RE7 is shit

There is literally nothing to talk about. Game is empty and repetitive as fuck. It has no depth. It's only for one playthrough, just like any other youtube bait trash outlast or something, whatever... If you find other re series threads at least you can keep talk about Sherry's panties, but there even endings are fucking pointless and uneeded. I mean Zoe dies 5 seconds later after you saved her...what the fuck? It was obvioulsy added for variety just like salt mines obviously was added to make game longer.

It so soulless, I don't even want to talk about it.

So is RE6 no longer the worst RE?
Thank God

Yes. At least it's not a youtube trash.

>I don't even want to talk about it.
Then why are you here, talking about it?

Shit puzzles, terrible bossfights, and it starts as a pure PT / Outlast clone, only to turn into Gone Homo: Guns & hillbilly's edition. The last half of the game actually KINDA felt like a RE game, with the Molded becoming more common, but apparently those are "2RE6" for some neo-fans.

I just wanna tell everyone don't buy this piece of shit.

>I didn't actually play the game
Everybody is playing and genuinely enjoying RE7 so it's REALLY too late to try to get people to not buy it. Just give up, user. People like different things.

Thx op. I just did a refund

>It is so souless, I don't even want to talk about it.

Posts thread on /v about said game...

except everyone else in the thread thinks otherwise dumbshit
take your youtube trash elsewhere

except it's really fun and good and tense

wtf I hate RE7 now

Oh no, about almost 10 people think an incredibly popular game is bad, how will it ever recover?
Kill yourself~

>it's fun
go away neo/v/

Sorry RE6 fags, you still love the worst game in the series' mainline

Sup Forums has been neo/v/ since 2014
bit redundant for you to keep using it faggot

fuck off neo/v/

your an outsider


Fuck this game, I'm glad I refunded it and got RE6 instead, It's a much more epic game than Outlast 7.

>everyone is playing and really enjoying
yeah, no. I played it, and while in the end I didn't totally hate it, I really could've lived without the experience.

But yeah, like proven in the other thread at , shills ARE strong at this site, especially at the moment. Some of them may just be underaged nu-RE fans of the Xbot generation, who cannot comprehend the fact that old fans may not want the series to be neither 3rd person shooter or a Gone Homo clone.

You do realize that most of the people that don't like it are the xbot generation, right?

how do you fix the fucking lag and frame rate drop on this, yes I have an old GPU the GTX 660Ti but this is the only game that gives me problems

you do refund

>you do refund
too late for that

I thought it was a really good game...

But thanks for spoiling the Zoey choice for me.


Play it on VR pussy, it's a game changer

>have to play it on the worst VR headset

>Game is empty and repetitive as fuck

So like every old RE?

Good to know

>being on the internet after a major game release
your own fault