>tfw depressed
>tfw used to love vidya but now can't bring myself to play them
how do I recover bros
Tfw depressed
by playing gud games
you never will unless you get a gf
you won't get a gf
>inb4 "i actually do have a gf but i'm still depressed" meme
play games that are actually good
In that pic that faggot looks like Sasuke.
>tfw i only play vidya to pass the time and escape from my shitty life
>tfw got nobody to blame but myself
I legit couldn't tell if that was Sasuke or Noctis for a solid 5 minutes.
get a job
exercise regularly
wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time
always do something productive every single day
find out why you are depressed. work on the issues. enjoy life again.
Get a good game like gravity rush 2
by stop being a pussy
thats literally it
stop going on Sup Forums where nobody plays video games and underages/redditors/contrarians insist that every vidya game is shit/has a sjw agenda/was never good
don't let others dictate your taste
Get good sleep.
Get good nutrition.
Exercise regularly.
Get more sunlight.
Meet and interact with other human beings.
Try learning something new.
Possibly cut down on masturbation.
By seeking to improve your mental state through drugs and/or therapy. CBT helped me along with reading up on Stoic philosophy, in which CBT is based in part.
Do your best, user, and you can be happy.
>tfw you will never eat a burger
Stop playing shitty games related to your picture.
>Possibly cut down on masturbation.
Let's not go crazy here user.
Literally Sasuke
Not like that I won't. Who the hell eats a burger like that? You're just gonna have sauce dripping all over your palm.
>Having a GF solve all your problem
You can be this ignorant in 2017.
>cock and ball torture helped my mental state
dont do this and become a mindless drone.
if you want a big messy burger you have to jump on that grenade
I do it all the time
not being depressed != having no problems
>tfw you have a gf but both of you are depressed
sounds ideal
>cut down on masturbation
There's no cure for depression. At least in life.
Just buy a gun and go shooting
I guarantee it will fix depression. Just ask /k/ - you'll get loads of responses like "whenever I feel upset I'll go shooting, it's like an antidepressant"
It is nice to have someone who gets it, and help each other through the worst patches
We both wish we could do more for each other though. I hate seeing her suffer
>Possibly cut down on masturbation.
You're probably right though. Just one more and then I'll cut it from my life for a while
is that sasuke????
as someone who is depressed who does nothing BUT play games, i have some advice for you. go outside whenever you can, find an open field, and scream as loudly and as high pitched as you possibly could. bonus points if its right beside a family doing some family shit.
helps you get out your stress.
that's prince noctis, you uncultured swine.
Yeah okay you're lucky