This game is so hard

This game is so hard

how is it remotely difficult babu

Not as hard as I am when I think about it.

Get a companion. Then it will be so easy it plays itself.

It's a great game but it's not even remotely hard, even on hardcore.

Eddie and boone are best

she's just so... so... reddit.

This, Ed-E plus Boone is what I use for my negotiator builds

>fix ED-E in Primm
>sit back as he solos all the convicts in the Bison Steve

>tfw you get two sensor modules, three scrap metal and a scrap electronics before reaching level 2
I love starting the game with Ed-E, my favorite companion

The game starts out at a good difficulty, and quickly becomes progressively easier to where you'll wish it was harder

Create female with high charisma intelligence and agility... Run to Veronica by cutting across hidden valley and then make way to Vegas.

Sleep with and kill Benny to get chip and do yes man route. Beat it in under two hours

>the rpg mechanics and non-linearity is great!
Yea but this game is filled with plotholes, backwards logic, and uninteresting dialogue and characters. The writers just spoonfeed you everything, and what they're spoonfeeding you isn't even good.
>b-but, it's non-linear!!

fuck off

Don't play the old games.

Alright. I'm sorry you don't like it, user. Doesn't really change the fact that I do.

>Yea but this game is filled with plotholes, backwards logic,
like what

It's been a year since I played the game, but I vividly remember the biggest and most consistent offender being the factions. Like, all of them. Actually listen to them and try to understand their motives and reasoning for why they're doing what they're actually doing. Shit makes no fucking sense.

Sorry I can't give specifics; I just remember rolling my eyes every other time someone said something to me or spouted exposition.

of course you can't give specifics

It's been a year since I played it. If you like the game so much, install some mods to actually make the game playable, and go listen to the NPCs yourself, and try to understand them. It's nearly impossible for 90% of the important NPCs in the game.

It's one of those things where it was so consistent that it's hard to pluck one random instance from memory.

Anyone knw how to keep the geck from crashing for nv?

are you seriously expecting me to debate this vague garbage? if the things you're describing are such an apparent problem, considering the scale of the game i highly doubt not touching the game for a year would leave you unable to recall a single example of what ever the fuck you're trying to describe.

Are you sure you're not talking about 3 or 4? Because the factions in New Vegas are pretty straight forward and understandable.

If you are going to use companions you really should play in Hardcore mode, what's the purpose of playing any game on Easy mode?

House, Caesar, Hanlon, all great dialogue.

No, I'm not expecting you to argue with me. I have no desire to sink another 50+hrs into this game for a third time. You say the "scale of the game" like this game's scale was memorable. I legit remember fallout 3's plot line more vividly and I think that game is even more shit. NV was just flat, yellow, and points of interest were much too few and far between.

>what ever the fuck you're trying to describe
There's no one instance in particular. I could start a new game and have at least 10 glaring questions that never get answered about NPCs motives and actions within 2 hours of hitting play. It was a constant stream of me being required to suspend disbelief, not question NPCs, and forcing down more poorly written lines of dialogue. I can't just go in and pluck one instance out of memory because there was so much that it's all formed one big mediocre experience in the end. I understand that doesn't help my argument, but it's the distinct feeling I was left with during both of my playthroughs of the game.

I think it's likely that you just aren't as critical of the games you play as I am.

>"Ignore the fact that I have no examples to support my argument, just accept that I'm smarter than you."

Never asked you to accept it. Don't know how you came to that conclusion, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised when someone who thinks NV's dialogue, plot, and NPCs are well crafted gets something twisted in his head.

In fact I said that you should play the game again and be critical and try to understand motives and actions, NOT to just take my word for it.

wew lad you're something else

let's assume you are right. non-linear shit is still better than linear shit.
also your precious fo3 sucks balls and so does fo4

F3 is mega trash, and F4 is the same level of trash as FNV but even less satisfying somehow.

And no, I don't know how that got planted into your head, but non-linearity isn't objectively better than linearity. I would much rather play a well crafted linear game than FNV. If it's between a shit linear game and a shit non-linear game then yea fuck it give me the non-linear one because at least I can do what I want along the way. Non-linearity is great when done well, but it's so very rarely if ever done well that the experience often doesn't live up to that of a well crafted linear experience.


maybe when its on hard/survivalist

otherwise, lol no.

I guess no one wants to lend a hand. I suppose the hardest part of any fallout game is asking for assistance from the community

was just baiting you like you were baiting others.
either way, i quite clearly stated that non-linear shit is better than linear shit so the "well crafted" part of your argument doesn't apply

Maybe try asking on the nexus, or other modding community instead of a 2AM Sup Forums thread.

Oh fuck off you whiny cunt.

No, that's called boredom that's making it hard to play it.

Play 3 or 4 instead


Seriously. How?

The moment I got like 3 stealth boys I high tailed it to Vegas and finished the game.


Sounds like you're fighting boredom

You don't, just constantly save and have a quick open buton

Stealth sniper

user, you're an annoying little shiet. If you're going to spout that drivel, take it somewhere else.

Todd, go to bed already.

it's pretty linear at the beginning

m8, if a britbong ledditor can beat the game with no healing items whatsoever you can beat it whilst you blind yourself with your own jizz.

4 is so goddamn boring. I always lose the will to keep playing after I have to wipe out several dozen entire raider gangs on my way to a quest location. And right around the corner from the dozen raider gangs? Oh hey, a whole army of super mutants. At least I get some loot from all this murder. Oh, it's a pipe pistol and some ammo for a gun I don't use.

Sincerely, please fuck off

>This game is so shit