Why are white people so bad at political commentary in their games?

Why are white people so bad at political commentary in their games?

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What game is this hot mess from?

because they use as a smoke screen to hide the utterly shit gameplay. your pic very fucking related, that game literally vanished overnight.

Mafia 3

You kill Donald Trump and everybody cheers

Should have put Mexican hostage.

Are people of any other race better at this?

Why are Sup Forums shitposters so bad at falseflagging?

sounds like what would happen if he were actually killed

Mexicans and libtards aren't people, user.

You're probably shitposting but you're not wrong.
>sjw lose their boogerman
>alt-right get to play the martyr card
>conservatards get pence as the new potus

>Mike "Deus Volt" Pence is president

At least we'll have energy independance.


Because modern social media has created a generation incapable of subtlety. Anything that is nuanced or realistic in its approach is drowned in a sea of people screaming bloody murder.

If you approach a problem by saying "here are some problems that I think we should address," nobody listens to you. If you approach a problem by saying "THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER AND WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" people get scared and listen.

When people are talking about how SJWs and Sup Forums have a lot in common, this is what they're talking about. The sorts of people who care enough about politics to spend a lot of their time demonstrating and arguing online are the sorts of delusional extremists (on either side of the spectrum) who believe that there is an apocalyptic threat to their way of life and that anyone who disagrees with them is evil.

The people who feel the need to inject politics into a fun game about the mafia are the sorts of people whose political views are extremist and who feel like they need to force the world to be like them. Publishers then enable them because they know that the media loves to promote controversy and it will help sales.

Picture unrelated.


>Implying previous generations where subtly

Previous generations didn't have a voice. A miniscule portion of the population who worked in the media created the voice that everyone got to hear.

Now everybody can have a voice and it's a mad struggle to make yourself heard in a crowd of people trying to be heard. The guy who fires a gun is the one people are going to listen to.

I don't get what you babies are crying about. The only, tiny thing that sort of resembles trump is that toupee and even then it's not 100%. You're seeing trump where he isn't and trying to defend him when it's not needed.

>Fullbright are making their game Gone Home free for everyone

>Previous generations didn't have a voice.
Oh fuck off teenager.

Tru dat

Oh look, it's another

>Why are white people so bad at [this thing white people invented and that almost only white people do]


>teenager who has only seen media from the past
>calling somebody else a teenager

epic for the win

Why are whites so bad at genocide?

A new tribe in Africa goes extinct every week, yet every ethnicity whites tried to kill is still around


I'm 29 years old.
The world is covered in radio scramble due to the sheer availability of international expression; your voice is worth less than fucking ever.
Get the fuck off Sup Forums and do your homework, you obnoxious fucking teenager.

This is the most moronic thought process I've seen in a long time.



Good political commentary requires the writer to step back and write something at least approaching objective.
Straw men are all well and good for confirmation bias, but they don't change any minds.

Dragon commander did it well by making it clear the people represented were caricatures, and took shots at everyone.
They also made them human enough to acknowledge their coco ups, like Catherine acknowledging her hypocrisy, Edmund and Yorrick being horrified at the undead riots, and the imps thanking you for giving them the boundaries they needed.

But those evil SJW's are making fun of based Trump!

>double fine are explicitly hiring diverse candidates
that basically translates to not hiring white people, which is illegal, it's against the law to refuse someones chances of employment on the basis of race or sex

>Good political commentary requires the writer to step back and write something at least approaching objective.
Politics is by its very nature propaganda, you fucking idiot. Grow up.

Ever heard about X?
You didn't because we fucking genocided them.

I don't see any neanderthals around

i want to call you a faggot but you do speak the truth. libtards around the world would throw a parade and muslims would be welcome to join.

than they realize mike "turning fruits into vegetables" pence would become the president and things would get even worse for everyone.

If you want your video games to be hack propaganda, good for you.
If you want them well written, then strap in and accept different opinions you prancing faggot.

>all those bans

Consider letting the grown ups talk, sweetie
Not everything in your Sum41 songs is true

Which it shouldn't be. A privately owned company should be free to hire whoever they want/see fit. Note that this of course goes the other way as well

id rather have a guy persecuting gays than a person going around fucking with nasa, the epa, cia and the department of state.

>If you want
I want you to fuck off back to Sup Forums and never show your fucking face anywhere on Sup Forums again, you cancerous fucking piece of shit teenager.

Punctuate your sentences, you fucking mongrel.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

>what Sup Forums and /qa/ want. jpg

Good post

>fucking with nasa

we are destined to die on this rock, we will not colonise other planets.

gee i wonder why people won't stop baiting people like you

we're destined to die a lot sooner since we gave the nuclear codes to someone who would likely bust them out whenever an opposing country's leader said something mean about him

Erdogan has nuclear codes now?

That's depressing

>politics influence video games

No fuck you, I'm gonna make a monstergirl roguelike and it won't even remotely reflect anything political going on right now, and you can't fucking stop me.

no he said Hillary did

I don't need to stop you. I can guarantee you won't ever make that game or any other game for that matter.

We'll see about that, faggot.

Yes but will there be goo girls?

This is important

Please, don't do it. I don't want more monster girl games. Please, I beg you :^)

Well are colored people any better at this?

eat shit nigger

No, and by white people OP probably meant women and fags which don't actually qualify as people.

Because white people are so bad at political commentary in general.

Racial relations could improve if they would just shut the fuck up and stop trying to treat people differently. But no, in an attempt to show how not racist they are now, white people co-opt other movements and turn it into a big virtue-signalling LARP session where they play Anarchist Protester before going home at the end of the day to blog about it.

>every game has to have a political message now

>we're destined to die a lot sooner since we gave the nuclear codes to someone who would likely bust them out whenever an opposing country's leader said something mean about him


So... Putin is going to order Trump to bomb America?

Only shit games. No way you can see Rockstar and Valve doing that stupid shit, for example.

user, this will only be good if the player gets to be a monstergirl and all the other monstergirls are trying to impregnate you.

>tfw you will never be the elven broodmother of a drider who pumps you full of eggs after each birth

Let them
At this point it's just grasping straws and free salt

Liberals are so butthurt about America being saved, they have to make Trump the enemy in interactive fanfiction.


>Can't sell Gone homo at all
>Forced to throw in to every other humble bundle as a free game essentially.
>claim it as a charitable act
>Now trying to give it away for free to claim even more sockjaw points.

>making games

Can't tell people to re-evaluate themselves, that's ruin the narrative and rile the hugbox.

>>conservatards get pence as the new potus

One thing I really respect Rockstar for is the way they do political satire.

They make fun of conservative and liberal viewpoints at the same time, and don't try and insert some faggy 'correct' opinion into their writing.

>Putin is going to order Trump to bomb Ukraine
