What are some games that let you feel like a god and brutally slaughter everything in your path?
What are some games that let you feel like a god and brutally slaughter everything in your path?
Any game on easy difficulty.
God of War
Warhammer spess mehrine. Nothing beets cutting through hordes of xeno scum with a chainsword. Best of you get it on pc to mod out the blue man group.
>all that qte bullshit
and people say nuDoom isn't garbage
none of those are qtes
The Darkness 2
he's one-shot meleeing because of the power up faggot
mini cutscene shit then w/e
it's still garbage. better to let you actually hit shit instead of pressing a button to watch SO EPIC cutscene
>better to let you actually hit shit instead of pressing a button to watch SO EPIC cutscene
can you articulate why or are you just hating something based on some bizarre "principle"
i like to play my games not watch them
breaks up the combat
>blue man group
Many paced action games have attack animations that last longer than any single glory kill. It's not hurting anything.
The first Prototype is the best for that feeling.
Whether it's "qte" or not you are still watching yourself punch a demon into guts in one swing. You fucking autist.
So long as you have a triple digit iq this is true.
good taste my fellow african american
>defending shitty modern vidya practices
>hating things for no reason other than that you're a bitter cunt because you browse this website too much
It's not a shitty practice because there's no difference between clicking to one punch a demon or clicking to rip a demon's heart out. It would be a shitty practice if it was a QTE, meaning the game would have to tell you "okay... NOW PRESS X!" or "PRESS CIRCLE REPEATEDLY" which neither exist at all. Bayonetta however Sup Forums loves to jerk off to that QTE game. Turn your brain around.
>comparing controlled attack vs mini-cutscene
yeah you're retarded
>It's not hurting anything.
it's hurting the gameplay you fucking retard, this is Doom not fucking the last of us
Painkiller with permanent bodies and decals turned on
It can get real bloody real fast, especially in the small and tighter levels
The game doesn't play well with windows 10 though and some levels refuse to work , the ww1 train station is as far as I can go because it always crashes
Not him but kys
That same powerup existed in Doom and Doom 2.
With the same exact premise that your melee attack now instantly kills anything you hit with it.
Did you complain about it back then?
Let me lay this down for you, slowly so you get it.
>press 1 button
>attack an enemy
>animations last a second at the most, this time can be reduced
>this is a "mini-cutscene"
>Monster Hunter
>press 1 button
>attack occurs
>animations can last upwards of 2 seconds
>this is a "controlled attack"
It's pretty much what nuDoom is anyway.
yes because im a raging faggot and i love cum yum yum yum
>comparing doom to mh
Not him but come on.
anyone have webms of this game's attacks?
Dishonored 1 & 2
>conclusion never
D2 was a breath of fresh air in terms of gore for the time, it sucks devs forgot that gibbing was a thing ever since ragdolls plagued death animations
Is this webm supposed to make me interested in the game or repulsed by it?
>playing shooter
>have to reload
>2 second reload animation
>Throw game out window
Fuck this shit I like to play my games not watch them.
Dishonored is GOAT, faggot.
They're canned animations though. They get old super fast.
Though something I liked about it , at least the first time though, was the fact that each level was completely different,
>oversized opera house
>early 1900s train station
It is was always a suprise to see what the next level would be
Killer is Dead, don't expect to understand what's going on without consulting the wiki
>disappearing corpses
why though?
You can kill multiple enemies per reload, and reload while moving at times where you are not fighting. You can manage reloads intelligently to play at a faster pace if you are good. It's not a fair comparison.
>press attack button
>maintain movement while punching thing
>thing dies
>I am still moving and playing
>I could punch 5 things in DOOM 1 in the time it would take to "glory" kill one enemy in Neo-DOOM
It's not the same thing.
Obviously they're two different games with two wildly different speeds, juxtaposing to make a point, but even faster-paced action games like Bayonetta or DMC have weapons with very slow wind-ups or charge times because they're fucking powerful, and the berserker powerup in DOOM is fucking powerful in that it allows you to instant-kill anything you fucking look at, so I don't think it's a totally wild concept that these animations take a moment.
It's possible that it would be more satisfying to just boot demons and be done with it, but then I wouldn't be able to teleport all over the fucking place and I just can't do without that.
Special ability that converts corpse -> those flies on a kill.
They stay normally.
It's a power that turns enemies into "blood flies" they attack other enemies. There is also one that makes bodies disappear from stealth kills. It's so other guards don't detect them.
>This false flagging
>so I don't think it's a totally wild concept that these animations take a moment
You could just play the previous games in the DOOM series and see that the same ability exists without a retarded animation slapped on. Can you at least admit that it's equally not a totally wild concept if the berserk pack didn't require an animation lock per kill, like it had been for the past 25~ years?
>corpses to flies
Ah. Makes sense. Would probably make more sense if it wasn't passive though.
Sure! You think the modern iteration is inferior. That's great. That's your opinion.
>Would probably make more sense if it wasn't passive though
I guess that would be nice. Important targets don't turn to flies and disappear though.
>Want to move from point A to point B
>fucking walking animation
>want to shoot enemy
>shot animation blood splatters out
>want to play game
>light from the tv enters my eyes and I perceive it as a video game
Fuck this bitch ass cinematic meme i just want to play my games not watch them.
Brutal doom kids are jumping on you but you are completely right, d44m IT qte garbage. Every action in the game takes control away from a player and performs an a shitty 2 sec animation.
Clearly not for combat.
Clearly you haven't played it. That's a power that let's you build adrenaline, through getting hit and perfect parrying, then you unleash it for slow mo kills. you can do tons of cool shit without using it.
I guess I'd just assumed that a person who wanted to show how good the game is would post a webm of something that didn't look like shit.
I assume someone would play it before judging it.
Play chivalry until you git gud enough to win against bullshit odds just from muscle memory and understanding mechanics.
>People pretent that this guy doesnt give a valid reason
What was so fun about the original doom anways, I played it back then it was allright but I think mordern doom is more fun and any argument against this is honestly just saying :I like on thing more then an other thing, its never something that makes me go: O yeah that is something doom and doom 2 did better
An example would be level design
Its allways
>I liked labyrinths better then arenas
The only reason I can think of for hating new doom is nostalgia
Also speed is not a valid reason
Doom and Doom 2 let you sprint as fast as a car
New Doom lets you run as fast as a bike but it also lets you jump
I like how everyone is saying those are not QTE's yet they actually are in every sense of the word.
You hit a button when you are close enough to trigger an insta kill event. Is it because it's the left mouse button that these people are capable of deluding themselves into thinking it's not a QTE?
It literally saps all control from you until you the animation is over.
It IS a QTE, just because something doesn't pop up over the head of your opponent doesn't make it any different, it's no different than the 40k Space Marine ending.
jesus how horrifying, the thought that 2 minutes out of a 10-hour game have been wasted watching the most brief possible animation they could muster
There are much worse pace breakers in DOOM than it's animations for various actions.
>context sensitive actions are QTEs
Man, Conker's Bad Fur Day sure had a lot of QTEs!
I didn't really judge the game so much as I said the webm looked like shit though, did I user? Try not to get your tits in a not because I said something bad about your precious game.
>It IS a QTE, just because something doesn't pop up over the head of your opponent doesn't make it any different
>no prompt
wtf I love QTEs now
>tits in a not
Knot, that is.
No one cares about your patrician taste in webms you obnoxious autist. what are you here for?
Jesus Christ, all I said was the webm makes the gameplay look like shit. You sure are touchy. Are you a fan of Dead Space as well?
You completely failed yourself in every respect trying to bring up Conker.
Sorry, should I have said Resident Evil 4?
But that game actually did have QTEs and they were terrible. It's funny to me that GoW gets credited with the rise of QTEs when RE4 did it first and so much worse.
Is there another video game protagonist that can take ZEUS in a fight?
I was talking more about RE4's kick, a context-sensitive animation that has strategic value, but yeah it's true that RE4 is filled with a lot of actual QTEs.
You deserve it for posting about irrelevant shit, you just seem like you came in here to talk shit. Don't act like I'm in the wrong for telling you off for repeating the same thing 3 times.
There is literally nothing wrong with taking 2 seconds to watch an attack animation that's a coup de grĂ¡ce
It's cool, it isn't a QTE, and it fits with the game. Get over it you fucking queer
>all these Brutal Doom kiddies defending shitty combat-slowing animations
Prototype 2 is pretty fucking good for that. I actually like it better than the first game as far as gameplay goes.
>combat slowing
>literally allows you to teleport
Except it's not irrelevant at all. You posted a webm recommending a game and my post was directly related to that. I'm not trying to act like you're in the wrong for replying, I'm just saying you're a gigantic pussy because you're getting overly offended by my comment.
glad someone on here shares this sentiment. Most people on here that I've seen say 1 is better, but yeah, Prototype series is good for what OP is describing.
You cannot rip someone's heart out or split someone's head wide open while sprinting at 88 mph. The game is evolving beyond having just punch animations and people are having emotional breakdowns because Doomguy couldn't creatively murder someone with his hands while flying across the screen. It's ridiculous and no matter how you slice it, it's not going to be a good argument. You would have a point if Doomguy dug his hands into someone's chest and the game said mash X to slowly pry it open then flash L+R during a specific time window to rip the heart out. Too bad that never happens.
Came in thread to say this, thanks user for making my job easier, played it about an hour ago
I beat it, and I'm still not quite sure what happened.
Also agree. I quite enjoyed prototype 2 and the story.
>gif into a webm
Fuck you
What are some games that let you feel like a God? A merciful and kind God that provides.
Asura's Wrath.
Every Sim game when played properly
Every single Ninja Gaiden
But you have to earn your Godhood with some fucking Labours of Hercules tier training
Odin Sphere PS4
>flying around the battlefield completely untouchable
>swat enemies around like flies and juggle them with nigh infinite air combos
>spam instant armored supers all day
>tons of potions that clear screens for minimal effort
You have to set the game to Hard to find any real resistance, and even then the hardest encounters can be cheesed with apple cores and more potions.
>haha look how offended I got you after I insulted your post! what a pussy!
Nah, you were clearly being a dick head from the start. you haven't played the game, so keep having irrelevant opinions. The only pussy is you, because as soon as I told you off for talking shit, you were quick to play up my reaction as something so terrible.