Does this game get any better as you go along? All I've done so far is find cash in trashcans and cabinets and shoot some policemen. Everyone says this game is amazing, I don't see it.
Does this game get any better as you go along...
No, it's just bad. Gunplay's bad and the story's real bad.
Stop talking, kid.
>cash in trashcans
Why do games do this? Why would there be significant amounts of money in trashcans all over a city?
Because it isn't amazing. It's the worst Bioshock game hyped up by mainstream jounalists.
The game looked awesome in the early trailers.
Then that hack jew Levine had to fall in love with his waifu and keep reworking the game to the point where the final product was basically a mish-mash of random builds and ideas sloppily thrown together.
It seriously only gets worse. You deal with all sorts of vague plots riddled with holes and it culminates in an ending that forgets what 'infinite possibility' actually means.
Reminder that normies ate up the whole "Elizabeth cannot be hurt in combat" thing and PRAISED THAT. Holy shit, it's like everyone forgot that RE4 was fun.
A lot of devs just don't think, that's why.
It doesn't get any better.
'Everyone' are normie faggots that played it on casual and liked it for the 2deep4u story with a racismarebad rimjob.
Guns are shit, gunplay is shit, 'tonics' are shit, a lot of shit like tonics & rummaging in trash cans is out of place in the setting and the main story makes several logical errors and leaps. Oh and in case you couldn't tell from the linearity and """streamlined""" gameplay changes, it even graced us with the "wait a minute.." meme to show us just how smart their target audience was.
It's massively overhyped/rated mediocrity that shouldn't have even been sold under the bioshock name.
>shouldn't have even been sold under the bioshock name.
ALL bioshock games have shit gunplay and shitty inconsistent story. The only thing they have going for them is their great looking environment.
The earlier two had exploration & pre-fight planning. The guns weren't hamstrung by a 2-gun Max and the upgrades actually worked gameplay-wise.
And the plasmids, shallow as they were, were still deeper than the 4-flavors-of-stun they were replaced with.
>inconsistent story
Is this a 2 meme?
Because the first one was pretty straight-forward with a nice twist, (and great delivery).
>it's shit does Sup Forums have any recommendations for someone that's been out of the loop for a couple years?
The last games I played that blew me away were mass effect 1&2 and DA:O
You're going to have to be more specific than that. What kind of game are you looking for? Any genre?
There is nothing. Fucking nothing.
Kill me now.
There's already no hope friend.
Seriously though, are you just looking for AAA / console approved stuff? Or do you really mean 'recommend me a game Sup Forums'?
We could give legit answers & shitposts for both.
Play the System Shock games instead.
cmon it's been 6 years since ME2 came out, there must be something good out there...
I don't really care what genre.
You know when you start a game, a book or a movie and you just know you're in for a great experience? That's what I want, quality. A well thought out, entertaining game.
There is nothing.
I've been playing Solitaire and Overwatch just to pass the time.
There are no good games.
Ha, so does that exclude indie by definition?
Good indie, no. Pretentious indie, yes.
Ok, so, quality..
The new XCOM was pretty great.
Everyone seems to like Mad Max
You'll probably like dishonored
Maybe grimrock
Metro 2033? (Too old? ME was a while ago)
Arkham asylum would definitely fit the description if you haven't played it.
Lastly, wolfenstien is well-acclaimed too
Thanks user.
Would it be hard in programming terms to set some up like if (x = trashcan) {don't spawn fucking money and packaged food in it}?
Did you play the first two Bioshock games? Not only are they much better but the story ties together with Infinite.
I'm one of the few on Sup Forums who liked Infinite. I thought the gunplay got a little boring at times, but it was challenging and intense enough to keep me interested, especially later in the game. I also really enjoyed the story despite its flaws.
I don't know, playing Infinite was like watching a movie like Avatar or a Christopher Nolan movie. The acting, tone, music and visuals all drew me in, even though when I look back on it it seems very sloppy and not as smart as it thinks it is. It's good shallow fun.
bioshock infinite is shit man... don't play it, gameplay/story are hoooooooorrible...
play some indies instead:
rabi ribi
momodora reverie under the moonlight
The Witcher 3
Ok, good 'indie'/lower-quality stuff..
Mount and blade warband is a must.
Terraria if you have friends
FTL took the place by storm
EYE is pretentious street cred
Maybe of orcs & men
And I've heard MGS:Revengeance is an experience
>hook up to grappling spot
>pull out gatling gun and start shooting people
>one hand to hold the hook
>one hand to turn the crank on the gun
>one hand to hold it and aim it
You don't see Baker's third arm in any of the concept art and none of the other characters ever mention it, I'm not sure what the deal is there
Anyone have the Sup Forums recommends image?
I have this but it's aggressively out of date.
>seven fucking years
I've been on this shit board for far too long
Now remove multiplats
>Terraria if you have friends
Bioshock is a mediocre franchise at best.
No, the first Bioshock was really good.
It gets worse actually, theres one good part but i only liked it because i was a pathetic human being
Fantastic artistic direction and sound work can't save this middle-of-the-road shooter from its scaled-back collection of features, a story that uses more substantive topics as window dressing for a nonsensical plot, and lack of focus regarding gameplay design.
I give Bioshock: Infinite 3 Wait-a-minute-that-cards...
...Out of 5.