Unpopular Opinions

People who bitch how Call of Duty is the same recycled shit one after the other never call out Pokemon for doing the same thing.

Other urls found in this thread:


do you have a single fact to back that up?

>t. nigga whose never played more than a single pokemon game and just parrots what others say

It's an opinion thread, no facts needed you fucking libtard.

Zelda isn't anywhere close to being a big system seller like most big third party games are, and acting like it is is just wishful thinking.

The original ace Attorney trilogy is absolutely garbage except for Justice for All

I especially really hate how overrated T&T is

Shitty games
>Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario
>Pokemon: X & Y

Mgsv was great, I loved it

Better than NEW SUPER WAHOO BING BING for Wii Fucking U

the problem with these threads is when someone has an opinion that's stupid and people try to call them out on it they can just avoid actual discourse by responding with "haha look at these fags, see, my opinion is unpopular"

I have the ultimate unpopular opinion.
Not only do I not hate the accents in Dragon Quest localisations, but I think they improve the narrative by expanding the world with different cultures speaking in different ways just like in real life.
I doubt I'd be alone in thinking this if more games had voice acting since it works better if you can hear it like in DQ8.

2D mario games sell much better than zelda titles, so not really.

Sup Forums is full of paid shills and it has ruined the board

Recent examples are kickstarter threads and switch threads

Saddest part is it's working too.

> Oh look
> A fire type
> That is new

Nintendo IP's are the only IP's that are retardely popular compared to everybody else

Sony and Microsoft can't sell their consoles on their own ip's

But Nintendo can

it's an opinion that is provably false though.

I bitch about both being recycled shit. Opinion objectively false.

>It's only shills when Nintendo gets threads

>unpopular opinions
I don't think you quite understand the thread

i do, actually. i got tired of the same old formula after diamond/pearl and decided i was getting off the ride
when x/y came i got sucked into the hype about how different it was, but it wasnt and i never even finished it

No, it's shills any time it's shills, shill.

Again, zelda still isn't a huge system seller like most big third party games.

Anymore nintendo is lucky if they can get close to 4 million sales on a console zelda lifetime.

Big third party games now can pass that in a week.

people usually find something unpopular about my trash list on steam

>Justice for All
>Not garbage
Fuck that garbage OST, 3/4 cases are boring, and the last one can't even redeem the game for existing.

That's why it's an unpopular opinion.

I also think the phoenix wright games are mostly poor and people just seem to forget the hours of crap cause of the games ending moments, but JFA is still I think the clear worst.

>No Witcher 3

My last Pokemon game was B/W which was amazing. Everything from the game play, to the environments and story will always be heralded at least to me as the last good Pokemon game. I didn't finish or care to complete X/Y and couldn't give a damn about Sun/Moon.

>buy a game
>it sucks
>buy it's sequel hearing about how much better it is
>it sucks
>hear how much better the third is

i opted for no

Team Fortress 2 is still the best multiplayer first person shooter since its release.

People on Sup Forums aren't the same as when I used to come here.

/vg/ is where all the actual Sup Forums people have gone. This shit is just a cesspool of shills and console war retards. 90%of threads are just shills and people shoving their favourite game/console in your face with bullshots
It's over. There's like one REAL thread per 10 trash ones.

Inquisition was a better RPG than the witcher 3.

Zelda got real shitty at the release of Skyward Sword. I never hated a game's controls so much to the point of frustration adding more to the salt is the fact people praise it as being one of the best Zelda titles.

>/vg/ is where all the actual Sup Forums people have gone
some went to /vr/ too.

Sup Forums is pretty crappy. its only real use is for checking if some shitstorm is going on or some decent news hit.

Every single person who buys pokemon knows it's the same shit, difference is, they don't try to insist that it's somehow different.

Pokemon embraces its sameness. It's what makes the series. Games like CoD, Assassins Creed, whatever try to deny it until their dying breath

I got a wii u and twilight princess at launch.

After getting about 3 hours in I hated flicking my wrist to swing my sword so much.

At first it's fun and novel, then just novel, then just lame.

>Everyone I disagree with is a shill

Go back to /vg/ fucking faggot. Cry me a river somewhere else.

OP's statement isn't actually an opinion. It's an objective statement which is unlikely to be true because it can be proven wrong with only a single counter-example.

>they don't try to insist that it's somehow different.
Not even OP, but I've never been able to bring up how pokemon retreads things repeatedly without getting my ass jumped by pokemon fans.

I think the EA Battlefront is mostly fine, and I do own and did play both BF 1 and 2 when they came out
my biggest issue with it is the lack of balance of some maps (especially in conquest) and some heroes

People who talk positive about a video game are hardly ever shills and people just use the shill accusation because they don't wanna hear about a game themselves in particular don't like

Just about all of these, I can understand why you didn't like them...

...But why is 100% Orange Juice even in your Steam list? Like, the game is pretty much exactly as advertised on its Steam page. It's a stupid, cutesy weeb Mario Party, without the minigames. You should've gotten what you expected, right? Or was it a gift?

I also thought it was fine, just not worth more than $20 because of the lack of maps, content, and no actual mind to character balance.

We won't know because Nintendo was never in the situation

Nintendo never had a decent launch since N64

So we won't know if Zelda could sell

I almost feel sad for dumb blind fanboys like you

Then I remember I'm not retarded and laugh at dumb sheep like you.

Hope you enjoy your new Switch™ as advertised by bullshots right here on Sup Forums! Maybe you'll buy more things based on this board too! Get the new Project Scorpio™ too!

oh shit obviously i meant supremacy and not conquest

>We won't know because Nintendo was never in the situation
We do know.

Zelda as a series has never sold anywhere close to a lot of the bigger third party games now.

Fallout 4 sold 3x more in like a week than skyward sword did in its lifetime.

Zelda isn't as big of a draw as nintendo fans think.

You're too dumb to even realise what's going on, that's sad.

>someone getting paid to shill on this shitty website.
they're either retards or trolls buddy, now throw away that tinfoil hat

a friend of mine wanted to play it with me and it was cheap, i was skeptical but they really sold it to me

Mario is a series that needs to die. Party games, racing games, and fighting games featuring people from the Mario world is fine. All others need to go away.

I enjoyed the newest COD's more so than the older ones where everything was all super grim serious. 360 ladder stall no scoping BS aside, the increased pace made the game more fun. Fuck Infinite Warfare though. BLOPS 3 is my cut off

Nintendo needs to stop producing gimmick consoles and really buckle down on making a standard unit with much better hardware. If Nintendo sat down with AMD/Nvidia and had much higher end hardware built for them coupled along with how well Nintendo games are coded down at the base level, Xbone and PS4 would be left holding their dicks in their hands.

Todd Howard may be a joke here, but he's MILES better than pieces of shit like Randy Pitchford or Peter Molyneux.

But they actually got called out man

Yes, because one person saying Pokémon is the same recycled shit is the same as millions of people saying cod is the same recycled shot while playing Pokémon at the same time.

Video game voice actors deserve higher pay

Developers that prioritize the appearance of a game over its actual content, or attempts to make their game qualify under multiple categories instead of niche areas, or openly state that video games "are a form of art" while using shady business practices like DLC and micro-transactions because their first priority is making money, are all helping to destroy the video game industry.

Battlefield is worse than COD
Normies praise Battlefield in order to be alternative and cool hopping on the COD hate bandwagon

Xenoblade Chronicles X's soundtrack is fantastic. Okami is Kamiya's and Clover's best game. TF2 is still fun. Open world games can be good.

They are also way more mass produced and offered, as seen with Nintendo's consoles often seen with at least one version coming with one of the latest entry in the Mario series. The target userbase is also way more diverse than the Zelda one can be, it being either because of the availability to all age groups in term of enjoyability or difficulty, where the Zelda fanbase can be seen as less opened in term of fanbase, often being seen as more protective and defendant to their beloved series. The type of both games have to do with that too since a quick platformer as Mario offers more time and pleasure to people with less time to play than an action puzzle game where if left on side for too long might make the user lose interest into it solely because he forgot about so much details.
The point here is not the fact that they are selling more, because even though the Mario games can be seen as rehashes, they will be bought to some extent by people no matter what simply because of the symbol Mario has become over time.

They were offered everything they wanted but the residuals and refused to back down on them, even though they were clearly the most ridiculous demand.

Everyone thinks they deserve higher pay, the publishers agreed to give it to them, but they won't make any compromise.

No they weren't and they deserve better

>ITT : people posting very common opinions and thinking it's unpopular

Not sure if this is unpopular but more like a throw away one but I really dislike Insomniac Game's Ratchet and Clank (2016) title. Besides the visuals and some game play I felt like they tried mainstreaming the fuck out of characters I loved since 2002 making them little more than two dimensional jokes. I also watch the film and that left more than just a mixed reaction from me.

FROMsoftware is the greatest game creator of this millenium

>Overated game whose balls EVERYONE and Grandma slathered for being "DA BEST".

Bioshock sucked. I hated the controls of the game, the atmosphere wasn't good, the enemies were fucking retarded.


Thats a bad comparison though as big third party games tend to be multiplat. If you want to play Witcher, Dark Souls, GTA, FF, you have 3 platforms to choose from.

If you want to play Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Smash, Metroid* you have to buy Ninty.

Smash is a fighting game.

Souls series is so fucking boring

Persona 4 > Persona 3

Metal Gear Solid should have ended after the first game

Sony can publish great games and fund exclusives but can't make a game of their own that's decent to save their life.

Xbox One is a decent console

It would be true if they kept churning out giant robot games instead of all the shitty Souls games (and spinoff).

The Last Guardian isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's actually quite enjoyable and touching at times.

Undertale is every bit as good as Earthbound, probably better because it doesn't use the Dragon Warrior battle style.

Production isn't what holds zelda back.

They don't make impressive lifetime sales, either.

A game that is lucky to move close to 4 million units in its lifetime is not a major system seller anymore.

There's a reason nintendo pushes their systems with mario bundles more than they do with zelda bundles. Cause many times more customers are coming to them for mario than they are for zelda. Consistently.

Hell, final fantasy xv sold more than zelda's do, and that's a timesink. Witcher is a bigger draw than zelda is.

Indie games are the reason for all of the stagnation in the gaming industry. People were tricked into thinking walking simulators with mediocre stories were okay, and consequently the big developers took this as a sign to casualize gameplay.

You are adopted

DQ is easily one of the most boring RPG series in existence.

Open World games generally suck balls.

Damn near any first person game feels the same, with very few exceptions like Portal or Mirror's Edge.

FFXV would have been much better if it were more Linear.

But there are literal shills on here for For Honor giving out beta keys and explaining the mechanics of the game.

They are already doing so for Wildlands as well, just got a beta key for it this evening.

Sony makes pretty great games that people claim are shit because they want to play them.

Bioshock infinite was fantastic, in fact the whole trilogy were great games

Dark Souls 2 is a mediocre Dark Souls game but still a great video game on its own merits

The last of us was great

The Switch will be a bigger flop than the Wii U

But if I wanted to play them I'd just buy a PS4 and do that.

Yes, they were. They were offered a deal that included all of their demands minus the demand for residuals during final negotiations in October.

They refused the deal and specifically cited the demand for residuals as why.

why do people say smash isn't a fighting game? i actually have no idea

JFA has the best cornered theme because of the violin.

Dark Souls/Bloodborne is combat rolling autism and not fun. Shadow of the Colossus is weeb trash and an empty, crappy game.

Obviously, but everyone who likes an AAA title isn't a fucking shill you retard.

Ike is the most overrated lord and not even the best character in his own game. Black knight trounces that run away from repsonsibility faggot. But who cares because muh manly man lmao, muh stats lmao, MUH GUTS MUH SMASH

Not even the best mercenary in FE either, but "i'm ike i dun give a fuk XD" memes is what the hivemind eats up. Ikefags are annoying with their shitty memes too.

Let's see who gets triggered.

I genuinely like video games.

No they weren't and that's just made up shit for someone who willing to believe it .

Woah dude you can't post that on a blue board

No you don't

>The Switch will be a bigger flop than the Wii U

Couldn't agree more. I don't think it'll be as low as 13M units but I don't see it coming close to 30-40M units as people are inclined to think. At least with the Wii U Nintendo was riding off the success of the Wii, but the Switch is a whole new type of beast I don't think the market is interested in, or at least North America.

Because there are no intricate combos for attacks. That is the only answer I have ever gotten. Think of games like Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct. At this point I think it is a just a meme that people repeat.


Kill yourself

Battlefield 4 is better than 1 in every aspects, more guns, more vehicles, shittons of unlockables, more interesting levels, levolution... but people act like BF1 is better just because WW1 meme.

>“We had hoped this would be successful, but union leadership left mediation without providing a counteroffer. We urged union leaders to put the package to a vote of their membership, but union leaders refused,”

>The final offer included an immediate 9% wage hike if SAG-AFTRA union members ratified the offer by Dec. 1.

>SAG-AFTRA accused the companies of refusing to acknowledge that, under current conditions, actors need to be compensated for re-use, much as they are already via residuals.

>“In this industry, which frequently uses performers and understands the intermittent and unpredictable nature of this type of work, fair compensation includes secondary payments when games hit a certain level of success with consumers, not simply higher upfront wages. Secondary compensation is what allows professional performers to feed their families in between jobs.”

No I won't fuck off
And I'm not clicking that shit

Never said everyone, you retard

I said "person" not "mouth breathing degenerate"

but yeah you're right. the autists are loud as fuck, but the average dude who "likes pokemon" buys it because its the same JRPG-style goodness.

so fucking what?
Are you expect me to read it?
Are you trying to prove something fake in a fucking opinion thread?

Pokémon games have only gotten better with every generation.

I think Skyrim on Nintendo Swtich is cute. Not cute or impressive enough to buy any of it, but I thought it was cute to see a game like Skyrim on a Nintendo console.

Related questions. You think Beth will try to import the rest of their library if Skyrim Switch is successful enough?

Will the technicality of Skyrim being on a Nintendo console allow Sheogorath to be in the next Smash Bros? That would be awesome.

Are you really that afraid of being mistaken about the strike?