Gungeon thread


Is this worth it if I hated Nuclear Throne?

Depends on what you hated in NT.

I don't know, but one thing is that the bullet hell mechanic is hard as fuck

It's pretty much NT but not as good so probably not.

How winning or losing the game mainly depended on RNG, and how there was jack shit to unlock.

I have never fucking made it past floor 4, but cleaned out BoI many times. I'm sure it's something wrong in how I approach playing it, I never feel like Issac has too much shit coming at me, but gungeon once you get to tier two bosses I don't see how you can avoid getting hit, you need to be thinking and executing your moves like three steps in advance. Is there some mental trick to adapting to it better, if I was pretty good at Issac?

Gungeon is even more reliant on RNG, but has a ton of stuff to unlock. Gungeons's probably is there is not much synergy between passives, and they assfuck you on ammo.

Also they thought it was a good idea to scale bosses based on your strongest weapon.

Well, that's a 50/50.
There's loads of unlocks, but you're still at mercy of rngesus.

>Also they thought it was a good idea to scale bosses based on your strongest weapon

Are you ducking kidding me no wonder I'm still fucking stuck

Floor 2 and 3 bosses are kinda lopsided on how easy/hard they are to dodge. Ammoconda is pretty hard because there is shit everywhere from multiple directors, while Beholster and Gorgun are straightforward stuff to dodge.
Then the tank is easy to kite around, while the other two just throw shit literally everywhere

One of the few runs where I finished the game, I got the Master Round on the first 3 floors aka not getting hit in the boss fight.

Yup. So if you used your strongest weapon on the floor and ran out of ammo, you are totally fucked on the boss. They couldn't even supply your ass with a guaranteed ammo box in the store to buy.

This game is the opposite of fun.
Frustrating, mostly. Fuck this.

>scaling based on weapon
Please tell me you're kidding
This god awful game is already tedious enough with enemies becoming sponges with each floor and more waves spawning in each room the more playtime you have

Didn't realize it had already dropped. Just played a run with Bullet. His new past being link to the past was pretty sweet.

Gotta see what they did for robot.

I can only play this game in windowed mode in a corner of the screen while I use it as a distraction for other shit in the background.

>Also they thought it was a good idea to scale bosses based on your strongest weapon.
Seriously? I wish there was a mod that removed the no-fun-allowed mechanics.

really, what dumbfuck thought that was a good idea?

Robot is Terminator, basically

What did they add?

My gripe with this game besides the retarded scaling and supeRNG, is that all the guns feel too samey and there is little to no unique synergy. I never get those OP runs like I do with BoI when I get some fun items in my build.

Beholster I can manage, gorgon is fine until she does that screeching randomize sideways bullet wave garbage. I don't get how it works, even after like 40 kills on her.

Pasts for robot and bullet (with bosses)
A new boss in the mine
New weapons
A couple new NPCs

Did they fix the game yet? I kinda hated that upgrades barely felt like upgrades and by floor 6 you were basically fucked.

>all this whining about the game being too hard
Get good, faggots

I am so shit at gungeon it is sad
I think the furthest I have gotten to is the 4th level and never could beat the bosses

can you use cigarettes to reduce the cooldown to nothing still?

>I know nothing about the game so i'll make shit up to make it sound bad

I think coolness is capped

That's based on the coolness stat which doesn't seem to have a cap, but as far as cooldowns go, it's capped at 50%

Are you talking about this?

For someone thats actually decent at gungeon, I have a higher win rate in Gungeon than Isaac because RNG wont fuck me up

This. The first thing I did when I heard about the update was clear both of the unlocked pasts.

If you can't manage consistent runs on this you're garbage. Boss patterns are reliable and fair, weapons are now even more plentiful with more key drops, and ammo was never an issue.

Gungeon is my favorite roguelite simply because, after hundreds of hours in the Isaac games, I encountered a game that won't maliciously destroy your run by giving you an item

What's challenge mode?

I remember that you need to stay closer to her when she screams the bullets, the bullets start to move erratically once it's near the edge.

Also the new fucking mindflayer boss is insane, much harder than fighting canonbalrog(easy mode) or the tank.

>more key drops
If this is true I might actually pick it up again. This was my biggest complaint.

The NPC Daisuke will let you curse your run, giving you random difficulty modifiers every room or floor

Are the guns still shit?

Mineflayer isnt that bad once you realize you should just stand as far away from him as possible, his bullets have weird movements near him but become pretty standard the further they go.

Drop rate is better (or at least feels like it) and there's a new rare enemy spawn that drops a key when you kill it. I ran into two on my last run.

I really thought this was hit and miss when i played it, great art and concept but the execution felt lacking. The length of time you spend feeling weak and you're ability to be fucked on ammo / guns was lame, first two levels were a chore.

Did they fix anything with the update?

There's a bunch of unlocks, but you're less at the mercy of the RNG in Gungeon. In NT you wait to see how/if your passives pan out so you can get one of the OP combos that let you tap LMB and wipe the entire level instantly. In Gungeon you can get through the first two floors pretty easily with just the starter gun and can manipulate the RNG to get yourself at least a guaranteed 2 guns out of them, most likely 4. At that point it mostly depends on if you get a good boss weapon or not. Passives/actives can help you squeak by without a good boss weapon, and even the shittiest guns are tolerable for floors 3+ standard enemies. Technically you could do it all with just the starter, but realistically at floor 3 onward you want an actual gun for speed if nothing else.

t. someone with 40 hours of Gungeon and 50 hours of Throne.

Why is it that Isaac is the only roguelite that struck gold? Every other roguelite thats much better ends up way less popular.

Is it just quantity over quality? Are the players just too fucking shit to be able to enjoy the better ones?

After a boss fight you can save your game

>Is it just quantity over quality

I feel like a lot of it has to do with the players being shit.

For some reason Binding of Issac is able to reach those autistic players who just want something easy and dumb to play.

If you were to sit these same people down in front of a higher quality bullet heaven game whether it was western or eastern I guarantee you 95% of them wouldn't even identify that it's the same genre.

>40 hours of Gungeon and 50 hours of Throne.
>Not even 100 hours

>other roguelite
Such as? Good timing and 6 years of build up is no joke.
Original Isaac was way faster and harder though.
There is literally nothing to do in Gungeon after 60 hours mark. Game need more content. Nuclear Throne at least has NG+.

Isaac has alot of synergies and more strategic gameplay compared to gungeon and NT, which makes sense since it's been developed over like 8 years.

Almost every single one is more enjoyable, they just dont last as long.

Even Eternal Vanilla Isaac isnt really hard, the game is designed with allowing anyone to win if they get the right items.

I do agree that Gungeon needs much more content, supply drop is something but still way too little.

>Strategic gameplay
I dont even think synergies are that great, most of the synergy enabling items are already run winning alone and synergies are novel for a few minutes while you stomp through the game without having to do much at all.

so basically they only added some meme guns and pasts
great update right there

Its just a free update, a much bigger paid dlc is coming later

Past bosses are memes as well
Robot's is Sarah Connor
Bullet's is Gannon



The devs said on Reddit a few months ago that they where working on paid dlc and free updates.

>most of the guns are shit or boring
>bosses scale off your strongest gun only
>the more playtime you have the more enemies it throws at you per room
>most of the bosses are shit
>most of the characters are shit
>ammo is rare as fuck and only refills one gun at a time meaning juggling which guns you use is stupidly restrictive as you go on

Why do people like this fucking garbage?

doesn't Sup Forums hate gungeon?

>get good in a rng based game
fuck off

>people don't like what i like, they must be shit!

did they fix it so all of the enemies aren't all bullet sponges?


thats disappointing

Yeah, now they're all bullets

This update is really cool

Is it true that this game is really difficult until you start unlocking shit?

>Get Bee weapon

ez run

Wrong for all of those

It's actually a good game, just not for shitters who want a braindead experience ala Isaac

Just bought this on sale. Thanks for reminding me it existed, Sup Forums. I love games like this and it seems like a great one.


It's terribly designed.

Pew Pew Pew
Pew Pew Pew
Pew Pew Pew
Pew Pew Pew
Pew Pew Pew
Pew Pew Pew

Where's your dodge rolling, your target prioritizing, your metagame knowledge to manipulate the systems to give yourself maximum chances to succeed, balancing blanks between health protection master round protection and secret opening?

Did they make it so enemies aren't massive damage sponges?

>There is literally nothing to do in Gungeon after 60 hours mark. Game need more content. Nuclear Throne at least has NG+.

I bought the game for $7. if it lasts 60 hours then holy fuck that's amazing.

I could go see a movie for $20 and be lucky if the car ride, ticket getting, movie, return trip home and few after thoughts about it last more than 6 - 8 hours.

There really seems to be a disconnect on hours of enjoyment/cost of enjoyment in the video game world. You just end up with shitty movie games with fluffed up fetch quests to pad the length so retards stfu that the actual game itself is like 4 hours at best.

I'm just pissed at the lack of health pick ups. I can never get passed floor 3 and it pisses me off.

I don't have the updates, nor do I plan to. How the fuck do I get through the game? The Daughter of Slaughter fucks me up on Floor 2 and with so few chests to find and too little stores I can't even finish Floor 2.

references are now memes. what is wrong with everybody in how they think

>Health pickups a dime a dozen

This is my only gripe with the game. It's flawless in every other aspect

They never were. I swear if something takes more than 1 shot it's a "damage sponge" around here.

In part, git gud. If you kill a boss without taking damage (Losing armor counts, but only damage when the boss fight starts counts. Damage for the rest of the level doesn't) you get a master round, which is a passive +1 heart container. Once you start nailing perfect boss kills every/nearly every run on floor 1, that improves your performance later on. Player skill does the most, but just gittin gud at the early floors gives you more resources for fuckups later on.

If you're just talking healing items though, yeah. Those are just a crapshoot.

Liiterally all you have to do is save keys for non-brown chests and you can make it to 5th floor every run.

Bitch please, I was refering to
>Not even 100 hours
60 hours is whole fucking lot, I more than ok with this especially for that price, I would love to have more variations though, because most runs feeling completely same.

the mine flayer is fucking bullshit

Where are people getting this boss scaling BS? I can't find it on any sources and definitely didn't notice it in game.

What do you mean better ones?

This Gungeon game is fucking terrible. Bullet sponges up the ass, weapons that are uninspired as fuck, first 2 levels are a dull slog.

>they thought it was a good idea to scale bosses based on your strongest weapon
Well. Fuck it then. That just sounds tedious and frustrating.

Hes making shit up, you can kill the final boss near instantly as if you are doing a breaking run in Isaac if you are strong enough

post a video or gtfo

>Robot's past
Fuckin amazing

Wanted to post it earlier but got flagged for spam; put this in google


I just wish they'd make a full run take a bit less time. if you don't get great stuff you're stuck doing 1+ hour runs each time. just gets a bit tedious

That's a big clip.

The hyper light blaster is cool
Probably my new favourite gun

gog file when?