Launch game on steam

>launch game on steam
>forget to go offline
>message from friend
>"user, what the fuck are you playing?"
>it was this

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cool dude

>i'm such a weeb xD: the VN
I'd be embarrassed too

serves you right
get less dipshitty friends

omg amine tiddies take all my money

I would end my life at that point

Delet those burgerfag friends.

Why do people like OP insist on trying to be friends with people who don't share the same interests as them? It's truly bewildering.

>paying for porn
This is honestly more embarrassing than anything else.

>implying that is even a game to begin with
I pirated it and literally the entire game is a visual novel with the only player input being the ability to save, load and exit

When is the third game supposed to come out?

I bet you use an anime avatar "ironically" too


>Own several anime tittyshit VN's because me and friends send them as joke gifts every year.
>Always set them as my favorite game on my profile and never actually play them.
Sometimes we get together and play them together. Shits funny
Get better friends

>"user, what the fuck are you playing?"
>"does it have multiplayer?"

>anime tittyshit VN's
How many are actually out there? I'm only familiar with the Sakura X games and Nekopara.
I mean, surely there isn't much past that and the Newsground-tier Flash ones that made it through Greenlight.

We have gotten to that level now.
Still pretty fun.

>only 1.5
Feels good less than 150 games and less than 30 hours which I barely hit even when factoring in non-Steam and console games I also go out of my way to avoid adding anyone I don't actually know

How would a multiplayer VN even work?

>tfw no steam friend

tfw zero steam friends

yeah, i dont even understand this feel

I've openly told my friends I played and loved Rance. I have nothing to hide really. I'm charming enough that it's not a negative.


every time

People actually buy these games and have them on their steam accounts? It's so easy to pirate the uncensored version and circumvent the steam hideaway nonsense that I figured anyone with sense would just steal the game. I figured most of the purchases for the things were groan-worthy surprise gifts from reddit-tier memelords that want to rib their weeb friends.

That's deep

biggest redflag is the kind of guy who takes the time to make these

Congratulations, you're cool guys.

what is this?

>Private Profile
I dunno, I just like having it set private

>trying to compare rance to this crap

End of april

We got one boys.

There is one decent Rance game out of the entire shit series, and even it is just average.

One guy reads the lines over a mic while the other guy jerks off to it. Local multiplayer is just you two jerking each other off.

2 points I guess. My profile is private, and I have just over 100 games. I only have one Steam friend, and it's a real life friend that never uses Steam anymore. Why is private profile shitty? The only thing it has been used for for me is people digging through all of my playtimes and achievements to try to shit on me for something, so I just set it to private.

1, I play too much CSGO

1 point
anime avatar

>tfw no cute irl catgirl gf
feels sad, man

>I'm gonna see some anime tiddies
>Watch the stream bro
>Wait, where are the nipples?
>Fucking gooks ripped me off
>"Sucks bro, oh well"
What kind of fag friends do you have?

Having an actual relationship with a real person.

0 points

pretty okay i guess

I-it's all ironic I swear!

>Player two IS the anime girl you're trying to fuck
I think we're onto something here

oh, wait, 0.5 i guess

all my vidya in the past two weeks has been on ps4, so i've got nothin' played

the only reason i don't have the majority of those is that i'm too lazy to edit my steam profile

"some weeb 'game'(sort of) about catgirls senpai"

it's that simple, if they're worth having on your friends list then they'll understand or be curious and ask questions

Exactly. Exerting effort into turning your profile into a video game Facebook page is cancer to the nth degree.

2 points. Private profile and over 75 friends (135).
This has reminded me that i should do my yearly friendlist cleaning.

fear me cowards

I've got more than 75 friends, and only 28.9 hours in the last 2 weeks. 1.5 points, I'm a cool guy. Probably should play an hour to get myself down to 1 point, good thinking person who posted that picture.

Can I play this uncensored on my phone?

You can stream via moonlight if you have an NVIDIA card. The mouse controls translate really well to double tapping on the screen

>caring about what your friends think of the games you're playing

I'm black, all my rl friends know I own this, hell I own two copies if someone wants an extra one, and I get no shit 'cause black people can do weird shit like this.

>not buying VNs on Steam
>forming an opinion of someone based on their avatar
>not wanting the Ram Neptunia background

- in a chan related group (urneal gettogethers i have yet to participate in, looked cool but more of a quake guy in the end)
-account is less than 3 years old
-less than 150 games,
-steam level lower than 10(who honestly give a fuck about this?)
-less than 30 hours played past two weeks >exclusively using steam for games

>4.5 annoying faggot
If anything i look specifically for people that concentrate their time on specific games they delve into but whatever. But i agree people that don't play that often are harder to get games going with if you aren't that close.

This list should be split up in the categories hard to consistently get games with or might be inexperienced and shitty gutter tier memer.

I'm asian and liking this shit is expected of me.

You need to get better friends.

I get those "what the fuck are you playing" messages when I boot up Skyrim. I have to explain that I'm playing them for the porn mods, and only then do my friends understand.

sent ;)

literally 1 point, 3k hours in Dota 2 which I barely even play anymore

should I kill myself?

>repond with lolicat girls you fucking newfag
>say then to him get the fuck out to reddit
>listen to this

>start raving with mechatrons

are you white?

Do you know how to fucking read or is acting like an illiterate tard a new meme? I wasn't asking for a copy, I said I had an extra one since I bought it twice.


Get a name change at least

>message from friend
this friend sounds like a faggot

why can't catgirls be real?

underrated post
would play

>get fucked
>crying in pain
>japanese culture expert
>etrian odyssey loli
For some reason that's what I remember if looking at this game. Anyone knows why?

I'm guessing you're barely old enough to browse this site. Expand your vidya horizons.

sent ;)

>anime avatar of my waifu
>less than 30 hours (most of the shit i play isn't on steam)
Not bad I guess

>1.5 points

Would swastika screenshots fit into the last category?

trump will make them real

>116 friends
>talk to about 7 of them actively
maybe it's hope that i'll talk to an old friend again someday
or maybe im just a fag

Why does that make you feel insecure?

They just don't like the games you like.

>only thing I have is an anime avatar
Feels good desu

>anime avatar of my waifu
This should be worth double points.

>having friends



I'm 23 m8

Ironic normie meme game.

He's just mad you're playing a shitty VN

Hook me up senpai [email protected]

You know when people make one frame gifs? This is the next step in idiocy.

I bought and played Neptunia on Steam to form my own opinion. My opinion is that the games are shit. I have no clue why you would want a Neptunia background at all.

It looks like you are getting ready to do so.

More seriously, hardly matters. Unless you feel like turning Steam into your personal Facebook, your profile doesn't really matter. Just look for an avatar out of the ones you get for free through the games you have (browse through them all, as there are some surprisingly good ones in some random games) and then don't worry about it.

Hey, at least you play your games, which is better than some 80% of Steam users.

but what if its ACTUALLY ironic?

>130 games
>most games have less than 30 hours, don't even log in that often
>most hours logged into tf2 which I don't hear anymore
>description is something i made that someone might see as shit
>tfw i'm probably an annoying faggot

play anymore*

>Boys who want to dress up as schoolgirls and be dominated
>3,685 Members

>FYI You're a Faggot

>Hey, at least you play your games, which is better than some 80% of Steam users.
I think you missed the '0.7 hours past 2 weeks' part.

>'B-but it's ironic!' AND a filthy kike
Hellfire is too good for you.

This list is pretty fucking spot-on

9-year user here, going on 10 in a couple months.

Does it still count as f2p if I've spent over 400$ in it?

Wow racist.

porn games are the only games worth paying for anymore

It's not me writing the memes under my profile, but apparently I get a 4 anyway

3 points here. I'm in a Touhou group, like two Sup Forums groups, and I own two VNs on Steam. Possibly more VNs if I consider shit from bundles that I just added for the fuck of it. Funny thing is I've never participated in any of my group activities or even talked to anyone in them.


3 points
The point about buying VNs off steam is very rude tbqh

>Launch game on steam
>don't bother to go offline because my friends, even if they are normies that just play CSGO and DOTA, aren't judgemental fags
>enjoy whatever I like without worrying about what other people think

We have to go further.