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System Shock 1+2
i said better
whoa we got a badass over here
space funeral and OFF would be better without the combat
Fucking silent hill 2 you hipster fuck. Sure it's a great game but it's not the best game ever just because it's on rpgmaker and not many people know about it outside of Sup Forums
So this is one of those threads where no matter what people answer, you'll just say "lol no" and disregard it. Ok. Fuck you.
What don't you like or like about Space Funeral? Then we can give you a better opinion.
Goblet Grotto
space funeral maybe but OFF not
System Shock 1 is unplayable these days
you're a fag and I bet you use mouselook which makes you a double fag
Nah, fuck you. Just played it for the first time a couple months ago and it's still completely playable. It's not the best control scheme by any means but it's more than usable.
isn't bubsy in that game?
Are the fan games (supposedly supported by SF's creator as canon) worth playing? Also, someone post that picture of Snoop Dogg dressed as the Count, please.
I liked Space Funeral up to the cave where a poem is recited in the scariest way possible. After that it was just boring.
thats space funeral iv - none of the sequels are made by the original creator but supposedly have their blessing.
the music turning into a poem recital is awesome
Try middens, it's in the same surrealist vein.
Also Goblet Grotto reminds me of space funeral, try that too.
I heard all the """"sequels"""" were awful
There is none.
Does that one fag's Space Funeral even have blessing from the original creator?
Legend of Earth Birth is pretty good.
I'm gonna echo the anons in this thread and recommend Goblet Grotto. Or maybe Barkley Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden?
But OP, I can't list every single PC game ever made. There's a 2,000 character limit!
Okay grandpa.
I'm ashamed to say that Middens is the first game I've dropped because I got way too lost. Got on the bus, went to the outpost, found two diverging paths containing more diverging paths inside diverging paths and quit because my autism couldn't take it anymore. Probably made a mistake or two in trying to avoid combat, because I got raped by a brain chimera in a tight corridor.
Barkley Gaiden
He's right, though. SS1 Mouselook is retarded since the game wasn't built around it.
Go play Cho Ren Sha
There are tons more surrealist RPGMaker games that are better than Space Funeral
Central Station
Eulogy of an Insect
Bat Castle
Also check out 50 short games, magic wand, and goblet grotto
Earth Birth was pretty good, but everything else is trash
earth births gimmick seems to be to take the good jokes from space funeral and run them into the ground. theres some okay stuff in there but it leans a bit heavily on being ~wacky~ at times. music choice isnt as good either.
>strawberry cubes
normally when games say to make a map on paper in their own readme I say fuck off, but strawberry cubes is more fun to map than it is to actually play and explore
very much unlike YN imo, in YN there is actually interesting stuff to look at when you go to new places, but in cubes, the shit is so fucking garbled that your interest ends up being on the topology, at least until you start piecing together what the cock you're actually supposed to be doing
one thing cubes does have going is that people aren't spoiling it on Sup Forums all the fucking time unlike most of the other games in that image
>just finished Space Funeral for the first time
I'm done
enhanced edition has mouse look so whats the fucking problem
hopefully Omori.
Space Funeral > Undertale
Do you agree?
space funeral was a better aesthetic experience but undertale had better gameplay
your mother and I think you should leave.
The opposite of 'on'
Every thread is one of those threads. I've been here over 10 years and have never once seen an exception
the batter was right
The batter was merely euthanasia applied to a dying world, it was doing it a favor. Nothing in the OFF world would ever make the Elsen non-anxious, or make Dedan more compassionate, or make Enoch non-corrupted, or make Hugo healthy again. Not the queen, not the ghosts, and certainly not the judge. The batter was the final solution.
Just curious, how and why is it still up? I figure the costs to keep it running are nonexistent at the point?
well the fact that the "purification" brings about the toughest sons of guns the game has to offer to start living in the purified worlds doesn't really make me like that idea too much
it also drowns out the best track in the game
Funny how I discovered Megg Mogg and Owl through Space Funeral.
I don't know how it happened, I guess the two share the same type of depressively surreal atmosphere.