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>tfw you take the money and run

there is nothing wrong with a woman working in a game studio and there is nothing to indicate that there is any kind of gender politics being pushed into Pillars of Eternity by said woman. Just look at the shit with the old watcher in the first game.


Normies are forgetting that this man was what made Obsidian.

I wonder what he's doing now?

>Or rather, who? :3


It's allegedly married to a man.

a couple of fatties from the looks of it

No one fucking cares if women are developers in japan hell they jack off over it

Why the fuck are western women so terrible and such fucking stereotypes?

>wahhh it's a woman making my video games!

she's perfectly fine

>wahh its a woman fitting the stereotype who are proving to always fuck shit up with their politics!
>how dare people get offended after years of bullshit!

what are you basing this off, her haircut?

>wahh its a woman fitting the stereotype who are proving to always fuck shit up with their politics!

Nigga the literal only thing you know about her is that she has a masculine haircut. Are you seriously basing your entire opinion of this person on such a petty thing?

>she's perfectly fine

Did you actually read the article?


No woman who feels it necessary to express her 'individuality' with short dyed hair would be married to a man, unless she's married to a woman who identifies as a 'man'.


>your entire opinion of this person on such a petty thing?

Yes i will because stereotypes exist for a reason

>petty thing?

How people choose to keep their physical appearance speaks fucking volumes for them as a person. It's not petty, it's called being a fucking human being.

have you left your house recently?

On the games front, my big formative experiences were with the old Sierra adventure game series -- King's Quest, Quest for Glory, the Colonel's Bequest. I loved playing through stories that were also puzzles, and it was always satisfying to explore, explore, and explore again and finally find the thing (an old boot, a soup bone) your character inexplicably needed. It was fun even though it was way too easy to play yourself into an unwinnable corner without realizing it.

I've also loved Morrowind -- it was the perfect blend of sandbox and story in a nontraditional world, and it just goes to show that you don't need to play a plumber to travel a world with giant mushrooms. I had tons of fun with both the combat and the storyline of the Mass Effect series, and I loved stealthing my way through Deus Ex: Human Revolution. For something a little different, Braid and The Stanley Parable did amazing things with experimental storytelling while unfolding their narratives with unique but fitting gameplay. The Stanley Parable is one of the funniest games I've ever played, and even though it's brief, I was as engrossed in it as I've ever been in bigger, more produced games. And the end of Braid is one of my favorite "aha" moments in any game. And, of course, Planescape Torment is a great example of a unique and immersive narrative -- even though character customization is limited, the choices presented to the player make the experience every bit as personal as if you'd built the character from scratch.

woah what a rapid SJW. Game boycotted.

I've seen worse.

Are you new here? I see dumbshit overreactions resulting from far less than that.

t. retarded faggot who never leaves his house.

Protip: dont argue with idiots

>exactly 30 seconds apart


so what made you suggest that shes good or qualified for the job considering that shes a "national security" graduate with unrelated work experience?

So then what's your excuse?

*farts in ur thread*


Even that cis-scum tattoo woman some time ago renounced her nazi feminist views for whatever reason and is probably interested in going out with men.

>you will never kiss based Avellone

Anecdotal evidence is illogical and based on biased facts. Try again.

seems like Sup Forums and anonymous posting confuses you

t. faggots, CTR and Obsididrones

>It's a /vpol/ gets triggered episode

she's made several NWN mods and has written a book all by herself. I think that makes you qualified as a writer

>haha look I took a screenshot when she blinked

Yea she looks like a dyke, so what

I wanna fuck nina freeman so bad

>lets ignore the culture war that has been going on all over the west for the last five years you guys!

>always fuck shit up with their politics!
So like Sup Forums then?

>culture war

>physical appearance standards are illogical and based on biased facts

Are you some kind of fucking faggot? Shouldn't you be out protesting about the cost of tampons or something?

>video gamers

Emptyhero has published several books as well and it doesnt make him a established writer

he's a literal faggot

>culture war
No, there is only two groups of edgy teenagers (edgy in different ways) , who like making dank memes of each other. This is a blip on the historical radar.

He's working on Prey and System Shock Remaster.

remember the rape, massacres and constant violence in Pillars of Eternity? She's really pushing SJW politics in the game alright.

>lefties didnt start a culture war in gaming!

ah yes i remember the 90s and 2000s where gaming outlets cried over white male privilege in gaming

>biased facts

t. underage redpilled mra pua alt-right loser who masturbates to anime

Nina is the only sane-ish looking one
If she werent so crazy weird i probably would too

Friendly reminder that SEGA cancelled an Alien RPG by Obsidian to give more money to Gearbox for Colonial Marines

>culture war

>They made best Fallout
>They made my favorite game

I havent even played any of their other games Obsidian made best fallout

>stereotypes exist for a reason
They do if you're lazy as fuck, so actually take the 5 seconds of googling to find out she isn't a SJW nu-fem

go away rostie

>physical appearance standards are illogical and based on biased facts

Not what I said. I said anecdotal evidence, look up what it means.

>omits anecdotal evidence
Here are your (you)s

self published

this was also a serious book and not some half assed """comedy"""

>I'm so alt I don't even notice I'm actually a normie.jpg

there are plenty of feminist males for them to marry

>trumpfags hate sjw devs
>sjw devs are all from america
>trumpfags are fine with trump starting trade wars with countries
>jap games get more expensive
>trumpfags are too poor to afford jap games and forced to buy inferior american games, kill themselves


I don't think you know what the word omit means though

remember when the backer "changed" his line ;)

>so actually take the 5 seconds of googling to find out she isn't a SJW nu-fem

But she is a SJW nu-fem you fucking retard. You would find that out if you did more research than 5 seconds of googling.

>It's a "Sup Forums shows yet again that its the tumblr of the right" episode

>muh SJW conspiracy

Obsidian have NEVER had that shit in their game.
I also remember them changing the line to openly mock people who complained about it

I remember he changed it to make fun of the people who complained about it. I also don't see a single mention of her in the image you posted, whoops! ;^)

I like that it looks like she's saying "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"

>hillary wins
>floods usa with refugees like merkel did in germany
>canada does as well
>leftist cucks are beaten to death in the name of allah
>usa nukes itself
>fallout time is starting

>means to leave out
are you stupid or just bad at shitposting?

I wonder if that tranny is still alive


mfw she's married to a paki

white women are the niggers of women

remember that character in Pillars who hated all women and called them whores and was never called out on it but treated with respect by the writers?

what a load of SJW bullshit I'm boycotting this because of the narrative designer's hair

Why did you say two things but take great offence to be quoted on one of them?

Should've just said the other one then

Sawyer isn't Carie ''Fanfic writer'' Patel.

They replaced Ziets for that dyke blob and look at what happened with InXile, these studios arent immune.

this. the only thing people complained about video games was the violence and adult content.

>Sawyer isn't Carie ''Fanfic writer'' Patel.
>ignoring how many people have gotten into game development with mods

You have to be baiting at this point. No one can be this stubbornly devoted to hating an ideology they persist in seeing it when it isn't there.

Nice argument shitpost-kun, absolutely concrete facts you gave here

she doesn't write the characters, are you unable to read the text in the image or did her physical appearance trigger you

if this would be a carl the cuck guy you would shit on him but you only defend her because shes a woman

>All it takes it a single woman with dyed hair to trigger Sup Forums


user implied I didn't know what omit means, so I supplied a definition of what it means. Simple as that
is this when you think you baited me?

no I'd only shit on them if they were pushing politics into a game that doesn't need them, which she isn't doing

>narrative designer
>not heavily involved in character driven narratives

Are you retarded?

>says you have no argument
>uses ad hominem


Anyone got the pink hair NSA employee?

Don't show them the 2IC lead designer of Zelda they will explode.

No, we are calling you retarded for being retarded.

Horseshoe theory proved right again.

do you know what a narrative designer does?

I don't know what the big deal is, she's cute as fuck

sure you do ;)

Well to be fair she looks like a dyke and women aren't very competent or usually passionate about things no matter how they look.

>This is sort of a process question. In speaking to other narrative designers, we understand that they are not the only ones that contribute to dialogue writing in a game: sometimes area designers contribute too. Does it work the other way around? Are you involved in writing and designing quests for Pillars of Eternity?
>Most of the quests in Pillars of Eternity have received some level of area design implementation by the time they get a narrative pass. So the degree of wiggle room varies from one quest to another, but we always look for ways to tie the story and lore more closely to individual quests without discarding the excellent design work that's gone into them. This may mean changing the backstory of an NPC to make him more relevant, changing quest dialogue while keeping the quest's original sequence of events, or, sometimes, changing a few of the quest's steps to build a more engaging narrative. We always discuss larger changes to make sure that the end product results in a good story and a satisfying gaming experience.

This is cute your shit isnt

Read her fanfics and what she did in Pillars of eternity you dullards. You're talking to people who have been following along from the days of Neverwinter and know a lot more than you possibly can with your 5 seconds googling.

>women aren't very competent or usually passionate about things

Noone ''left out'' anything
If you'd said ''i dislike red balls'' and someone quoted you implying you hate balls in general, that would be ''leaving out'' part of your statement

The two things you said are independent statements, and quoting you on one of them does not mean leaving out the other.

Don't say something retarded and something halfway meaningful in one post, and then sperg out that people only quote you on the retarded part