Bloodborne 2?

From Software is releasing 3 games this year do you guys think Bloodborne 2 could be one of them?

announcing sorry not releasing

One of them is metroid switch

I really hope so

Probably not after ds 3 they said they really wanna do something different but god I hopes so

Bloodborne PRO

You can't have 60 fps MP games that are on PS4 and PRO.

So like Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin the entire game will be re released as a Pro exclusive, granted they used Delta frames and didn't tie the gamespeed or animations to the frame rate.

that would makes sense

i heard the pro is pretty shit in general

I'm getting one for Gran Turismo Sport. I do not own a single current gen system because of how shit this generation has been. The Pro is crap, a joke but it will enhance the performance of GTS along with new visual effects.

Gonna wait for a revision or a super discount on one. I might just get it used.

>Bloodborne 2
Why would you want such a thing? Dark Souls 2 and 3 completely ruined what made the original so good

No, From said no more Souls and Bloodborne games
They said they will make another mech game (probably armored core) that will be multipat and release late 2017
On their official lineup there is a multiplat game for 2017, which will prob be armored core based on what they said

Who gives a fuck if none of them are Armored Core. Jesus fucking Christ I swear to fuck From, do not fuck this up.

what do you mean "ruined" it? How did they ruin it? Did some of the code change or something? Are (((they))) keeping you from playing Dark Souls 1? What did they ruin exactly?

I played Dark Souls 1 just the other day. It was the exact same as before I bought Dark souls 2. Maybe your copy is broken user?

You ready for Souls Core you fucking faggot?

I'd love a Souls-like game, but more sci-do oriented.

You know what he meant you autist.
He doesn't like the changes that dark souls 2 and 3 made from 1.

Project 1: An action role-playing game with a dark fantasy setting similar to Dark Souls, but approached from a ‘different angle’.
Project 2: A reboot of an existing franchise, with ideas inspired by Dark Souls and other previous franchises.
Project 3: A brand new IP that’s ‘something different from what the company has been doing previously’ and ‘a bit weird’.

Fucking Goddamn right I am, bonediggler. I'll farm all the cogs/bolts/data all day every fucking day so long as it's the same level of customization as previous AC games. Fucking wang holster piece of shit. Don't tease me with a good time.

ok, well then why don't you not just play dark souls 2 and 3? And I'm the autist? Jesus

This. AC or we riot.

OP here

id be happy with a new IP then having Bloodborne done to death and its refreshing to see a publisher want to make quality content over quick money

>but on the other hand id like a sequel im not gonna lie

Unlikely. Miyazaki's said he doesn't want to do sequels so much anymore and Sony paid for Bloodborne because they wanted a big exclusive to convince people to buy the console early on. Just like they had no interest in continuing Souls after Demon's, I don't see why they'd fund a BB sequel; as far as they're concerned it's done its job already

i really hope gran turismo sport is good. or at least as good as project cars.

Should I buy bloodborne if I already played dark souls 3?

you should just so you're eligable to talk shit about either game.

God I hope not.
I hope they stop making souls-like shit, It's so tired now. Make a new IP, for the love of god.
I got kind of tired of it after Dark 1, and Demon's is still my favorite. And Bloodborne, to be perfectly honest, generally just felt like a more streamlined Souls to me. It's quite high quality but the whole experience leaves a pretty unsatisfying impression on me.

I honestly think that out of all the souls games Bloodborne is the best. The combat just feels so fucking perfect, it's hard to describe. Get it

They probably count DS3 DLC as one of those

OP meant announcingas for the 3 things they're announcing yes, DS3 DLC is one of them

then the DS3 GOTY edition is probably the second one.

then around e3 they'll probably announce their new game or bloodborne 2.

I don't like Project Cars, the campaign is meh. The interface is a mess, the devs are horrible, the tyre model is crappy.

>getting tired of rehashes
LOL, I see you have not played armored core.
FROM rehashing shit is not news m8.

So basically, Miyazaki should not be trusted with direction decisions?
>he wouldn't have made Dark Souls
>he wouldn't have made Bloodborne
From would be a literal who.

So the fuck what

Makes perfect sense to me m8 dont take cunts around here seriously

i think the campaign was better than gran turismo and forza's campaigns. i dont know about assetto corsa but i found myself sort of role playing an up and coming prospect making his way through each tier of driving. it was somehow easier in project cars than other games. probably because of the fake news and social media and engineer. campaigns in racing games are kind of a joke.
>devs are horrible
is this cause they refuse to fix bugs and basically left project cars out to dry after release? cause i got the complete edition. still as shit load of bugs though.

Did you like Dark Souls 3?

AC was confirmed a lili while ago as one of their upcomings

God bless Namco Bandai and Sony for FORCING that retarded hack Miyazaki to make DaS, DaS2, DaS3, BB.

These games are godtier. Any game FromSoftware makes is godtier, instant pre-order on any and all games FromSoftware makes, they are the only company still making quality games.

Leave saving gaming to From Software.

id buy it even if it was just ok