It's time to discuss the best RPG ever.
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
There are much more flattering pictures of that game, why do keep posting this one?
Stop with this thread already.
You guys heard of the new content coming out? Is it standalone or a part of the game like Postal did it?
Are you actually going to say something?
>playing skyrim on low graphic settings
Pc master race lmao
Okay, let's go.
That's not Fallout 4
>challenging and unforgiving combat
>comfy as hell
>amazing music
>dense atmosphere
>challenging quests
>no holding hand
>great NPCs
>Interesting and funny dialogues
>amazing world design and attention to details
>great character development
There is just something magical about the world
New content for a 15 years old game?
What the fuck are you talking about?
who? lol
Now I'm curious as well.
Don't you mean the DX11 patch?
Shame that Oblivion was such a letdown after glorious Morrowind.
Please never ever stop making Gothic threads. This game needs more discussion.
Not a patch, heard from a friend they are making some kinda DLC to it "tales of Khorinis" or something like that.
Yeah, that actually happens. Look up Postal, after the disaster of the 3rd one they got back to 2nd and put more content into it.
I'm going to check it out.
I seriously hope you're not fucking with me.
Let's all laugh at Elex
Why is the sect camp so underrated? They are the most unique and have the best atmosphere.
The Sect camp is the best in terms of atmopshere, especially at night, Old Camp is comfy but they're retarded cucks, New Camp is ugly as fuck but they're the only ones who are actually trying to get something done
Piranha Bytes is dead for me.
They tripped hard with Gothic 3, but I still liked it.
Then they put out hot garbage nobody asked for three times in a row instead of trying to fix Gothic and now this shit.
I keep seeing this thread every single day. As someone who has never played Gothic 2, is it still good by todays standard? Will i enjoy it if I enjoyed Morrowind?
Depends on what you liked about Morrowind.
Yes, and yes
Controls are not what you're used to, instead of clicking a mouse button to attack you hold a mouse button, and press WSAD to attack in different patterns.
It plays good enough for people to mostly focus on making it not look old.
There is a bunch of HD and remodel mods and even a DX11 renderer making it look pretty nice for a game from 2002.
I specifically liked the atmosphere, the foreign culture and the way the quests were handled with the log book. It really gave me a sense of immersion.
Is it playable with a controller?
>Is it playable with a controller?
it is possible, but not playable
Quests are handled quite well but not on Morrowind's level.
Gothic 2 has journals too and is very immersive
The difference between the two games is that Morrowind is fairly easy and Gothic is insanely difficult and as a new player you will get raped by every single enemy in the game even a rat
Did you really hate Risen?
For me it was a return to what made Gothic I-II good in the first place.
Which is why I don't get how Risen 2 and 3 turned out to be inexcusable garbage.
Gothic 2's quest are much better than Morrowind's tho, because Morrowind's quest feel generic, and Gothic's quest feel like they actually have a purpose in the world
Personally I felt it was the opposite.
Never tried it but why not?
When I first played Gothic II, I thought it was designed for a controller.
I'd have to try for myself how the soft lock works, but other than that I thick it'd be perfect for a controller.
>Did you really hate Risen?
Not from the start. It actually did feel like they are trying to restart making cool RPG's.
Although the world didn't really grab my attention everything felt new and exciting.
Then the game ended out of nowhere.
I'm not even commenting on 2nd and 3rd game.
>specifically liked the foreign culture
Gothic is the polar opposite of that. It's immersive because it's low-key and believable. People have everyday problems and you provide everyday solutions. Compared to Morrowind, all aspects of Gothic feel barebones but what it does, it does pretty well.
The UI was archaic even by 2002 standards, but it works. Character development is only explained through conversation and you have to try for yourself to see. If you manage to get over these, I don't see why you wouldn't love it.
I think the chapters give you a false sense of pace. The problem is that by the time the plot gets going, you'll have explored most of what the game has to offer.
Getting from Chapter 1 to 2 (or 2 to 3, I don't remember) makes up 60% of the content, from then on you can rush through the game in hours. If you expect every chapter to take as long as the first (two), of course you'll be disappointed.
>that combat
How is it worse than Gothic 1?
That's not dark souls you tard
not gothshit
>that movement
>those animations
>stamina bar and rolls
>that framerate
pls don't tell me they mean to release this anytime soon
fucking embarassing
I haven't finished Risen 1 yet, why do people hate 2 and 3?
Also, I've not tried G3 again after it was such shit on release but a friend assures me it's fine now after patches
>start Gothic 2 with Addon
>suddenly even wolves rape me to death in a few hits
>become crafty in how to avoid encounters or grabbing all gold and equipments together
>finally minmaxed enough to the turning point and figured out enemy behaviour
>blow through the game
>become dragon slayer kingpin of everything
it will probably get canceled, I'm sure the devs can see what piece of shit they're creating
>video is from last month
>animations are placeholders since they'll be done by a different studio
But it's RPG who cares about animation, right? Oh, not anymore
2 and 3 were very different from Gothic
that's it, people loved Risen because it tried to emulate Gothic 1,2
their solution to shields being OP (you can only hold a shiled up for 2,5 second at a time) is weird and gamey as all hell but apart from that, it really makes the game worth playing
apart from the clusterfuck vanilla combat, Gothic 3 is a surprisingly good game
well-designed areas
goat music
a worthy ending to the story
I could go on for hours explaining why Risen 2 and 3 are shit, just trust me and stay away from that pile of shit
>join the monastery in G2
>become Mage
>All the paladins become your little bitches
no other game did factions right, G1 and G2 really gave you a sense that you belonged to the ranks of the faction you joined
the problem with Gothic 3 is that except for that, everything else sucked dicks
>factions were shallow as fuck
>combat was pants down retarded
>magic system was awful
>old characters changed their personalities
>main story quest was really bad and uninteresting
I still remember the fucking Boar/Wolves spamming attacks to my death
>worthy ending to a story
Not gonna spoiler that shit but it was so bad it inspired ME3
It was good because they didn't pretend like all thre factions are equal.
you join a mercenary band that's profiteering off a peasant rebellion? don't be surprised if people treat you like you're bottom feeding trash
you're a priest of Innos? all the decent townspeople become your bitchbois
Hot opinion coming through: I think it looks good
Combat looks exactly like Mars: War Logs (or Technomancer I guess, haven't played that yet) which is fine
I just hope they don't fall into the modern game trap of making a giant open world instead of an interesting one like Gothic games
>not helping Lee get his revenge
>not getting the hell out of Dodge with your pal the necromancer
I loved it.
makes me wanna play gothic 2 again, but all i remember is barely being able to kill anything
is it worth trying again?
What the fuck did they do to him?
2 is a step back in everything (yes, even graphics - the growing LOD vegetation is absolutely mind-boggling) and is simply not fun to play due to the awful combat and game mechanics.
3 was kinda alright but overall halfbaked and they had a lot of good ideas like the sea monster battles but the execution was often flawed.
It's also incredibly easy and you had to deliberately gimp yourself to make it somewhat challenging.
The world design was really good, though, with a lot of secrets and hidden stuff to find.
everything is supposed to rape you at the beginning if you're a new player
but then if you have mastered the combat and know the enemy attack patterns you can beat most things no problem at low lvl
I should replay Risen
Am I right in remembering that the quickest way to become a mage is immediately getting captured by the guys at the start who you're supposed to avoid, skipping basically the entire early game?
Fuck, I love how Gothic-like this was
yeah, especially if you don't remember it much
at the start you are weak as fuck, especially as a mage, but you'll get stronger and stronger and become an unstoppable killing machine
feels great, sense of progression was GOAT in these games, especially when a bunch of wolves try to kill you and don't even deal damage because your armor is too good
that's not gothic 3
Slowly transformed him into a mexican.
>have to get an orc axe early for some quest (joining the guard faction or whatever? I don't quite remember)
>if you actually try to resolve the fight by killing the orc, it's insanely difficult
>later on, travel to the second zone
>slaughtering orcs left and right
>4th one
is that angry joe?
resolve the quest*
Stop chilling your youtube channel user
They didn't have Gothic back then
Wasn't there this addon to Gothic 3 made by Indians which somehow managed to be less stable than day 1 Gothic 3?
best thing is that you can find an abandoned orc axe in a cave and it will get you the quest completed
that quest is so that you can become the blacksmith's apprentice and become able to join the militia
funny thing is that the blacksmith seems really suspicious about you killing an orc if you bring him the weapon that way
it's the little things
not entirely sure, but i think if you get captured you can only join the inquisition, not the mages, so you get crystals but not practical spells
which faction is the most fun? i've always been a more melee / stealth oriented person in RPGs but being a mage and being above everyone sounds fun
>not luring the orc out of the cave and bringing him to the city guards so they can kill him
Yeah that's what I meant by "if you actually try to resolve the quest by killing an orc"
Isn't there even a way to just pretend to have gotten it? I might be making that up
Don't forget the loot system, most containers were filled with spoons and torches and weapons you looted from enemies only had half the attack power.
Where's the mega
Fuck that, whenever I have to do that quest I go to that one hunter and ask him to come hunting with me, he kills everything for me and he kills an orc that's deep in the forest near southern gate, I also get wolf skins for another quest
Haven't played Gothic 2 yet, but why does the MC start out weak after all the power he acquired in the first part?
Rocks dropped on him
Real, non-asspull answer: It's a videogame
the three factions are pretty close in fun, but I'd say the Monastery is the most interesting (and closely to Canon I would say)
the test, the quest to bring the sheep to join in, and learning spells little by little, observing the daily life in the monastery...
late-game you can destroy everything as a mage
Paladins are not that bad but I did not find it that fun, as a mercenary you later join the dragon hunters or something like that, and I don't see that path really joining a faction, it's more of "I need money so I'll join this guys"
Paladin is for "REMOVE ORC" memes
but flavor wise? Mages
Fuck this looks like a game from 2007 with fan-made graphics overhaul.
Is the mage questline the one that makes you kill the giant fucking troll that is so big it's drawn in on the map?
Oh no, muh grafix
>come upon an orc scout (weakest orc found in the game) in a cave near the town's rear gate
>lure it to the entrance
>guards are able to kill it, just barely
>one of them actually dies
>ninja that orc axe like a motherfucker
>make a self-forged sword that BTFOs the pirate's cutlass
oh yes it was a good feel
supposedly you were basically ded, Xardas revived you but didn't have enough strength to revive you full power
basically, ass-pull
it's worse in Gothic 3, they basically tell you "the long journey dulled your skills"
yes, I somehow forgot how to fucking rain fire from the sky by staying in a boat too much
How's it stack up against Risen? I don't think I have the time or patience to finish Gothic 2
IIRC the magic armor you wore saved you from the rocks that dropped onto you for a couple of weeks but it drained your strength (and somehow skills) in the process.
I just crafted the burning sword (which was fucking stupid design btw) and finished the 1st zone that way
the combat is so braindead a monkey could play it and finished it on hard
Marvin actually dies
X just doesn't want you to freak out about it so he tells you you got "weakened" after being unconscious for so long
Imagine Gothic 1 but you play as a girl.
How are thing going with that huge Polish mod? I lost the link
with the community patch you can adjust the number of enemies that can engage you at the same time
that helps a lot
you get made slave and get pounded by Gomez every night
enjoy it
what, like flashing to thirsty convicts and sucking Gorn's BSC (Big Southerner Cock)
I'm playing Gothic 2 now after only playing Risen 1, 2 and 3, and it literally feels like the exact same game as Risen. There's three factions instead of the three in Risen. There's the Magicians at the Monastery, The Mercenaries in the wild, and then there's the town guard (Sound familiar?). The first thing you have to do is figure out how to get into the nearby town, where you have to do quests for the locals to get enough renown to join the faction of your choice. If you like Risen 1, you'll like Gothic 2, but from my perspective it's a solid step down. The combat in Risen 1 is a whole lot better and I just like the feel of the world in general more, but it's still like basically the exact same game.
wait wat
>gothic sequel
also, Forsaken Gods and Arcania never happened
Anyone get a list of some recommended old school RPGs? Don't have my desktop right now and all I got is a toaster from around 2010.
play Gothic and Gothic II in case it wasn't obvious
because Risen was an attempt to recreate gothic, everything was the same, but worse than Gothic
also combat in Risen is shit
>also combat in Risen is shit
Compared to Gothic 2 that shit is revolutionary. Play it again sometime and then see how the combat stacks up compared to Risen.