What did twitch mean by this?

Why is this ok?


I'm not seeing any panties.



Because it's not anime.

Like legitimately.

60k people playing this game right now on twitch just looking at asses.

you can see the bum

this is literally the worst thing that can ever happen to an american.

Is there a better shot?

nah, it's just that twitch won't let other games as

what game?

conan exiles. its online

that was me on the highschool swim team

swimming laps behind girls doing the breaststroke.

Because it's not the main appeal of the game.

>'oh fuck I forgot mom's watching my stream tonight'

Yeah, thats the main appeal

>This is allowed
>Senran Kagura EV wasn't for like 5 months
>Cause of a glitch that didn't show anything but barbie dolls



like that old age of conan mmo that let you be nude until it went f2p?

it's more like rust i think.

>it's yet another resource gathering game

no, this is the rust like version of it. i think they do give you items for the mmo if you buy the expensive version

rust and ark lovechild

oh, gotcha

i kind of miss that old conan mmo, honestly.
it was shit
but it was good shit

haha why does he have a big red dog benis?

Its okay when the west does it.

So this is basically Rust?


that's his foot you fucking dumbass

ahahaha his face is fucking priceless