Bring massive amount of hype on the fan base

>Bring massive amount of hype on the fan base
>Literally 90% of the information was fake

Can someone seriously explain what draws these kind of people into video games.


All of his information was fake, just some obvious guesses.

what's the scoop? I missed what this is about.

Context behind this man?

>Listening to someone who actually believes he is a woman and chopped off his reproductive organ

Tranny posts a bunch of leaks and people believe them. The leaks turned out to be wrong

>that comb over

every time

what leaks on what game(s)?


>If you like what I do
What does he do? Spout incorrect information on twitter? I wanna get money doing that.

Why the fuck would he even post all that nonsense? What did he have to gain? Money for a few months?

Stuff leaks out here and there. Individuals who make a persona out of it and constantly dangle "leaks" that always lack substantial info or accreditation do it purely for the ego trip; They don't give a fuck about informing people, they just want everyone to think they're something special for having a made up inside line

The fact that people still consistently even give to time of day to morons like Dale or Rogers is annoying as fuck

The fake rumors gave him tons of publicity and I think he ended up making quite a bit from donations and shit.

reminder that we do not approve of ignorant transphobic bigotry

Reminder that encouraging people their mental illness is okay is bad.

>i have a vagina

no he fucking doesnt, he has mutilated genitals, this is like an amputee getting a peg leg and saying their leg grew back

enough loners and weirdos guarantee he'll get laid.

Mostly the Switch, getting almost everything wrong.

reminder that the AMA/APA recommended treatment for gender dysphoria is transition

That's really gross user. You could get the same feeling of fucking his mutilated penis by sticking your dick in a sock full of ground beef

> this is like an amputee getting a peg leg and saying their leg grew back
Got a good chuckle out of that user

How did this person, and everyone else wrong about Nintendo switch, become an authority about leaks? That seems to be their claim to fame, what inside sources did they claim to have? Did they have an relationship with Nintendo at all before it was discovered they made everything up?

>a vagina!!!!
>doesn't have a uterus
>doesn't have anything else of the female reproductive organs only a fucking slit that he can shove his dildos in

Delusion is a hell of a drug.

Reminder that that';s bulshit.

At least we no longer have fans saying she's credible. Still not as bad as Emily Rogers.

Cause he is an attention whore. Him being a tranny should be a giveaway

Emily Rogers do get stuff on spot through sometimes, besides having a Vagina wich she most likely use to get the right information.


Theyre just worthless attention whores who made money off hype culture like Obe1.

You have to keep shoving dildos in too.
Poor body recognizes it as an injury and tries to heal ;_;

Their source was a GAME employee, I shit you not.

You sound like you speak from experience. Also it is an injury, he mutilated his dick.

Nice hairline

This got me thinking. Like how do doctors change the type of nerve endings there into not painful ones?

Do you think she lets him pee in he vagina?

The body will try and close an open wound. You have to keep shoving something up there or it will close up. It's fucking stupid.

I know its an injury dumbass.The rest is just info from Sup Forums

Jesus Christ. I fucking hate social media. Why do they have to pollute video games? The psychology of someone like that is a fucking narcissistic personality disorder, anything for attention, eyes on them, hell I bet the tranny is just taking that to the extreme with the sex change.

Time for another round of Guess That Gender!

And if that isn't bad enough, it's a fuckin dude pretending to be a girl

Remember that you have to be classified as mentally ill to get this procedure, and the modern sex change surgery is a deeply misled medical tragedy on par with the frontal lobotomy.

>and the modern sex change surgery is a deeply misled medical tragedy on par with the frontal lobotomy.
That is actually a very accurate comparison.

That's not true.

>guess about shit that might happen
>only a sliver of it comes true
>Wow! Such great journalism skills!!1!

Yes it is.

Give actual examples of what she got wrong instead of vague bullshit. Oh right you can't because you're all just limpdicked losers jealous of someone who is actually a major player in the industry. Go cry into your pillows a little more man babies and leave gaming to the people who actually know what they're talking about.

really poor, 2/10.

I'm just lurking here like I usually do, but then I see this thread...

What's Sup Forums's opinion on LGBT? Do you guys just hate Laura, just hate trannys? Or you guys those spastic kids from Call of Duty multiplayer back in 2010?

Not that there's anything wrong with hating Laura


>Tranny makes a bunch of posts about the Switch reveal and launch titles
>Some tool from Eurogamer iirc also does
>Someone on Sup Forums makes a different leak
>Eurogamer tool says it's completely fake and that Sup Forums is always wrong
>Sup Forums was 100% correct where as tranny and tool were completely wrong

>I'm going to guess extremely safe games then throw my "valuable insider source" under the bus when I'm wrong if I don't just say they moved the dates around.
How did this person gain any form of credibility to begin with?

>Leak own gender
>Literally all of the information was fake

This is your daily reminder that some of the more expensive MtF surgeries involve transplanting anal glands into the fake vagina for lubrication. But since those glands aren't tied to arousal, you'd have to wear a menstruation pad because your fake vagina would be leaking anal lube 24/7.

Hang yourself piss baby. You're all just jealous of my accomplishments. She has risen from nothing over the last few years to one of the biggest heavy hitters in gaming journalism today. Even bigger than Jim Sterling. But all you care about is your SJW boogeyman to cry over. Grow up and move on.

If I had to guess

They don't.

calm down laura "impale my sausage flail now im a female" dale

I legitimately don't care what anyone wants to do with their body as long as they're not harming others.

It does piss me off that LKD is constantly seen as this beacon of info though. That said, I do think we are going to get a Smash port and Mother 3 on Switch.


>my accomplishments
Fuck off Laura

dated a trans woman who had this done, it was fucking crazy

>omg guys you can be anything ok who cares about basic biology or medical fact
>ps i have a vagina tho
>pss i really want you to kno i have a vagina
>psss no seriously i have a vagina
>pssss #blm

Can I get sauce on what this surgery is called? I want to Google this now.

I've heard of Fecal transplants, but not this.

I don't have a problem if a man wants to have a surgery to be a woman. I have a problem when they try to tell me to refer to them as one.

what draws autistic people and retards to Sonic fandom?

They just overlap.

Wow sorry one typo and you freaks get all paranoid. I should have guessed a bunch of whiteboy virgins would get all pissy about someone going against their loser hive mind. But I'm done with nobodies for tonight so fuck off and good night dears.

I think gender dysphoria is a mental illness and there is no concrete evidence that transition surgery is the best course of treating it.
The greatest lie the left has ever told is that "you can be anything that you want to be" whether its relating to career path, gender, or anything else.
Autism, schizophrenia, bipolar, any mental illness is unnatural and requires treatment, but in their crusade to rid the world of pain and hurt feelings the left has convinced themselves that trannies are normal, well functioning people that just want to live their life as the opposite (while mutilating their body to achieve it).
We don't let the autistic boy stab his hand with a pencil when he gets frustrated without trying to help him.
We don't let the schizophrenic harm others because the voices tell him to without trying to help him.
We don't let the bipolar woman beat her children without trying to help her.
So why do we think we can just let the people with gender dysphoria mutilate their genitals and live out a deluded fantasy and everything will be just fine?

The only thing wrong is the timeline. Release dates shift around internally all the time.

I mostly dislike their smug, holier than thou, sanctimonious attitude the left typically adopts. But I do question the motivations of trans people. They say they feel like they're a woman but what does that even mean? How would they know what it's like to be a woman and do they really think growing long hair, wearing women's clothes, speaking like them and so on is what makes a woman? The logic behind it is pretty damn poor.

>Whether it be career path
Yeah you can, you just have to work for it you dingus

Probably because they only do it once, and it guarantees they won't reproduce.

Unless you're Mr. Garrison; you can only do sex reassignment surgery once.

This is your daily reminder that most women are frigid bitches BECAUSE if they are ever in touch with their sexuality, their real vagina leaks normal vaginal lube 24/7. Basically like guys getting random boners all day, but instead of an uncomfortable tightness in your pants or a kink, uncontrollable discharge.

Mildly related: most women urinate and/or discharge vaginal lubricant when they sneeze or laugh too hard, so some chicks wear pads anytime they aren't expecting dick

I'm pretty sure they are poorly describing sigmoid-colon srs

I remember going out with a loose beef curtain vagina, she dabbed it with an anti biotic gel and wore pads everyday. She was ridiculously hot so I kept the relationship going, but it was one of the biggest regrets of my life, that vagina was nasty.

sounds like e3

>tfw we are a species that wastes millenia of scientific and medical evolution on stuffing silicon bags into bodies and cutting off penises
Humanity is a mistake.


Then why isn't Bernie Sanders president?

fake like his "vagina"

Because this is what he was up against.

I now date a girl with beautiful pussy, she's also five years young than me. Never settle for beef curtains.

pyf when based Pence removes trannies permanently

Because Hillary worked for decades lying to her party and to her self that she deserved a shot at the presidency, while Bernie was basically a snide flash-in-the-pan nobody who only got attention by promising college students hundreds of thousands of dollars each.

I'm a Trump supporter myself. The point was that even if you work as hard as you can there are just certain things in life you can't achieve.



He was up against a dumb picture? Sad.

Does she not do makeup then?

Thanks user, just Googled it.

>Standard SRS = come from the secretion of preserved para-urethral gland and cowper’s gland.
>SRS with colon graft = come from the secretion of mucus gland which varies from small amount of discharge to abundant discharge

Colon Mucus pussy.

the cosmetics industry is largely patriarchal, with all marketing revolving around a woman’s worth as a constantly-judged, sexual object. Some will insist that nobody “forces” women to wear anything, but society expects it and judges women who don’t (especially if they’re in the public eye) and judge men who do (because men are supposed to be better than worrying about our appearances), and cosmetics companies want you to know that they have a solution for that.

l have zero ill will towards transsexual people, l don't want to see them harassed or assaulted or anything, but l have a problem with the way the modern left uses them as their new martyr figures after they got tired of their blue collar worker toy

fuck even a feminist like paglia thinks that the prevalence of sexual ambiguity is a sign that a civilization is rapidly declining and yet your moral value is judged on your ability to pretend a guy who cut off his dick is a woman, it's preposterous

So no then? Cause it would help the passing

Arin Hanson is lookin good.



OK, I'm being dead serious, but is this fucking mutant a mentally ill dude playing at being a woman, or just a fugly ass woman?

I seriously can't tell; the left attracts people with shit genetics, so all I know is it's unfuckable, whatever it is.

they were probably into video games in the first place
literal autism and generally poor social performance, a movement that will worship and defend them for transitioning no matter who they are or how they act, and an obsession with sex that usually leads to them viewing the female experience in no greater terms than wearing skirts and taking dicks