Female knight

>female knight

>female has higher int
>male has higher strength

>his main savefile isn't a customized waifu

>male good person


> respectable white male

Enjoying For Honor?

mine always is

This thread is a dupe of And as such the answer is the same.
There are certain very, VERY few woman that can actually be a female warrior, but they look like guys pretty much.
So the test to be a soldier should be "can you do soldier things"? so you first get rid of all the beta males that can't lift a pistol (pic related), and second you get the 0.01% of women that can lift.

>Your waifu was a stand all the along.

>rocket knight

>the only female in the party is a healer

>Complain about female knights, fighters, and other party members for years
>everyone here calls me a nutter
Fuck you, I've been misogynistic and realistic before it was cool

I wont buy For Honor because of this bullshit.

>Female Vikings
Debatable but alright, just give them less damage, health and stamina.

>Female Knights
Ok, now we're entering full retard mode

>Female Samurai
At this point, why not just add zombies, mages and dragons since its now officially a fantasy game

You generally don't see woman fighting unless its a last resort in medieval settings because they're more useful creating more men than fighting.
You have to choose either between sending a women as a soldier, or having her create three- four soldiers.

Of course, nothing stop you from getting the infertile woman, buffing the fuck out of em and sending to the battle.

>game about a massive earthquake that destroys huge amounts of natural resources forcing vikings, samurais and knights to fight each other to survive
>female playable characters are apparently what crosses the line

Women who can beat me up is my fetish

an excuse to post the best female Knight

Nobushi were a thing, retard. Rare, but real.

I didnt even know For Honor had a real lore until now.
They should've just made it a classic fantasy game from the start desu

Female warriors existed I that period of Japan, user.

Anyone who likes this excuse of a character officially has no balls, is a disgrace to men everywhere, and should be immediately executed

I won't buy it because the game sucks AND it is sjw garbage.

I don't remember the art style looking this bad

They should have replaced the weebs with muslims, called the vikings Rus and made it a crusaders game.

Good taste.

Samurai is a social caste, so every female born into a samurai clan would be samurai. Word your complaints better, fag.

Yes, females did fight in a few battles in the human history

There also was a bear in the polish army during word war 2 who carried ammunition.

You generally dont see bears in games about world war 2 while about 50% of your human opponents in for honor are female.

You guys will find anything to fucking complain about, I swear to god you all need to drink a healthy glass of fucking bleach. Sweet christ just remove yourself from the gene pool already, not that you'd reproduce anyway, you fucking autists.

What are some good female(male) knight characters?

You have no balls or dignity boy

>you will never be a king with a squad of female knights to personally protect you and fuck
They probably wouldn't look that pretty on the other hand

some came from Sup Forums and /r9k/ only to bitch about muh female soldiers aren't real bs.

Did you ever consider that videogames are escapism and not meant to be facsimiles of reality?

at least I got my word