feed me. FEED ME

I haven't played this game. Or, at least, I don't recognize it. What's the title?

Outlast, but this guy only shows up in the DLC. It's pretty good if you don't mind a hide and seek simulator.

Outlast Whistleblower dlc.

Breddy gud


>All said by muscle-bound twins in the dark with their dicks out

What the heck is going on here?

Pretty sure it was the childhood sexual abuse, coupled with the horrific experiments that were done to him.

The real question is what the fuck is wrong with the fangirls that apparently saw that and thought him to be prime husband material.

>first minute

>when you climb that one ladder and stumble upon those two guys buttfucking some headless dudes body

the serial killer in question is a crazy psycho obsessed with capturing men and mutilating their genitals in an effort to find a wife.

This here is one of his unfortunate victims and his "interpretation" of birth.

the stuff of nightmares.

>I'm coming. You won't have to kill yourself

But I see titties...

>Bruises, boot-shaped along the back. Burn marks on the detainee's head, torso, legs, neck, heart and mind. Blurred vision. Enhanced by metrics. Bleeding in the ears and nose. Hemorrhaging in the eyes. No inquiry. No American involvement. Restricted detainee movement, electric cable and bare soles. Accountability pending
>Can't let contamination reach local town
>It'll only hurt for a second
He didn't have to die

>That picture
>In your first encounter with him, he refers to you as 'little pig' before he grabs you by the throat

This is from the official comic
He seemed like a nice guy until he ripped four people's heads off

Had shit taste in not just looking for traps in the male ward.

Okay but seriously genital mutilation actually makes me queasy and squeamish irl.

Everyone in this game has a large cock.

So what you're saying is if I join an insane asylum I could get a few extra inches?


Ah, so that's why he was so mad.

He was looking for love

>says he loves you

Surprised Outlast got away with so much stuff.
Must have teetered on the brink of an AO rating, surely?

what did it get away with?

>guy fucking headless corpse
>massive pile of gore
>guy licking your face and moaning
>eddie's wife experiment
>genital mutilation
>your character's dick
>the twins and their dicks

I think ya gotta be more sinister than this game was with its gore. Gore for some reason other than "Ew, gross!"


Yeah, but it was in all the wrong places.

I remember when Outlast was being made and first released it had a reputation for being extremly over top gore and horror that they were forced to add a disclaimer in the game

to be fair it's quite a lot piled waist deep
it's enough to scare your character so much you can't hear anything other than his breathing

>it's enough to scare your character so much you can't hear anything other than his breathing
that means nothin to me

Quebecers have large cock.

I'm hype for the new one, but a little nervous since it captures my phobia of wilderness and the Ozark

>as you're running away from him he calls you a whore and slutshames you

no one will ever love you as much as he did.

you can show dick in entrails, but can't show dick in pussy.
what a world.

He was the final form of a /r9k/ poster.

How did any of these tards ever get that swole in a fucking asylum? What were they even feeding them for them to get that 10% body fat

>wanting a nice modest "girl" is bad
no girls in outlast because the morphogenic shit caused their uteruses to fall out or something but they were going to have miles get raped originally

He hung about a hundred men from the ceiling so I'd guess that would build muscle.
For a non-meme answer, people that have been abused usually change themselves physically, so he was probably ripped as fuck before he got there. The other big guy was a soldier.

If I had to guess I'd say straight protein gruel. It's the most cost-efficient way to go about it.

>tfw even the ghost is /fit/

literally nanomachines son

properly keked