20 GB update

>20 GB update
>Changelog: Minor fixes

Other urls found in this thread:


>Changelog: Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.

>Changelong: Bug fixes, performance updates, other generic bullshit
>Further details will be added later

>Changelog: Visit our website for the detailed changelog

>2gb update
>needs 45 gb of space

fucking beta updates


Was going to post this. Devs that do that should get sodomized with a splintery rake.

>Dataminers have to make patch notes
I don't understand Nintendo sometimes

>This game doesn't really need an update, but we like to act like we care about the game
>Enjoy stupid and useless shit

>game already using 50GB and running low on space
>20GB update
>game still using 50GB
well okay then

>updates are bigger than the game itself

Fuck 8th gen

>game is years old and works fine
>release patch that fixes nothing and breaks mods

>payday 2 needs to update
>takes 300000 years
>check what it's doing
>jesus christ it's just reinstalling the game from scratch

because it overwrites the existing game files?

When this happens i feel to urge to uninstall crap like that.

>2mb update
>gotta re-download the entire game again

you forgot
>20 GB update
>added a new mask ;)

>day one patch is several gigs
>having day one patches at all

How to spot a shit developer.

>small fix patch
>breaks all the mods for the game
>steam won't let you play the game unless you update even in offline mode

wew lad

>game has fantastic single player but bad multiplayer
>every fucking update adds onto the multiplayer but rarely the single player
>game has added 50 gigs of "content" ontop of an already large game (45 gigs at release)

guess it, it should be easy

Fucking D44M

fucking no updates to snap map
but they keep fucking adding shit to the multiplayer

The MP is not even that good.

fucking id man

>300 MB update
>minor AI changes
I'm not exaggerating, Payday 2 actually did this


>Updates to games are in the e-shop
>But you can update games from the main menu rendering that entirely pointless
>They put updates to games under the "new releases" section

I don't either

>large update ruins game
>playbase cries out for fixes
>next update: made weapons shinier


What is GTA IV

Matrix online
I still miss it

>go to play doom for the first time
>30gb update
That's like half the size of the fucking game for Christ's sake. Mankind Divided had a 20 something gig update too.

>Download Gears of War 4
>60 fucking GB
>Update game
>20 more GB
Kinda ridiculous. I even have a 2TB Xbone. Isn't CoD even bigger?

IW is literally 130gb if you also download the cod4 remaster, which everyone knows is the only reason anyone bought that trash

>Website was down the whole time

>check the site
>changelog not updated

>What is The Culling?
Seriously, they've updated performance at least 10 times now.

>Hasn't been updated in three years

>Suddenly your bank account has been emptied

>only way to see changelog is if you sign up for the forum

nintendo doesnt get that people like technical stuff

>60 gb update
>minor bug fixes

>game has an update 5 years after release

>60GB game
>launcher you must use to install the game frequently installs it incorrectly
>all the data is now corrupt

>9MB update
>downloads in 1 second
>takes 10 minutes to install

>Its a single player only game

>50GB game
>Launcher is terrible
>Will randomly stop
>Have to close launcher and redownload it all again

Fuck you SWTOR and Star Citizen

>Game has major performance issues
>Changelog: Preparation for our new DLC

Postal 2 getting an expansion pack not too long ago still blows my mind. I really should play it sometime.

>a random game in your steam library updates out the blue and takes less than a minute to finish updating.

>Game has an update 10 years after release
>Its to remove a bunch of licensed music

Is that a bad thing?

>Huge update for the multiplayer you don't play.

Fuck off DOOM.

Uninstalled Doom 4 because of that shit. Just let us DL SP and Snapmap by themselves for fuck's sake.

Borderlands 2 also got an update like somewhat recently

thanks valve

>Update controller

>decide to pop in game just for old time sake
>have to wait an hour for it to download
>end up not even bothering
>decide to pop it in months later
>another hour long update
shit like this has made me not bother with most games that came out after 2014

>60 fucking Gigabytes

>"The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums"

FFXV did this too for the carnival update, so retarded.

>20 GB update
>happy Halloween!

You forgot the game also use 100% disk write speed as it updates

>1.776 GB Update
>Happy Independence Day!

>game is a masterpiece and is years old
>still gets updates every now and then
thanks taleworlds

Iji is also getting a 1.7 update to improve performance on newer OSs and to make pacifist playthroughs less tedious.

>6.66 GB update
>Happy Easter!

>2mb update

The Serious Sam games are updated way more than you'd expect for such old games.

>Stormstrike has a new icon

>Stormstrike has a new icon

>Stormstrike has a new icon

I still don't know why I played as a Shaman in Vanilla WoW.

>Every Fallout 4 update + all the DLC is 8GB

t-thanks, Todd

>60mb update
>No changelog
>Happens 3 or more times a week every week
What the fuck does Valve doing to Dota with these?

>game taken off every store imaginable
>only way to get a copy is to shell out an obscene amount or pirate it
>somehow the game finally ends up for sale at a reasonable price with all expansions again
this happens wayyyyyyyyyy too fucking often, just recently being SWAT 4

>final update fixes everything and makes the game what it should've been

same shit with TF2
it's fucking maddening

>game is still dead

It's just smash.

>115MB download
>for one cosmetic item
>takes 1 minute to download
>takes 10 minutes to install

Fuck you

>download 20mb update
>reinstalls the whole fucking game
steam really needs to pull games from the store that do this
there is zero reason why TWW and PD2 do this shit

>Game is removed from every store there is
>A free version was temporarily available but that was removed too

Why, Sims 2

>20 GB download
how could they be so cruelhouse?

>Doom 2
>Doom 64 EX
>Doom 3 BFG


>game gets an update after you thought they'd stop updating
>it's free content

fucking Let It Die!
It's like I've redownloaded the whole game...

>sign up for the forum
>you must reply at least 5 posts before changelog to be appeared

>game has to unpack all of its compressed files to make changes, temporarily doubling your install size, installation is broken if you don't have enough disk space
Fuck you CA you hacks, learn how to optimize your fucking updates.

>online servers fix for single player game

You really should. It's a great upgrade over the base game and has that just right mixture of mind-fucking and "game logic."
Only thing I didn't like was day 2's first quest.
>Gotta go get a fresh roll of Toilet Paper
>One of the Achievements is for buying it legitimately instead of going through the back like a normal psychopath and killing them all
>The price keeps going up until like $600 every time you stop by
Everything else was wonderful.

>Update Killer Instinct
>Redownloads all 32 GB
I know they add stuff but damn

>5 megabyte update
>Takes 10 minutes of preallocation
>Downloads in a second
>Takes 10 minutes of installation
Stop it Path of Exile.

>game relies heavily on co-op
>ran on dev servers instead of P2P
>devs shut down the servers and the game becomes literally unplayable
looking at you Army of Two

>single player with online content
>nerf/remove things that seem too OP for single player
i see you shadow warrior 2

I know your pain.

It was downright garbage when I last played it last July. Fucking chasing a dude I thought I killed for half a minute only for him to disappear right in front of me because it turned out I did kill him before.

>dead console gets a firmware update
>patch notes is just stability stuff

>Single player with no online content
>Nerf shit because "It's overpowered!"
Fuck you Edmund.

No, because I never quit. I watched the game fall and then get "fixed" by the 3 man team of interns they slapped on it. Took every idea reddit shit at them, nerfed spin fusors direct hit damage wew thanks for that, love me some chain and hit scan chasing The last update was the nail in the coffin for me, and only because I cant shit on chain faggots anymore.

> tfw im a software developer and do this all the fucking time