What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Paying for a National Dex.
>Transfer an Electabuzz with Submission from Red to Sun
>Evolve it into Electivire
>Can't use it online
wtf i hate bank now
Still doesn't allow everything available in both 6th and 7th gen.
cant upload hacked pokemon
Using cheat engine to create ideal competition pokemon is the much more sane option
Pkhex exists.
The ability to literally just gen your own perfect pokemon that are still completely legal and no one can even tell the difference.
This. Fucking pokefags and their autism
>people paid for bank
>can't even use the pokemon they transferred over in online play
>it wasn't free
Why the fuck not? They get so much money off Pokemon.
>evolving a RBGY Pokemon into its Cross-gen Evolution marks it as illegal
>various formes are illegal (Rotom's Appliances, for instance)
>Pokemon normally obtainable in SM via Island Scan are considered illegal if you breed one so it's native to Gen 7 and it has its HA
What did GameFreak mean by this?
Oh, and Pokemon with Moves they could only learn from the Gamecube Games (Colosseum and Gale of Darkness) are considered illegal too.
The sad thing is that people are so invested into Pokemon that GF have little inventive to actually put work into their games
This has to be a bug. They never implemented this before. Not that the official online is worth a shit, but still.
It's missing a way to transfer 37 mega stones over from OR/AS
It's $5 a year get a fucking job
they purposely make postgame shit, then release a 3rd entry with decent postgame content
>he doesn't realize that's on purpose so you're forced to buy the next game(s)
>he doesn't realize that even if they did, you're still forced to buy the next game(s) due to additional Z Moves, Megas, Formes, Items, Moveset Updates, Moves for Mythicals, Tutors and acquiring Gen 7 Native Legendaries and/or a means to Catch Em All within a single generation, no transferring required
You don't even need a job for that.
>They never implemented this before.
X/Y were the same when they launched.
Personally I'm all for it, not only is it a fucking chore to transfer a Pokemon all the way from gen 3 just to have a move, but they NEED to par down the movepools or the power creep in the metagame will be worse than it already is
Can confirm.
Megas ruined the Gen 6 metagame so they needed to get rid of some, but for some reason they kept many of the most broken ones anyway.
>You can actually transfer over your National Pokedex so you don't have to register each pokemon a second time.
That alone is worth 5 bucks to me.
>defending the need to pay 5$ for something that was free
kill yourself, seriously
Not being able to use any move a Pokemon has ever in its 20 years of existence been able to learn for even a fleeting moment in ranked online battles is fucking fine. It's a competitive mode, it deserves proper balancing, and making use of the pentagon, cross, and gameboy icons, or lack thereof, to determine legality and adhere to a current ruleset with regards to available moves is a good way to rectify powercreep from the previous generations.
And you can still use your old Pokemon in unranked battles, which would include playing smogon rules on cartridge, as if anyone actually does that anymore.
"official" competitive Pokemon should be something that can be managed, and if you let every legal Pokemon use every move it has ever been able to learn, the only way to keep the game "balanced" is to lean hard into powercreep to make brand new Pokemon just as viable as ones that have 6 generations of move tutors shoved up their ass. It's not uncommon for competitive environments to have seasonal rulesets, and that's what a generation is. You had your fun with the moves that Pokemon could learn in gen 3 back when we were still playing gen 3.
The only thing I think needs to be rectified is implementing legacy rulesets that let you use old Pokemon in a bracket unique to them. Like if the kalosian pentagon is illegal in Sun and Moon's ranked battles (is it? I don't know, I thought it was allowed), allow a kind of ranked battle in Sun and Moon that only allows pentagon Pokemon. Pretty much the only thing stopping this currently is that they've only been using these icons for two generations so everything before X and Y would get lumped together.
I just want to compliment you as actually knowing what you're talking about before a bunch of shitters come to complain about this.
The only time transferring a Pokemon between generations was ever free was when transferring RSE Pokemon to DPP, because the DS's dual cartridge slots let you plug both games into the handheld at the same time. RBY to GSC and DPP to BW required two Gameboys or two DSs respectively. It was "free" if you used your friend or sibling's handheld, but in reality it cost the price of another entire system to transfer for a lot of people. Coming off of that, the Bank is much cheaper.
Maybe the reason that gets overlooked is that Nintendo's business practices tended toward making people buy their handhelds multiple times due to revisions, so most people had extra systems laying around without thinking about it.
I still do wish that the Pokemon Bank was a one-time paid app and that the box space was stored locally on your 3DS. There's no reason at all that my Pokemon need to be nebulously hosted on somebody else's server that I can only access with a subscription fee. It would be a lot more convenient if I could transfer Pokemon back and forth between games without an internet connection, too.