You will buy her game, right Sup Forums?
You guys aren't racists... r-right?
You will buy her game, right Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am racist
Thats not why Im not buying it though.
i don't even know name of the game
i slept when it happened so would you kindly say what game is she from?
Why the fuck would I want to play as a monkey? I already have Winston from Overwatch. Thanks, but no thanks.
bet she sukka mean dikk tho
Donkey Kong Horizon
>tfw boycott and/or pirate all games with a non-white in a prominent role
It's a good feel wieldning this power
He was weird, but good. Too bad I can't run after him to stop him
If you can get hard off that face sucking you
Fuck it's Nic Nat
Don't worry, I will take good care of your hurting the shit out of her, I am gonna feed her McDonalds and make her watch Raw Deal all day.
I know right, only a RACIST could possibly dislike this game.
Why do they keep hiring her? How does she keep getting work?
I was interested until it turned out to be feminist propaganda.
On a related note, why shouldn't I be racist? It's socially acceptable and encouraged to be racist against me, so why should I approve of people that don't approve of me? I don't see the advantages of that.
This whole game is a giant WE
>wow, racist and sexist much
All the damn time user and i'm ok with it.
You know, developing this kind of game and posting these kinds of threads will get people beaten and killed when this all boils over.
Just know that you'll be partially responsible.
Uhh... racist and sexist much?
>who fights for and beside people of all races.
Why do they feel the need to include race? Isn't it better and easier to just say "fight for and beside all people?
of course
>black characters
this meme hasn't died yet?
looks like the bolivian girl from my neighbourhood LMAO
>What's that? You're not obsessive about race? Are you some kind of racist?
>can't post: duplicate file
I am going to buy it when it's cheap, it'll be fun at least right?
Ahh, yes. Thank you user. I forgot these people are retarded.
>circular logic
Is that Tyler the Creator?
Of course. I'm not a racist, sexist misogynist.
When all modern western games become diversity fun fests and Japan stops making traditional games for mobile games, what will Sup Forums do with themselves?
I thought you played as this chick?
bait & switch
It looks like they squashed Michael Clark Duncan's face.
you automatically assume she is the protagonist, just because she is white and she is the main character?
fucking racists here I swear
America is slowly becoming National Socialist, and not because of Trump either
Play old games
Oh wait I already do that all day.
Oh wow, triggered.
Fucking guerilla, kanker amsterdam.
One day it will be a reversed waterlinie and we will flood the randstad in case of war. More effective against the anglos anyway.
No its not, non-whites outnumber whites in every generation besides boomers and older. America is gonna become Brazil tier in a few decades.
Where is she from? As in... which video
Now post the non-shoped imagem where she has her natural bulldog chin
wow she looks just like a chick I know
What are you on about nederkind
That's SO Raven
>the face animations
>the jittering
Metro puts this shit to shame.
>dat Bioware-tier animation on Aloy as she turns with robot-like grace
>Sonyponies are going to claim the "twist" of Aloy being part-robot explains how janky she is and say it's 12/10 kino level meta-gaming
Sonyfats are a blight upon humanity
so you saying we was androids and shit ?
>this passes for triple A animations
Holy shit
Oh man I can't wait, this game is gonna be fantastic. Just finishing up Gravity Rush 2, gonna move to this and after that Nier. What a great few months playing games while nintendrones shitpost endlessly as they have nothing and will have nothing but zelda the entire year. Feels good to enjoy video games.
>Realism in video games is goo-
Reported for promoting bestiality
>character named alloy is secretly a robot
Even Todd would laugh at that, embarrassing for Sonyggers desu.
I just realized the girl on the left can't close her mouth. Her lower lip just hangs there.
Her name is actually aoy, the two LL's are silent.
I will not buy this game because it really sucks.
Please Sony, give us more Team Ico, Uncharted and Gravity Rush and less Last of Us and Horizon something.
>game is about a diverse hunter society where all the leaders are "strong wyman"
some things donĀ“t add up here
Miss Horizon, I mean, Helsinki.
>no matter how many times you retweet and tell Zoe Quinn/Anita to SLAY QUEEN, they will never lick the smegma off your unused cock
shh, no tears
lmao the gift that keeps on giving
Not wanting to play a game that hits my uncanny valley and has a setting I don't care for doesn't make me a racist. It makes me a person who doesn't want to spent 70 bucks on a shitty time.
She looks like a literal animal, it's disgusting.
More like Miss Smellstinky
Reminder: Actual african women are more attractive.
Yes, and they belong in African nations amongst their own. Where they are most beautiful.
Reminder: this is the only context in which you can ever use this sentence.
So when are white europeans in America going to go back to europe?
Sure but they'll be taking everything they created and built with them, same goes for Africa.
I like black women.
Not the one in the OP, though. That just looks awful and this just makes everything worse.
wow... so this.. is the power... of... western developers... designing females... woah
I literally don't know what that even means, drone. Must be a nintendrone thing.
>b-but nintendo
This is a horizon thread.
>"I did not hit her, I did nooot... Oh hi mark."
I unironically like women of all races. Not DESPITE their ethnicities, but BECAUSE of it. It makes them interesting somehow, I can't really explain it.
That being said, the woman in OP's image is not attractive, but I admit that for me it has more to to with the general uncanny valley effect caused by the voice acting/animations, rather than her facial features.
Basically what you said x2
This character is not appealling to me.