Why can't the Japanese into graphics?

Why can't the Japanese into graphics?

This sludge wouldn't pass for 7th gen

Other urls found in this thread:


Why can't the west do non-shit art direction?

Because it's not important.

Besides, Gravity Rush is just a bad game in general. No one outside of waifufags actually enjoys it.

It's "stylistic"

gr8 b8 m8

Looks better than anything else on the PS4 senpai

Because you like MLP-tier aesthetics

The game should've been called Gravity Kick since that's all you do.

Have you seen Rachet and Clank?

> confirmed for never played

But the thread is talking about GR2, not GR1.

Looks the same as GR1 to be desu. OP was right.

You're a fucking idiot.

>Looks the same as GR1 to be desu.

I wish GR1 looked as good as GR2

the japanese never developed true 3d perspective in their art, which is why only their 2d games look truly good, (but in return they're much more aesthetic than the west's 2d)

In GR2 stasis is OP though, not kick. Not like you care anyway

Neither would current western games but you'll east that shit up. Don't (you) me either.

>dishonored 2
>no man's sky
>the witness
>civilization 6

A plague on art direction, constantly dick riding pixar, simplistic geometry. Yet the games still manage to run like shit.


>Not even 60FPS like first game with this shit graphics


japanese developers didn't grow up making levels for fps games like western developers did

japanese developers rarely produced a game where center of the screen is your character, the character is their primary focus of design, and because of that the environments become severely lacking

when you don't practice with something, you don't get better at it
till there is an appreciation for "immediate background" (opposed to setpiece backgrounds you never reach), the balance of effort and workload put into things that are not characters is going to lag FAR behind

>japanese developers rarely produced a game where center of the screen is your character
is not*

>Have you seen Rachet and Clank?>>

Yes. It looks like it was made with Unity presets.

>every game should have Witcher 3 levels of graphics, regardless of budget
>also I suck cocks

OP in a nutshell

>japanese developers rarely produced a game where center of the screen is your character, the character is their primary focus of design, and because of that the environments become severely lacking

Said the grasslands and hills developers( the west)

Yeah because the PS3 would explode trying to run that shit. Even the PS4 can barely handle it because of all the physics and shit like volumetric clouds and parallax in addition the the bad optimization

wow its like you never played a single snes game

I'm not sure adding bloom makes it better.

I'd probably care if GR1 wasn't a slog to get through so I can play GR2.

>I'm not sure adding bloom makes it better.
You're fucking blind

They're stubborn, and refuse to keep up with the latest tech.

>he doesn't suck cocks

>2015 PC game
Why did i even built my gaming PC?

witcher 3 isn't ever a good looking game. All the human models have plastic skin.

Because that's a psp1.5 game

its okay when the west does it


>has never played FFXV

its lifelike holy shit





wtf i love japan now

yes, ALL games should be brown and grey realistic pieces of shit

someone got triggered

Because they're more focused on game mechanics and art direction.

Good art direction and gameplay is timeless.

Good graphics but uninspired art and gameplay is not.

>just posts screenshots of games

Posting in all caps usually implies butthurt.

>still no proper rebuttal
You're free to post your good looking graphical games in this thread.

So 80% of Sup Forums threads?

>''proper rebuttal''
Sup Forums culture

Sup Forums makes me hate videogames

Sup Forums makes me hate retards

I must be going to the wrong threads, because I don't see all caps that often.

Because putting 2D characters into realistic worlds looks jarring, and those 3D models made to look like 2D models usually look awful.



You shouldn't hate yourself

did they at least fix the performance issues that were in the demo?

I don't really care if it looks cruddy, but dips below 30 are unacceptable especially since GR remastered looks nearly as good and was 60.

>looks nearly as good
GR2 has pop in and performance isn't 60fs, but anyone who says that GR1 comes even close in terms of visuals hasn't played it

Silly, he was reffering to you.

Can't you come up with something better?
>no you

It's also done to grab attention, so it's understandable to do in the OP. I know I didn't specify it, but I meant posts that are part of a discussion or are trying to make a statement.

Of course all caps doesn't always mean butthurt, it can also be used to "yell" or otherwise show exitement for something positive.


>Sony defense force comes in saying graphics isn't important all of a sudden when all talk about PS4 and PS4 pro was all about it

jesus christ have you ever seen a single collective mass backpedal any harder than these guys

i don't want to play as a cute girl
cute girls won't fuck me
when i play as a cute girl i think about all the fucking i don't do


Guess what, not everyone on Sup Forums is the same person. You still have an endless amount of Uncharted 4 image spammers.
It's just stupid to expect photorealistic graphics in a sequel to a game with an artstyle like that

go back to your zelda thread fag.

And yet somehow Gravity Rush 2 looks better than BOTW.

What did she mean by this