Microsoft is turning Scorpio into a next-gen system after seeing how badly the PS4 Pro bombed

>Microsoft is turning Scorpio into a next-gen system after seeing how badly the PS4 Pro bombed

What will Sony do?

PS4 Pro 2

Nothing because Sony is still dominating.

keep winning probably

you mean PS4 Pro Slim

keep releasing actual games?

What's the best way for me to trade up my PS4 to a PS4 Pro?

Force games to be at least 60fps.

No point in getting a pro when it's locked to 30fps

Discontinue the Slim so people have no choice.

I wish someone would stick to real standards like this. Just mandate a minimum resolution and frame rate and limit visuals to what the system can actually handle. It would be a better experience overall.

PS4 is still selling great, and they have games announced up to 2019.

There is literally no reason for them to rush into PS5, if Pro has proven anything is that people don't care that much about 4k and just want the system that's more affordable and more value.

>Microsoft is turning Scorpio into a next-gen system after seeing how badly the PS4 Pro bombed

No, they aren't. It would cost them a fuck ton to do that. It's going to be just like a pro, maybe a little better. Still 30 FPS games.

sony is too much in the lead already. scorpio being a more powerful system isnt going to win the normies over.

I wonder how much this piece of shit is going to cost at launch

Scorpio will be Xbox 360 reincarnated. Screencap this.

Release the PS5 in 2019 which wrecks the Scorpio and actually has games.

>just like a pro, maybe a little better. Still 30 FPS games.

so its going to be an ever weaker system thats prone to overheating a lot?
I dont know what youre getting at.

where's the source then?

>announce PS5
>play chicken with Microsoft while still selling PS4s

Keep selling the regular PS4, wondering why the fuck the pro (and the scorpio) failed.

Here's what's gonna happen.

>Kid: "Dad, can I have the new Xbox?"
>Dad: "You already have an Xbox. I bought one for you for your birthday three years ago."
>Kid: "But there's a NEW Xbox now."
>Dad: "No."
>Kid: [tantrum noises]

the scorpio whitepaper indicates the CPU is still jaguar based

All consoles since the sega dreamcast can run ANY kind of game at 60 fps.
The only thing stopping the games from doing it is the spergy art director wanting to shove more stuff onscreen and thinking that 60 fps is a waste.

And no matter how much power you have, they WILL waste it with more piss filters.

PC only gets off the hook because it gets cheap console ports rather than games made from the ground up to extract all the power.

keep getting third party support and win like the ps2 did?

Sony will release the ps5, it's actual next gen console, the pro was just a beefy ps4.

Release infinitely more exclusives, thus stealing away the 10 year old Christmas list sales

Shit like losing Ni No Kuni 2 only actually affects neckbeards.

Also, PlayStation VR was a real mistake

this. devs won't make games specifically for the "literally who" console that nobody buys

So, the PS4 pro?

No. Its going to launch and BTFO everything, except in Japan where it will bomb. Japan will be Switch territory. ALL the western hardcore gamers will buy Scorpio.

Exactly, pro/scorpio are doomed because of the lack of games that will take advantage.

Also if console fags cared about G-Flops they would spend $200 on a GPU.

Retards keep saying ps4 has no games but waiting 4-6 months for the pc release is really kinda shitty.

Scorpio will be the bane of the graphicwhorefags for the next 15 years.
It will the next neo geo, except without the excuse of being too expensive.

Normies aren't completely sold yet on games that feel good to play.
The rising popularity of stuff like Digital Foundry might change that in a few years.

Buying a scorpio is going to be no different than someone buying a geforce 1080 only to play league of legends on it.

>yfw microsoft and sony does this to nintendo

Bring out the pe ess quintizzle baby

btw, ps4 is getting a truckload of new upcominf exclusives

xbox not so much lol

they literally cancelled the only one they had coming out too lmao

Normies were used to 60 until Sony decided "You know, what if games run at 30 fps or less like in movies xD" and fucked us up with the PS1 3d games/PS2.

It was always supposed to be a next gen console.

Oh yeah baby, the future is upon us.

>itt: poor fags

>the CPU is still jaguar based

Idk lol

>This is what Xcucks actually believe