What gender do you identify as in video games?

What gender do you identify as in video games?

Whatever I feel like. Just like real life.

I act like a girl, but if someone directly asks "are you a girl" or something, i'll answer truthfully

Fuck off


I identify as a video game.

>>>/reddit/, basement-dweller.

I sexually identify as a murder.

I identify myself as a male, and that's the reason I play female in video-games.

>lol I don't le like u or ur opinion so u must be reddit!!!


>binary gender option

>Self inserting past the age of 10
>Self inserting as the puppet rather than just being the puppetmaster
What a fag.

I sexually identify as an attack helicopter, my father was a huey, my mother was an civilian medical chopper and my childhood hero was Blue Thunder. You cannot deny me this because it would deem you as a faggot and dirty fucking commie scum.

Lurk more pls. You're still very new. :) It's okay though, the sight can seem a little overwhelming at first!

Do you also go soisoisoisoisoisoisoi?

> mental disorder
>real life
And you think Reddit is that cancer

Girl, when she has a muscular option I choose that because Amazons are awesome

As a girl (male).


A girl because I wish I was one.

I play as the cutest character because I identify as cute CUTE!

Attack helicopter

Games with marriage: Male
H-games: Female

>no gender slider

Females. Because crossdressing and dressing up in lady/girl clothes is fun, feels great, nice good and fucking fantastic. Fucking cozy/comfy af, especially when it's not for wanks and when I don't wank while dressing up. ~

My knee-socks that I'm wearing are really comfy. ~

Cleansing of degenerates when

I play as a girl because girls are cuter and I love cute things, but in real life I don't want to be a girl, I want to fuck a cute girl or trap instead.

I would love being a girl/trap but my body is extremely masculine, so I've come to accept the fact that I will never be cute. Instead I strive to be a good looking man so I can find a cute partner and then dress them up in cute outfits to fulfill my fantasies instead. I'm proud to be a guy in real life.

More like ; Cleansing of normies, when?

You can't even properly ask a question, stupid fuck.


I always pick the male version even though I'm not a man. I like men more than women and have an easier time getting attached to male characters.

>Start crossdressing for perverted shit
>withing seconds of putting on skirt for the first time, suddenly 1000x more comfortable than ever before

Female (male)

Same as real life

What game is this

Thanks for the shitty meme, you stupid fucking piece of shit game.

Pokegal hunter, you should be able to find it in one of the /dgg/ pastebins.


Woman clothes are much more soft and enjoyable.

I'm gonna invest in a poofy ball gown one of these days.

show when you do!

When using a create-a-character: Male

When choosing from premade characters: Whoever has the best design

I just might, I was also considering getting some sweet lolita outfits but those are stupid expensive somehow ball gowns are considerably cheaper despite having more material, I proberbly I won't do it any time soon though.

>I would love being a girl/trap but my body is extremely masculine, so I've come to accept the fact that I will never be cute. Instead I strive to be a good looking man so I can find a cute partner and then dress them up in cute outfits to fulfill my fantasies instead. I'm proud to be a guy in real life.
we'll see if you still feel this way in a few years

be sure to get a petticoat for maximum volume.

whenever I see this screen in a pokemon game I have a mental breakdown and need to call all of my friends to talk me out of killing myself

Yeah i get kind of sad I'll never be a cute pokegirl too

A girl because I would rather look at a girl the whole time a play a game rather than a dude.

Girl (Male) ?

>transfaggots attention whore like desperate camsluts in order to feel like they are wanted

Makes you think

I'm not saying I want to be a woman I'm saying is rather look at a woman than a man. I don't insert myself into the game.

>implying it's not to encourage others to stop pretending they aren't girls
like anyone would want your attention

>play as girl
>what are you gay, bro?
>play as guy
>what are you gay, bro?

Male who slowly transforms into a female throughout the game

Do you wanna be a girl Sup Forums?
How much if so

if it was a magical transformation and you didn't get monkey pawed into becoming an ugly unattractive woman, than sure, i'd do it

I pick girl if the game allow me to become a cute girl, if not then male.

Women live longer on average than men, this is a fact. So if you were to become a serious tryhard on extending your life as much as possible you'd start taking female hormones and supplements in such a fashion that you could tap into female longevity.

I don't know if there is any truth to that nonsense that I just spoke, but I imagine that someday medical science will find out that my aforementioned ramblings are partially true.

TL;DR: Would you grow boobs if it guaranteed to increase your lifespan by ten years?

i think you know

Female since females are cuter and customization as a girl is almost always better!

I'm 2 years into my hormones and though I think I'm ugly as hell still I've had several guys ask me out and gotten a bf since starting this, maybe they just had low standards?

Enough that I transitioned

>forcibly suppress male hormones with drugs
>flood body with female hormones
>every cell in your body gets taken taken for a ride while kicking and screaming
>your DNA constant spamming instructions to produce male hormone that gets blocked by your constant stream of drugs
Yeah, that won't shorten your life one bit.

I don't identify with shit in video games, I just pick whatever character looks less like shit

i'm gonna need more

or sauce


it's natalie mars, i don't know which video

Why are there so many trannies on Sup Forums?

Post vocaroo

We hate ourselves and videogames is a convenient outlet to lose ourselves in.

How big is his dick?


How big is her dick?*

>>every cell in your body gets taken taken for a ride while kicking and screaming
>>your DNA constant spamming instructions to produce male hormone that gets blocked by your constant stream of drugs
>Yeah, that won't shorten your life one bit.
you're right, it won't. Because those aren't real things that happen

Sup Forums has always wished to be the girl

>He needs to project his body onto a character to sympathize with one instead of his brain

Why do people do this outside RPGs, never mind set personality RPGs?

i'd say average, it has a weird tip tho

cypro or spiro?

I pick a girl out of habit now I don't even remember why I started. (Meh, Fuck it)

I don't understand this new "idea" that gender is a spectrum

I would consider myself to be pretty open/progressive, I live my life and don't want to be bothered and I'll let others do the same

But, we're human, we're born with a penis or a vagina, from what I know, thats biology, thats male and female, thats just identification. Am I wrong?

where you put it, what you do with it, what you're attracted to, if anything at all, thats on you as you age and learn about life and thats social stuff, nothing biological there

I mean I get this probably crosses over into whole nature nurture sociological issue but whats with this whole more than 2 genders thing, is saying you only either have a dick or vagina wrong?

I was on spiro for my first year and suffered a few blackouts as my BP is already low as fuck. Since swapping to Cypro my test levels are even lower and I have had no side effects 10/10 would recommend.

Well I hate you guys too but isn't there a better outlet to lose yourselves in?

The transgender population is something like 0.6% of people.

Thus, in America alone, there would be 1.4 million transgender people. That's more than the number of doctors in America (as well as most professions individually and NOT added up as a total)

I use spiro 50mg taken 4 times daily because 100mg taken twice daily was completely shit. First month on spiro is pretty rough though.

>There are anons who DON'T play as a girl

Literally what the fuck are you doing.

The one with the best hat.

>The transgender population is something like 0.6% of people.
Absolute bullshit, did you just fucking pull that out of your ass?
It's way lower than that.

Man I want to wear this outfit..

That's the mid-range. Some studies state as low as 0.3% while some go as high as 1.5% or 3%.

If you think 0.6% is too common just imagine that if you randomly approach approximately 200 people on the street you should have a, roughly, 63.4% of ONE of them being transgender. Who knows if you could identify them as one or if they'd tell you if you actually personally asked though.

Of course the percentage of transgender people that congregate in certain communities can be pretty high.

What is definitely the odd part is that roughly 0.7% of people identify as bisexual while roughly 1.6% identify as homosexual.

So your odds of running into a transgender person are only slightly lower than someone who openly says that they're bi.

If the character of the opposite sex is very attractive or looks cooler I'll pick that.

Girl obviously, I'm not some kind of fag.

Always female, unless there are options for getting cucked or sissified.

>red is the boyish colour and blue is the girly one
Finally, someone with some sense and taste.

whats stopping you?

Nothing I guess, time to get shopping


I'm a virtual girl so girl

thats the spirit

>be girl
>always pick dude and make them the prettiest motherfucker

feels good man

>yet another Sup Forumsbait thread episode

He will not divide us

Strong bait. Now post your boipucci

Male mostly unless the models are awful

I wanna be a guy so bad, but I don't want to stop being a woman either. If I could be a man for a whole day I'd be infinitely happy. But I'm not a tranny.

no you dont.

woman is literally easy mode on life