Summer Lesson

>Summer Lesson
>the next gen of a dating sim
>no black girl in it

Is that because Japan is racist or the devs just think black people aren't their audience?

Other urls found in this thread:

Japanese are not sure what Africa is. Is that a city? Is that a beverage?

Why would anyone want to fuck this

Japan is sort of racist. They just don't have any exposure to blacks, and they're naturally xenophobic anyways.

holy fucking yum

she needs to get S L I M E D

Moon bounces are fun.

If they do that atleast put in the option to put a bag over her head.

They might be. They don't even care for Miss Japan.

Blond-chan WHEN?

Also, any of you nigs getting the english release?

black women are universally considered the least attractive women out of the major human races:

maybe if you put a paperbag over her ugly face

I don't blame them.

>japanese-african mutt
>looks 100% african

Even in genetics blacks destroy everything they touch

how the fuck did that happen

That's what I'm saying. I thought japs hated blacks

One of the US military's affirmative action employees decided to knock up a jap while being deployed overseas


>not liking black girls

Blonde girl isn't in it either unfortunately...

Jesus the women of that country got cucked out of their own beauty contest

Couldn't they choose someone that looks, you know, Japanese?

2D is perfect, do not compare.

Curry summer and dark vanilla mustard race.

I mean, what bureaucratic process led to that creature becoming Miss Japan?

>white girls with a heavy tan
>the draw is that they are caucasoid/mongoloid but tanned

This is why niggers hate cultural appropriation.

>Summer lessons
>If you don't know how to actually teach guitar lessons she won't have sex with you

>KT releasing "Asia" version with English subs
based as fuck
finally a killer app for VR

Japs are smart enough not to see blacks as equal humans, but as exotic creatures meant to satisfy a niche fetish

Jews. Miss Japan is run by some kike in Europe

>tfw the blonde kind of looks like my ex

The contestants

>mfw they replaced our perfect aryan goddess with chink shit because otaku couldn't handle it
I will never ever forgive Harada for this, fuck him

womanlettes need not apply

yes. teach them the error of their ways

3rd one is best by far

Probably rigged, because the only tolerable one is the Akita one, the rest and especially Saitama was ugly as a cardinal sin.

>no thighs
>no tits
>soft as fuck bodies except for the last
That said, 4th is best

Amazon Chocolate > California Gold > Okinawan > Indian Summer > Scent of Cinnamon > the rest > literal niggers > Red Earth

>no black girls

Wow it's almost as if asians dont find blacks attractive enough to put in their games or something

What the fuck man. Surely there were better options?

what are you talking about m8
they're both in the game

Why are knees so ugly?

Who cares?

t. black

All of these girls are pretty

It's almost as if they dont have

>big nig lips
>ratchet weaves
>monkey facial structures
>or slanted oval skulls

>gooks interested in dark-skinned and giantess fetishes

look into who ran the competition

you'll find (((someone important)))

What are you tryna imply, user?

Bad poses and lighting if it were not for that i think these girls would look 10/10

No they aren't user, superior blonde chan got cut because nips were too beta and found her intimidating. So now all get is demure Shitkari

There isn't actually a white girl in it either. Turns out Japanese people are the audience for their Japan only game. Can you imagine how many focus groups they had to go through to figure that out?

I tried and couldn't find it. How about you tell me instead

You can walk down any street in Tokyo and find 30 girls more attractive than these.

I have never seen a good looking knee, that's why thigh high socks or long skirts that cover them are the best.

They sure do. Just go to Roppongi at any time of day, especially at night. Or Kabukicho at night. Or Harajuku during, well, anytime. They all look like and probably are giant scammers though. Also tons in Shinjuku in general or Shibuya.

Literally nobody would pick her.

post a source or get fucked

I thought this was Bandai Namco

Honestly, I always get them mixed up.

really makes me think...

so did they pick her to score brownie points with the diversity crowd to get a better chance of winning?

Source is literally the game you retard. It already released in weebland. Full title of the game is Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto Seven Days Room

Japan isn't a degenerated shithole like America.

I meant source on the reason for cutting the other girl, you little troglodyte.

>yakuza controls police
>every other day somebody stabs or kills a family member
>drunk guys getting away with crimes by using the excuse of being drunk
>crazy fucks pushing people on train tracks
>workers actually dying from overworking
Sounds shit to me.

>get all the eroge you could ever want
worth it

hey dummy, they had quit by the time the nigress won

>eroge prices going up and studios shutting down
Not for long.

I'm sure the (((woman))) who was responsible for establishing the show and propelling it into the spotlight had no influence and had set no policies that could have lead to this at all.

there's already a plethora of masterpieces over there though

In any case, all of them are ugly.
I know half black-japanese and full Japanese girls here in Tokyo that look better.
In fact, Im surprised nobody from Akita won.
That's where the cutest girls are.


The blonde was a trade show demo. People liked it enough that it got turned into a raising sim. Since the market is Japanese men they went with a schoolgirl. I've only seen clips of the original but it probably lasted 5-10 minutes at best then reset for the next trade show attendee.

That isn't a source for the reason behind cutting the other girl.
There's nothing to say they aren't planning on adding the other girl or giving her a game of her own.

why would they add a black girl just to accomodate to a really small part of the world's population?
if anyhing they should add latinas

Hey did you hear about this game called PT? They showed it so it has to come out.

>look into who ran the competition

you got btfo and moved the goal post to suit your reality

Whoa OP what's with thinking black girls are only liked by black guys or that black guys only like black girls? That's pretty racist of you, regardless of the tokenism you're pushing for. Shame...

I'm questioning your particular speculation behind it, not the fact that it occurred.

Tbh I don't mind some nice gyaru in my VR dating sim

Black women would be pretty top tier if half of them weren't fat and 90% of them didn't wear weaves.

>is that because Japan is racist

that's a bingo!


So what exactly makes dark skinned girls this attractive?

Really compels one to ponder

Uh, wow. She's really cute.

No one likes black girls, not even blacks

Why bothering cater to the

>Dark gyaru that's too dumb to teach so you have to teach her

> """"date"""" simulator

>what is photoshop

>She repays you with a handjob that shows off her long, painted nails
>She lets you cum in her mouth as a special treat for sticking with her while she struggled to learn

Fund it

>No one likes black girls, not even blacks

holy fuck that ass is fat

>white male/black female have the lowest divorce rate
>black male/white female have the highest divorce rate
Really made me think

Isn't there an updated version of this?

>gf is korean
>No data to help me
Please collect more

>black with japanese gf
>no data
I guess Im winging it.

This, the only true black girl I remember is Shadow Hearts 3 girl

I don't know why. I just want to fuck her hard.

>Dark skin gyaru tries to help you socialize
>She's socially awkward too and she was just putting on a facade to help you
I would implode
>Error: This image cannot be uploaded because it is the subject of a copyright infringement claim. Please refrain from posting it.
What the fuck

>no black girl in it
Based Harada.

>Live in Japan
>see more attractive girls all over the place in daily life
I feel like it's so oversaturated that a lot of girls don't bother to do modeling and shit because its more about looking like one specific style than actual overall beauty and talent. Same reason why their porn actresses are often more attractive than their regular actresses, it's just a higher paying job unless you hit it really big.

Well, real attractive one don't give a fuck about these kind of jobs.

Same for Korea. Could spot girls in any direction that look better than the specified pic.

I remember watching a video about Koreans and Japanese commenting on Nicks Minaj. The women mostly liked her ass, men not so much, but one Jap guy definitely was a thick doujin buyer.

It's weird there are cultures where the women like ass more than men