Implying that ELO hell doesn't exist

>implying that ELO hell doesn't exist...

I hate when in youtube people say things like "is your fault to no advance in ranking" or " elo hell doesnt exist"
I know that you need to git gud, but when this kind of shit happen, you can be the best and you will lose, but is not your fault losing.
the only solution that I can think to do not suffer this shit is making your own team with friends and knowing each others roles...

Idk, maybe I say it only to comfort myself. today I was 2600 and get down to 2200.

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just give up on competitive overwatch dude, it's not worth it.

you have to understand that most of the people that are playing overwatch have literally never played an FPS before or MOBA babies.

you either have to play with a group that literally carries out of your current ranking or autistically play 12+ hours a day

and overwatch is shit now they added a fucking cooldown to crouching wtf?
that's like limiting mouse sensitivity


If you're good enough, you can single-handedly carry yourself into diamond with a DPS hero.

The problem with you idiots is that you think that's something that happens every game. It will happen sometimes. You will not be able to carry every single game, but if you are actually better than where you're at, you will trend upward in rating with more and more games.

It's just undeniable mathematics.

I know I don't take it too seriously, I don't want to become a "pro". only I enjoy when every one do his job and in quickplay that doesn't happen, it is rare.
how?? you can't. is teamplay....

It's very simple to understand:
If you don't rank up, you aren't decisive enough, aka, you SUCK.
Yes, there WILL be games that will be lost because your team fucked up, but if you truly were a Diamond/Master player you'd get there eventually simply by virtue of how much better than the Gold/Plat competition you'd be.
If you want to rank up, become proficient with solo carry characters and be that 25/0 Genji decimating your team.
You remind me of the "I'm stuck at Silver!" SFV shitters who don't understand the system isn't broken, their skill is.

>Whole enemy team besides mercy on fire
>No one your team on fire not even you
You all suck.


stop supporting n00bs

>gold object kills and regulated elims
No dmg medals
Nice job tapping them I guess?

>solo healing Lucio
You deserve your rank.

There is no such thing and there never has been in any game. What's the only difference between your team and the other team? You are a constant on your team, and if you were good you would be able to advance on average. It is simple logic. Of course, you are playing Blizzard trash so of course you are just terrible.

ELO does exist. Their music just kinda sucks.

Getting outta Platinum is basically impossible. They're too generous with the placements. I got a friend in Diamond who's no better than me but got placed there.

There's only so much you can do as Ana though. And it doesn't help when your team decides we need a Reaper and Mei instead of something to kill that Pharah that keeps coming after me

I was a high diamond and got to low silver to see how bad it is in low ELO games. I got back to diamond playing only support. you need to git gud

Ana does it all

I'm sure eventually I can reach high diamond too but they refuse to give me competent teammates. Today I played around 9 matches and only two of them did someone in my team use Reinhardt.

>inb4 muh league
Watch this, you might learn something

Not if she's the solo healer and there's no Rein, you basically have to keep you eyes on your team the entire time. If I look away to kill Pharah my team got wiped

>I know that you need to git gud, but when this kind of shit happen, you can be the best and you will lose, but is not your fault losing.

Ok, let's accept this premise. Now explain why YOU are more likely to suffer from this occurrence than anyone else? ELO hell doesn't exist because we're all saddled with shitters all the time. The only common variable is you. Git gud.

>the only solution that I can think to do not suffer this shit is making your own team with friends and knowing each others roles...

Yeah, or that. Gaining rank with a partner is obviously wildly easier.

Fucking fight me.

ELO is great you monkey

ELO hell doesn't exist. If you played Widow like that you'd be in GM.

Your screenshot makes you look like shit anyway. 791 damage? 2k healing? that's like 45 seconds into a match.

>ITT: People who don't understand how "ELO" works and the forced 50%

Become somewhat competent with reinhardt, and have a friend stick to you as ana. Enjoy your easy ticket to diamond

just get good

>i'm playing a team based multiplayer games with people who are not my friends or my clan!!
get over it you stupid fuck. You're playing it wrong.

>solo queue
>on ranked

You have no one to blame but yourself.

>implying that people care about overwatch

ELO is Overwatch works fine, when you play better you gain ranks.Simple as that
The only real issue is how forced 50 is implemented. Normally you'd think winrate gravitating around 50% means you always get equal matches, but in overwatch you get 50/50 chance of getting in a better (read winning) team.
Still if you consistently play better, you gain ranks. If you don't gain ranks then you've hit your roof. Get better and you will gain ranks

>huur! im a support main! y cant deez shitterz carry me!
Just kill yourself, its the only way.

>Solo heal as not Ana/Mercy
I shiggydiggy

It's actually easier to climb as support since Blizz weights their stats better than kills or damage. Doesn't prevent losses, but mitigates rank loss.

Ask yourself this?

Has my rating steadily gone up?
Steadily gone down?
Or just wildly fluctuated all over the place?

If its just wildly fluctuating all over the place then yeah their system is fucked.

It just is not possible that you get better at the game then worse at the game then better at the game then worse at the game...

This cannot mathmatically be denied under any circumstance.

>I hate when in youtube people say...

You talk with those things?

ELO hell doesn't exist because the entire concept of it doesn't make sense in a "competitive" game. There's no fucking way that you're just fucking stuck getting shitty teammates constantly and the enemy team gets useful ones. All of the useful people would move on eventually, just leaving you and your shitty teammates.

You are part of the problem and you're not as good as you think you are.

Thank you.

That'd be fine if you only consider a one on one situation, but unless you queue the whole team as a unit you're throwing 6 separate players together. Get better and you get queued with one other good player, the Rein who was carried by his usual team, the high as a kite Ana, the guy who wants to play Junkrat for a change, and the guy who throws because he thinks the Junkrat pick was a throw. Nobody is good enough to carry, and nobody talks except for the genius who chimes in with "yo we need another healer" when there are 30 seconds left.

ELO hell is other people.

I'm op
That Is not my screen Is one from internet. I don like healer, only if the team need it and I use Ana.

I Know that losing More than 100Points is my fault, because today i Was furious AND the others 4 or 5 matchs I play like shit . Today Is not my day.

What is elo? I hear it all the time but don't know what it actually means.

>All of the useful people would move on eventually

They did. I dropped from high plat after some bad matches and then got stuck in gold. It is LITERALLY luck to whether or not I get placed on a competent team.

It's no use obliterating the enemy team as a DPS if your team wont group/push/work together with ults or pick comps that make sense.

I understand that I am the constant. What you have to understand is that even a constant good cant advance in a game where there is no such thing as carrying.

Not OP btw

>only I enjoy when every one do his job and in quickplay that doesn't happen, it is rare.

Okay, let me spell it out for you. Taking 6 strangers, putting them on the internet, and having them fill out all of their roles appropriately is a HUMAN SOCIAL EXPERIMENT DOOMED TO FAILURE.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to assume that 6 fucking strangers playing a video game online will cooperate with each other within an extremely short time span.

If you can't carry yourself to win most (not all) of your games, you're in the elo you belong.

Second link in Google.

When's this season end?

I told myself I'd go one season being "That guy" with a main and I wanna do the next with Sombra so I'm exclusively picking her in QP

Play Roadhog

Not to support dumbfucks, but it's very hard to "carry" yourself in this game. If it was a 1v1 or 1v2 game, sure, but more often than not when people are complaining about a certain ELO Hell, it's because their teammates absolutely refuse to cooperate, and carrying becomes impossible.

Matchmaking systems that deal with adjusted player skill rankings can easily cause fluctuations in win percentages.
Long streaks of unexpected wins/losses can cause inappropriate changes to your ranking and put you in groups wildly below/above your level.

But all in all, the standard bell curve should apply to everyone, where you start against new or bad players, win a lot, start winning less, and eventually win less than half of the games you play as your matchmaking levels out to your actual skill group.

Hurr Im diamond the system is broken

Theres thousands of people like you and theyre all low ranked. Youre just not good enough

Yea it just require unbelievable amount of games played and luck not to get ruiners in every single one of them.

>be shit retard
>Do good compared to team ONE time


You can 1 man carry to diamond. You're shit. No ELO hell, you're just as trash as everyone else, and it you wasn't you'd be carrying and not crying.

This. Roadhog is probably the best at carrying. It's almost like he's OP or something

I've been throwing every match I've played for a week now. Almost at 1 sr. Stay salty you tryhard faggots.

>ELO hell is other people
Let me quote this user with a mild alteration
>There's no fucking way that you're just fucking stuck getting uncooperative teammates, trolls and retards constantly and the enemy team gets smart and communicative people
Sure you will often see dumbfucks who never talk or never listen and are throwing your games, like in any other multiplayer game. But if you actually try to talk to your team and work together with them - in most games it will work. From personal experience

>implying I'm Diamond
Plat here, also I have no idea what you're trying to say

This same shit happened to me and I went back up to platinum in a few weeks.

>What you have to understand is that even a constant good cant advance in a game where there is no such thing as carrying.
You sound like someone who doesn't use voice chat, or goes on tilt and bitches whenever he sees someone do something wrong.

I realize that OW doesn't reward a strong carry as much as other FPS due to the retarded ults, but even a bad team with someone leading them will beat an average team without.

He's saying the people complaining about ELO hell are ones who mistakenly believe they belong in diamond, when in reality they scrape for dozens, maybe even hundreds of games in High Gold or Low Platinum.

Protip, if you've spent 100 games anywhere, you are exactly where you belong.

>tfw solo queued from gold to Diamond on PS4
Feels good man.

Here's your ELO hell, just leave this on repeat.

I bet you think you're the first person to make that joke.

>Skill required to get to diamond
Someone post the webm of the winston running circles around a bastion or the webm of the dva soloing an entire team.

Maybe if we make it enough people will lay off the acronyms

Don't take comp so seriously. I did the first two seasons but now I just play Mercy (and D.Va on control) almost all the time. I mean how did you ever get so low, lowest I've ever been is plat and I'm at master right now

Wrong. Elo hell def exists
At the end of the day it's a team game. And it you constantly get put with bad teams then there's nothing you can do

The other players are in the same exact situation. If it's LITERALLY luck then eventually you'll either tip into a higher rank if you're consistently contributing, or you'll stay where you are if you aren't, doofus.

And there is carrying in the game, by the way. People do it all the time when they get stuck with you.

No you're at a shit rank with other people with a shit rank. The enemy team doesn't coincidentally have the better shitly ranked players every game.

But that literally is true. During my placements I was stuck with unranked shitters who refused to cooperation. And we were against Plat players who stuck to meta.
Tell me how that's fair.

I had someone throw in every single one of my placements

So I place low. I place low gold.
OK I will just climb. Right?

Every game
"Fuck this I'm throwing"
"I'm trying to drank for my friends guys don't hate me "
Lucio pick so he can park our in spawn

5v6, sometimes 4v6:Maybe not so bad right?

Really bad comps, unworkable can't carry. Nobody ults.

And so I never play comp again.

>And so I never play comp again.

>I had 12-15 bad games and immediately gave up because my arbitrary number was too low for my liking.

Why would I keep playing something that only gives me a bad time?

>Lose game because a player leaves
>Ranking still goes down

Justify this.

>opposite team is running four dps
did i just get baited?
i feel its easier to rank up solo queue when i was silver/low gold, cant remember. cant get out of plat for the life of me, which is where i think you need to at least duo queue, but even then when i play with friends i tend to feel like i lose more matches than solo q. its anecdotal but whatever

okay i knew these kind of retards existed in team games but how the hell does someone blame something other than themself for failure in a fucking 1v1?

lets say you're playing with a group of friends and they're losing the match badly. if ranking wasn't affected due to leavers they could just ask one of their teammates to leave

>yes blizzard I love your cock so much

>elo hell doesn't exist
t. got lucky during placements

eh you asked for a justification and i gave you one. I dont like the loss of rank either, how would you suggest they fix it?

You shouldnt. But whats causing that: a broken system, or you being unable to accept the fact that youre not as good as you thought you were?

Hint: with 15 games played, its the latter

I'm not saying anything like 'I deserve masters but I always get paired with scrubs and the other team is stacked'. Talking with your team is huge and I don't mind at all losing because we communicated and just got outplayed. That requires people to actually listen and participate though, which is the problem. The example I gave was extreme, but it was from an actual game I had today.

A lot of the "ELO hell doesn't exist" argument doesn't take into account that we're already 2 months deep into the season, so the slate isn't clean. The good players that will rise up on their own carry ability already have. The players that actually talk and respond to voice comms and teamwork that should average out to positive gains have gained. I play pretty casually, and I only got around to my placement games about a week ago. I forgot the exact rank, low plat. My rank slowly sinks every day; I'm down to 2127 now, on track to drop into to silver over the weekend. I guess I'm just terrible, I got carried in my placements, and I don't deserve to rise in rank because I can't carry a team myself.

>getting damage medals
You're a special kind of stupid

PC community is cancer. Deal with it.

I've gotten gold damage and kills on Lucio. The matchmaking absolutely goes out of it's way to fuck you in the ass.

Story time even if noobe cares cause im bored at programming class

>Season 1
>Start at 55
>Welp, i can work with this
>get up to 60 without much effort
>Play with friends, drop to 50 cause they are fuckin jerks a play whatever they want, still my friends tho so take it like a champ

>Season 2
>Start at 2200
>Climb to Plat
>Aw yiss
>Pumped up, crawl up to 2973
>Drop all the fuckin way to 2400 due to retards
>Maybe next season

>Season 3
>Start 2300
>Climbing slowly again, got to 2926
>Drop again to 2750
>Yesterday finally got up to 2980
>Last game for promotion
>Matched with this fucking kid bad as shit that only plays Pharah, lose
>Next game, matched with this fucking old dude that only plays Widow, KoH, lose
>Next game, matched with this fucking premade, Ana Winston, she only boosts him, lose

After that somehow i fucking made it to Diamond, but holy shit does this game give you desires of genocide

the "elo system" is a competitive ranking system invented for chess tournaments by Arpad Elo

people who don't know what they're talking about call it ELO because they think it's an acronym

Your offenses clearly don't know how to play their characters, and your team pretty much shafted your double tank comp by ignoring second healer. Not to mention how much more versatile and efficient Genji and Soldier are than Tracer and Reaper, and how shitty Lucio is as solo support too. You probably greeded out your safe pick instead of going with a Mercy or Ana.

And you got halfway through in the first round stop being a fucking cry baby.

>I'm stuck at Silver shitters

Holy shit I was happy to end up in silver lol

>believing in elo hell

there are pro players who even know it exist.

you need to carry HARD

Well, yeah, muh league.
Not only does LoL enforce its meta on ranked, Blizzard's matchmaking has been known for a long-ass time now to force loss streaks by pitting you with retards who have an unexplainably high rank, against a team much better, if you start going too high above 50% wins.
The best tip for getting high ranks in OW that everyone at high ranks likes to keep to themselves is to notice a loss streak and get it over and done with on QP, then move back to ranked.

OW is TOO team based, If one person fucks up you pretty much lose, You can never solo carry a game because if you get picked off it just crumbles.

That's why you see 96 percent of streamers stacking because they know this is how you rank up.

The problem with complaining about ELO hell is that it doesn't benefit you, or anyone for that matter.

Analyze specifically WHY your team is losing and you will feel less frustration after suffering a crippling loss. Put effort into paying attention to your teammates, what they're doing, how you're interacting with them, what heroes compliment their heroes, what your team conposition's weakness are, etc.

I can get into more specifics with examples if you'd like me to.